On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 10:55:03AM +0200, Guido Gonzato wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Jack Campin wrote:
> > >> Richard's tunebook is the only ABC file I've got on this machine that
> > >> requires me to increase BarFly's memory allocation above the default
> > >> (and it's very slow to load).
> > > This is the old Mac systems issue, is it, of having to specify memory
> > > for each program individually ?
> > 
> > It's not a big problem for any modern machine.  I think I could
> > probably use your file as is even on my usual library-transcribing
> > laptop (with all of 12Mb), but I try not to allocate more memory
> > to programs than is strictly necessary.
> Richard's collection loads in no noticeable time using JedABC; and I can
> jump to whatever tune I want instantly. On a 400Mhz, 64 Mb RAM Celeron :-)

It was A Mac Thing ... it used to be necessary to allocate memory
individually to each program on a system, and when my files got above
a certain size (now I think about it, it must have been the html-ised
indexes, rather than the abc itself ? I can't remember, and it probably
doesn't matter) they were exceeding the amount allocated to the browser.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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