On Monday 23 June 2003 5:06 pm, Jean-Francois Moine wrote:

> - in the header:
>       % -- draw "any" indication
>       %%postscript /displaycustom {   % usage: len x y displaycustom
>       %%postscript    exch -9 add exch 2 copy
>       %%postscript    M 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont texttodisplay
> show
>       %%postscript    M 0 6 rlineto currentpoint stroke M
>       %%postscript     30 add 0 rlineto currentpoint stroke M
>       %%postscript     0 -6 rlineto stroke
>       %%postscript } bdef
>       %%postscript /texttodisplay () def
> - in the tune:
>       %%postscript /texttodisplay (some text) def
>       .. !1(!ABc!1)!d ..

This is similar to what I've ended up doing.  However, I've changed the header 
routine to accept the text as an argument; this means I can call the routine 
before the line is draw with whatever text, size, and position I like.  This 
isn't as bad as it sounds, though it does mean a fair bit of tweaking the 
output to get everything in place.  It also lets me do the nesting easily 

> If there is more than one indication in the line, you should define
> so many macros and decorations with different text variables :(.

I thought about doing this for about 30 nanoseconds, and just went *no*.

Thanks for all the suggestions, on and off-list.  It's (mostly *g*) made 
things a lot clearer.


PS If anyone would actually like to see the tortured mess of postscript I've 
come up with, let me know and I'll pass on a copy.
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