
>> The thing I've gotten used to with ABC2win is the ability to
>> switch between ABC and graphical out put to check what I'm doing. Is that
>> possible with the .ps arrangement?
>Nope. That's the major shortcoming of this whole abc2ps scheme.

Interested folks might try looking at Guido Gonzato's JedABC. Version 1.9.6
looks like it's available at SourceForge; I haven't checked to see if that's
the latest. Anyway, it hooks up an abc editor with a midi player and screen
display of the rendered score. It's one of the first things I tried to use
w/abc and it works pretty well for me. The various windows don't all update
automatically w/my setup under Solaris, but updating is usually a matter of
2-3 keystrokes. You can leave the auxiliary view windows open, so you can
hear/see what's happening as you go along. I obviously use it under UNIX but
it's supposed to work and hook into related things that work under Windows.


Mark Williams
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