Bryan Creer comments:
| Richard Robinson wrote -
| >The standard says "It is also possible
| >to specify a complex meter". Bwahaha. jcabc2ps will accept both 4i/4 and
| >4/4i without complaint, but only displays the 1st of these correctly.
| >Interesting.
| I think you will find that, with a little rearrangement, 4/4i is equal to
| -4i/4.  Negative Meter?  Tricky.  "Play this piece backwards from the beginning."
|  Technically, since neither of these has a real component, they are not
| really complex but completely imaginary.

Indeed,  what  I've  had  jcabc2ps  do  with   complex   rhythms   is
canonicalize  them by multiplying both terms by the complex conjugate
of the denominator. In a purely imaginary case like M:4/4i, this does
reduce  to M:-4i/4.  But I'm starting to think that maybe this wasn't
such a good idea.  For example, for  the  reasonably  straightforward
M:(3+4i)/(4+2i),  it  reduces to M:(20-2i)/12.  While this may be the
complex equivalent, there are nonetheless some serious problems  with
mapping rhythms based on twelvth notes into standard staff notation.

Perhaps truly complex rhythms are best left as is.  In any case, I do
think that this is something perhaps best left for a future standard.
Meanwhile, maybe we can involve a few more practitioners  of  complex
rhythms.   We  also  should include those who play the pure imaginary
music, too.  We wouldn't want them to feel left out,  though  we  may
find  that  they are not too willing to corrupt their art through the
involvement of those who work with real music.

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