On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 12:25:19AM -0400, Tom Keays wrote:
> The system Phil proposes below wouldn't work at all for me.  That is to say,
> I know I wouldn't use it even if he went to the trouble to implement it.
> > I think, therefore, that I can only support them if they are placed
> > immediately adjacent to the tune to which they apply - either immediately
> > before the X:, or at the end of the tune before the blank line which
> > indicates its end.

Umm. Somebody's already mentioned the TuneFinder here, haven't they ?
And it's a point - An app that picks selections of tunes out of an abc
file would treat the 2 cases differently, no ?

T:What ?
aaa aaa|]

and the parser kicks in at the X: and the tune is extracted starting
with the X:, the %%newpage isn't part of the tune. But

T:What ?
aaa aaa|]

and the parser stops on the blank line, the %%newpage is extracted as part
of the tune. I'm not sure this is desirable behaviour ?

It runs into a much more general question, actually - if you re-order
tunes in an ABc file, how do you handle any interposed non-ABC text,
where should it go ? I don't think there's a clean answer to this.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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