Jon Freeman writes:
| From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > I've seen a couple of sites that have ABC-in-HTML with <p> at the end
| > of each line. This is purposely double spaced, so there's probably no
| > good fix for it.
| If you are talking about filtering the HTML, perhaps this would work for
| dealing with line endings:
| 1. remove all CR and LF characters.
| 2 remove all </p>
| 3 change all <p> to CR/LF
| 4 change all <br> to CR/LF
| I've probably missed something but it's a thought...

That would work for some files, and fail for others. The main problem
is  that  a  lot of ABC-in-HTML tunes use <br> to terminate lines and
<p> to terminate the tune.  This is probably the best way to  do  it.
This means that <p> should expand to two newlines. But that makes the
above example double spaced.  I've also seen  tunes  surrounded  with
<pre>  ...   </pre> tags, with <br> added to the lines.  Either alone
works, but both together produces double-spaced text.

Unfortunately, it takes a fair degree of human-level pattern matching
to  figure out what to do in each case.  No two sites seem to use the
same scheme for embedding ABC inside HTML.  And a scheme  that  works
for one site will mess up some others.

I've basically treated it as hopeless.  My Tune Finder code has  some
simple  heuristics  to  try  to extract ABC from HTML.  But I haven't
found anything that works in all  cases.   The  fact  that  different
browsers  produce different spacing in some cases implies that even a
full  HTML+CSS  parse  can't  be  guaranteed  to  handle   the   task
successfully.  I conclude that it's not worth worrying about.  I just
warn people that ABC inside HTML is not a good idea. If you insist on
doing it, you should expect messages from people who can't figure out
how to use your site's tunes.

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