I dug around a bit more late last evening. I'm not sure that I understand all that I know about this. It seems that VM may sort of go away come the first of the year. For more 'enlightnment', see:




It would seem that peaceful co-existence of VM and JRE would be the prudent route.


At 07:01 AM 7/5/2003, Steve Mansfield wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bert Van Vreckem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Don Whitener wrote:
As a side, someone told me that XP has a built-in JRE. Do you have any knowledge of this? Would separate installation of JRE still be necessary? I have dug around a bit at Microsoft, but have not yet found an answer.

Microsoft's VM is not 100% compatible with the one from Sun. I strongly suggest using the latter. Or maybe you should try the one from MS and let us know whether it works or not... ;-)

Been there, done that, installed the Sun JRE! Some stuff (my online banking for one) just won't work with the MS VM, and just about any serious browsing with Opera requires the Sun JRE.

The two VMs do seem to co-exist quite happily though, and the machine seems to quite happily decide whether it's going to use the MS VM or the Sun one.

All IME, YMMV of course ...

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