Phil Taylor writes:
| Section 2.1.2, the paragraph on Global accidentals could at
| least mention the possibility of adding these to the key signature
| rather than dotting them through the tune as an option.

Since this is one of the things I've implemented, I was also thinking
of suggesting some modifications. Actually, I think the section could
be  improved  by  shortening  it.   The  suggestion  of  putting  the
accidentals  before notes is best simply dropped.  Then you might end
up with something like:

   Global accidentals can also be set in  this  field  so  that,  for
   example,  K:Amix=g would write the key signature as two sharps and
   one natural (on the g space).  Note that the there can be  several
   global  accidentals, each specified with an accidental, `__', `_',
   `=', `^' or `^^', (see below) followed by a letter in lower  case.
   Global accidentals are overridden by accidentals attached to notes
   within the body of the abc tune and are reset by  each  change  of

This leaves ambiguous just where the accidentals are to be drawn.  We
might mention this explicitly with something like:

  Such accidentals are usually written as part of the  key  signature
  at the left of each staff. Optionally, they may be drawn before the
  notes in the tune.

I'd have a few uses for this if it were implemented  (and  I've  been
thinking of doing that with my personal abc2ps clone).  I'd also have
uses for an option that put all the  accidentals  before  the  notes,
with  no  key  signature at all.  This could come in handy in writing
musical teaching documents.

But it might be better to just leave this out.   Such  options  would
only  be found in a few advance programs.  You might also find useful
things like unrolling repeats.  But it's  hardly  worthwhile  wasting
words in the standard talking about such things.

I've also found the phrase "explicit key signature" more useful than
"global accidentals", though I don't suppose that's a real big deal.

Careful readers might note that I also  dropped  the  old  standard's
requirement that global accidentals be set off by spaces.  There's no
real reason to require this, just as we don't require that the  tonic
and the mode be separated by a space.  I wonder if it would be useful
to explicitly state that these spaces are optional.

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