From: "I. Oppenheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] ABC Standard 2.0 revision III
> On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Arent Storm wrote:
> > For the church-modes part I agree, the explicit
> > accidental signature will confuse anyone trying to
> > play the music from paper (except for the authors
> > band perhaps)....
> Klezmer musicians all use explicit key sigs
I' think that observation is 'wishfull' thinking.
Some do, some(most?) don't (including me)
and even more don't bother as they don't play from paper...

> and so do musicologists. 
The fact that you *can* bend music-notation-conventions
at will (you can very easily when notating by hand)
doesn't mean that you *should*, just to accommodate 
each need as it arises. You will do the intended audience
more of a favor when you stick to established conventions
with respect to notation. 

Compare musicology with fonology.
While fonologists can read eachothers notations, mere 
human beings mostly won't. 
The same will hold for musicologists.
I think of abc as a languge for musicians, not a language
made for musicologists leaving most of the musicians in 
the dark when using obscure features.

Musicians are lucky because the written language they
use is legible all over the world (because of the notation
> In fact, it are only clasically trained musicians
that excludes me for sure
> that get confused from this notation, 
I'm getting confused every time...
> because they do not understand how non-western 
> scales are structured.
I know, but still get confused and make 
unneccesary mistakes on encounting explicit key sigs

But don't get me wrong, the arising abc-standard is
a nice thing (it should of course refrain from weird
things like exlicit key-sigs) ;-)

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