From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> | 1. remove all CR and LF characters.
> | 2 remove all </p>
> | 3 change all <p> to CR/LF
> | 4 change all <br> to CR/LF
> |
> | I've probably missed something but it's a thought...
> That would work for some files, and fail for others. The main problem
> is  that  a  lot of ABC-in-HTML tunes use <br> to terminate lines and
> <p> to terminate the tune.  This is probably the best way to  do  it.
> This means that <p> should expand to two newlines. But that makes the
> above example double spaced.  I've also seen  tunes  surrounded  with
> <pre>  ...   </pre> tags, with <br> added to the lines.  Either alone
> works, but both together produces double-spaced text.
> Unfortunately, it takes a fair degree of human-level pattern matching
> to  figure out what to do in each case.  No two sites seem to use the
> same scheme for embedding ABC inside HTML.  And a scheme  that  works
> for one site will mess up some others.

Hmm..., Yes..., I see what you mean!

To a limited degree, running a forum, I do change things from what the
textedit box may say to HTML (in my case I just add a <br> and dont use <p>
at all) and reversing it, perhaps to enable easier editing of a thread,  and
attempting (perhaps badly) to cater for HTML wanting a "<" as an opening tag
but abc needing "<" as part of broken rythym notation... BUT, I'm of course
only trying to deal with my own "rules"...


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