On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 10:39:14AM +0100, Phil Taylor wrote:
> >construct a new situation. It's where we've always been. Maybe it would
> >be necessary (maybe it would be an improvement) to tell a program
> >explicitly whether a user wanted to read abc2win or standard.
> That's what I'm doing for the next release.  I thought this would be
> quite easy (just do it in the preprocessor), but it turns out there
> are a few gotchas.

I'm sure :-/

Can of worms.

>  G6  B6 | G6 B6 | E4 EG E4 G2 |M:3/4 F4 G2 |M:6/4 (B6 B6) |]
> which is worse than the original.
> So plan B was to first locate each in-tune fields and substitute [
> for the preceding newline and ] for the following newline before doing
> plan A.  That gives this:
>  G6  B6 | G6 B6 | E4 EG E4 G2 |[M:3/4] F4 G2 |[M:6/4] (B6 B6) |]
> which is fine until you meet a tune with consecutive fields:
> M:6/4
> L:1/8
> ...
> By the time the preprocessor gets to the L: field, the preceding
> newline has been replaced by ].
> Plan C has a workaround for that, locating consecutive fields and
> substituting ][ for the newline between them.

How about, a first pass locates all fields and wraps them in [], and
then do the newlines after ?

> There are lots of other errors though.
> How about
> K: B_
> or the ones which have bare inline fields with no delimiters at
> all?

*sigh* I know.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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