On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 07:19:17PM +0000, John Chambers wrote:
> Richard Robinson writes:
> | On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 05:32:51PM +0000, John Chambers wrote:
> | >
> | > K:_B    has no tonic, but a signature, which is _B.  Maybe it's F or Dm.
> |
> | This last has the potential to be misunderstood, I think. The key
> | signature would be
> | K:Bb ?
> |
> | Easy to mis-type, or misunderstand.
> Don't look now, but we already have that problem. I've seen
> a fair number of abc tunes with key signatures like K:_B or
> K:^Fm, where the person  was  obviously  confused  on  this
> issue.   It's  too  bad  that  abc  copied  the traditional
> confused notation.  I suppose the people who do  this  will
> eventually  figure  out  why abc programs produce the wrong
> key signature with their tunes.
> This confusion is probably not helped by an extension  that
> makes K:Bb and K:_B both legal but with different meanings.
> But since it's exactly the same sort of confusion  that  is
> in  conventional  music notation, the same sort of learning
> experience applies to both.

Yes. A case where the usual recommendation that parsers be liberal in
what they read could, given the extension, have unfortunate results.

But not if they implement it, of course.

> Now if there were only a way  to  make  conventional  music
> notation more rational ...

Then it would become unconventional notation ?

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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