>: is about. Look at the Subject line.  The topic is abc bracketed
>: notation.   The  melody  note  in a chord is the one that a
>: player plays.  There's nothing deeper than that.

I started only with this topic because I saw there was some
applications which begun to use a notation I find conveniant. In
fact I didn't noticed the ones that care only about playing abc
(like AbcMus or Abc2midi), but for some times ago when I
discovered Abc I thought it was natural to write such [G,4C4e2]
chords. I noticed then the programs I'm using to display
partitions (Yaps, and later Abcm2ps) couldn't handle this, and in
fact it was not allowed in the Abc draft, so I gave up with this.
Of course I think to use 2 or more voices is easier, clearer,
better than this notation, but on the other hand it seems logical
to have it in the "Abc draft" (for some special cases). Then I saw
Abacus and Skink could handle this very well so that's why I
talked about it. Sorry if it has taken so much proportions.

I think Phil Taylor resumes well the problem :

>I really think we're wasting a lot of time on this.
>The only use for it is to notate an odd chord or brief passage
>of double-stopping in a piece which is otherwise monophonic.

I would just add : ...in a piece which is otherwise monophonic, or
in multivoice to avoid to use one more voice for a brief passage.

So I hadn't in mind if the first note, or longer note had to
prevail, I wanted just to a conveniant way to notate some chords
as they are required in some guitar or piano partitions.

I think Abacus actual notation is all that I expected : it
supports also tied notes in those chords, so there was no problem
for writing all sorts of chords. It's up to the transcriber to
write something which make sense. For the "note prevail" issue, I
can't really give my opinion, I don't know in fact. Maybe shortest
note prevails would permit more flexibility because it permits to
stop to think about the chord if there is just a few chords within
the measure bar. Example :

[A6c6e2(b] c')(b a)g (fe) [A2d2f2] [c2z] e |

(I don't know how slurs would react if it's the "melody note is
the first in chord)

Another issue is the one about the [G,,B,,D,]8

>There is a considerable benefit: brevity.  If you've written many
>melody&bass pieces, you'll have done a helluva lot of
>stuff that would have been more readably written [G,,B,,D,]8 . 
>have had several postings in this list over the years from people
>who've tried to do that and been surprised to find it didn't
>It's so intuitively sensible that it *ought* to work.

That's true it's clearer to read, and quicker to type. Will it be
adopt such ?
So it would also mean [G,,B,,2D,]4 == [G,,4B,,8D,4]

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