> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 19:45:21 +0100
> From: Richard Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Some of the abc2ps %% commands don't properly fall under the
> > "formatting" classification.


> > But most of abc2ps's %% commands are for control of formatting.
> Yes. But mostly, at least, display-related. Some of them
> are tune-specific, some of them work on the page level.
> And then there's %%propagate-accidentals which has a musical meaning.

I hesitate to open this can of worms, but perhaps the standard could
separate commands into:

%%display command

"command" is intended for all applications that display music.

%%play command

"command" is intended for all applications that play music.

%%global command

"command" is intended for all applications.

%%anythingelse command

"command" is intended for those applications that recognise it, and can
be safely ignored by other applications.  (Such as the %%MIDI commands.)

(The last of these is already in the standard.)

This would make it easier for each program to decide which command
set(s) it would need to interpret.

Obviously, the standard would have to enumerate the set of existing
%%command commands, which would have to be grandfathered.  E.g.,
%%newpage would continue to work, but the preferred form would become
%%display newpage Similarly, the preferred form of
%%propagate-accidentals would become %%global propagate-accidentals

This seems so simple that I must be forgetting some obvious reason that
it couldn't work.  Can anyone enlighten me?

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