In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steven Bennett


Coming from a background of having written a variety computer communications
protocols and APIs, it's fairly clear to me that the real key to writing any
new specification is adding some identifier that says that the tune conforms
to the new specification. For example, maybe something like:


I believe this is good idea as well. Lots of well-known, widely used text-based file formats include a version identifier: XML, PDF, Postscript. HTTP even identifies it's version.

I'd like to see a syntax such as "%%ABC 3.0.0" . This features a full version number with major, minor, and even-more-minor components, affording a lot of flexibility for continued updating.

I also support Steve's comments as a whole. This new ABC specification should be clear, internally consistent, and unambiguous. Then, historians will be able to look back and write that with the 2.0 specification, the ABC developer community pulled together and really clarified the file format.


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