On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, John Chambers wrote:

> I. Oppenheim  writes:
> | I've now also updated the ties and slurs section of
> | http://www.joods.nl/~chazzanut/abc/abc2-draft.html
> | to give PNG examples of nested slurs.
> | Please have a look to see if you can agree.
> It's getting to look better and better.
Thank you! With the help of you all the result will
look even better.

> One thing I noticed missing:  The  repeat  section  doesn't
> mention the N-times-through notation like
> |::  ...  ::|   % Play this three times.
> |::: ... :::|   % Play this four times.

These are already in the standard:

By extension, |:: and ::| mean the start and end of a
section that is to be repeated three times, and so on.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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