John Chambers wrote:
> But I've never found any information telling me how  to  update  that
> link to my code.

When I started the abc project, you could ftp to the server where the 
webpage files are, but not anymore. You should use `scp' instead. An 
explanation on how to use it can be found here: 
This is a document explaining how to start a SF project.

An excerpt, adapted to the abc project and John's username:

5. Setup your group's web site.

I'll assume that you have some sort of web page or site built already 
that you wish to put up on SourceForge to give your group a public face. 
Login to SourceForge using SSH, for example ;

ssh -l chambers

you will now be in your home directory. All group files are stored in a 
directory structure for each project. The group directory structure is 
split out by the first, then first and second, letters of the project 
name. From here all group files are stored in /home/groups/a/ab/abc. 
Change to this directory. All your web pages are stored in the htdocs 
directory. Going in here will contain index.php, which is a blank page 
that says you haven't uploaded a web page yet. Logout, and copy the 
files for your web page using scp, a program which comes with ssh. For 

scp localfile [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/groups/a/ab/abc/htdocs/

I suggest you gzip up your site, send it in one go using scp, then login 
with ssh and gunzip it.

Hope this helps... Have fun,


Bert Van Vreckem

If Bill Gates had a penny for each time Windows crashed...
Wait a minute! He does!

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