Steven Bennett wrote:

[various things snipped]

Mind you, I agree that C structures are somewhat archaic, but they do the
job.  Ideally the output should be a set of objects, but then you'd lose
cross-language portability.

cross-language portability is IMHO a bit of a red herring. Make the datastructures/objects easy to work
with in your target language. I can say quite honestly that C datastructures in memory are of no use to
me as a Java developer - one reason I use Java is to take advantage of garbage collection, which I
would lose with this structure. But then, one reason I wrote Skink was to learn about javacc (parsing
tools) so I wouldn't have used a pre-built parser anyway...

My advice, for what little it's worth, is to build it and publish it, and see where you go...

-->Steve Bennett

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