On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, John Walsh wrote:

>       As I remember, the real problems with the
> continuation---apart from the incompatibility of 1.6
> and 2.0---come when there was a mixed bag:  several
> staves, lyrics, etc.

The bottom line of that discussion was, that
continuations are of not much use in complex scores:
in scores with multiple voices, it is not feasible to
spell out the complete line formatting in the ABC file;
instead the software should take care of it. To
explicitly force the software to introduce a line
break at some places, ABC 2.0 adopted the !-character.

In general, the ABC 1.6 continuation mechanism was
found to be overly complex, so ABC 2.0 replaced it with
a more straightforward and simple mechanism.

 Irwin Oppenheim

 ABC Standard:     http://abc.sourceforge.net/standard/
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