As I remember, the real problems with the continuation---apart
from the incompatibility of 1.6 and 2.0---come when there was a mixed bag:  
several staves, lyrics, etc.  In that case, there are natural musical
groupings, and there was a discussion on how, or whether, to have "smart
continuations" which would work on a whole group, or within a group.  A
few ideas were suggested. Barry Say made a fairly far-reaching proposal
for doing this, but I don't think the discussion continued much beyond
that point.

John Walsh 

Steve Bennett writes:

>I'm in the process of writing Yet Another ABC Parser as part of a larger
project I've been working on for a while.  (There are umpteen jillion
reasons why I'm not using an existing parser - the biggest being this one 
written in Objective C, but that's besides the point...)

Ideally I'd like this to be able to handle files which conform to ABC 1.6,
ABC 1.7.6, and the ABC 2.0 draft spec (dated Aug 14, 2003), but there are
numerous little quirks and differences.

The quirk I'm wrestling with today is Continuation Lines, which seems to 
the biggest single area (and the biggest can of worms on the list archive)
where the 1.6 & 1.76 specs seriously conflict with the 2.0 draft spec.
Files written one way will parse ONLY if you use the 1.6/1.7.6 method, and
files written another way will parse ONLY with the 2.0 method.  And I 
see any mechanism (short of a good AI) to figure out which way during the
parse.  So I'm going to implement both and allow the user to decide which 
use via a runtime switch.

So...  The 2.0 continuation line specification is almost trivial to
implement.  The only area which could use a bit of clarification there is
it's effect during History fields.  For example:

H: This is some history

This continues the history
So does this
And this too %%and this isn't an xcommand
% But is this a comment? If you display
% the history field, is it included?
% I believe the answer should be No...

And what about this? X \
Would this appear on the same line as the "X" \
If the history was displayed to the user? (IMHO, Yes)

And here's the real challenge: \ % oh boy
O: Is this the Origin or part of the History?

I think it's part of the history myself
And that *this* line is the last line of the history.
O: This is the real origin...

Does this interpretation of the ABC 2.0 variant make sense?  Comments 
actually part of the history field, and continuations *do* apply?

As for the 1.6 and 1.7.6 specifications, regardless of what program X, Y, 
Z does, the written spec is awfully vague.  I have several possible
approaches to different elements of this, but the basic concept appears to
be that "\" at the end of a line isn't so much a continuation, but a 
break the staff here if you would normally".

Taking that as a given, then "\" would only be meaningful on tune body or
lyric lines, and ignored (possibly generating warnings) on other fields.  
would not allow putting field-like text inside a History field as 
above.  You would also require the "w:" at the start of the continued 
line, unlike 2.0 which would require it NOT be there.  Does anyone see
anything I'm missing here?

The question becomes how to deal with comments.  I saw plenty of 
of whether the "\" is ignored if it follows a comment, or whether it's
invalid if it isn't the very last character on the line.  I guess it 
on whether you look for the "\" first or the comment first.  Is there any
consensus out there as to which is the proper approach when you are 
files using pre-2.0 continuations?  (Or should I make *that* a user switch
as well...)

-->Steve Bennett

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