I use this abc for obtaining, sending, transcribing and printing tunes - I use emacs/xemacs as editor with abc-mode and then to produce top quality printed music I use jcabc2ps - what is *wrong* with the abc2ps's ?? - I like to use software that does one job - but does it very, very well.

Grump over.

--On Wednesday, July 16, 2003 07:55:53 +0200 Guido Gonzato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Statement #2. My goodness, at last! Isn't it time we declare programs like abc2ps or abc2mtex _obsolete_ and _unsupported_? Isn't it time the ABC home page warned people against using these old programs? Why people still use abc2ps beats me.

As long as we make the new ABC standard upwards compatible with 1.7.6,
there is no problem at all. And about those broken old ABC files, I remind
you that abcpp can fix most of them!

Iain (Jethro) Anderson - DBA (ISYS) University of Bristol Pigsty Morris City Clickers Step and Clog Instep Research Team Insword Rapper

"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance"
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