--- Chris Winne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On
Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 11:24:47PM +0100, Michiel
> Toneman wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Martin,
> > 
> > I can't paste from abiword to vim or gvim. Other
> way around works fine
> > though (and no, I didn't forget to go into insert
> mode in vi ;-) ).
> > 
> > Strange, huh? Is this an issue with the 'true'
> X-clipboard (the ^C ^V)
> > behaviour in for instance Mozilla and the
> 'selection gets stored for
> > middle mouse paste' function. B.t.w. even if I
> select and then ^C in
> > abiword, I can't paste to vim/gvim.
> > 
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > Michiel Toneman
> > 
> > On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 11:39, Martin Sevior wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi Folks,
> > >   I would really like to get to the bottom of
> this. See bug 2348 in
> > > bugzilla.
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > To summerize my investigations:
> > > 
> > > copy and paste works fine with the following
> apps into abiword.
> > > 
> > > emacs
> > > gnome-terminal
> > > netscape
> > > galeon
> > > xterm
> > > konquerer
> > > gnumeric
> > > 
> > > I cannot copy and paste from kword into abiword.
> > > 
> > > Copy and paste works works fine from abiword to:
> > > 
> > > emacs
> > > gnome-terminal
> > > netscape
> > > galeon
> > > xterm
> > > konquerer
> > > gnumeric
> > > kword
> <truncated>
> Hi,
> [OK, I can send this now to nyorp.abisource.com. 
> Although nyorp.abisource.com 
> and abisource.com are both,
> abisource.com has MX mail.abisource.com,
> while nyorp.abisource.com does not.  Interesting...
> I suppose the local DNS 
> could be out of sync?]
> Anyways...
> I have found some strange  behaviour myself, which
> is does seem related
> to some extent ^C/highlight buffers..
> In vi (vim), if I highlight text in abiword with
> nothing in the ^C buffer, and
> insert w/middle mouse to a blank vim file, the first
> time I get message:
>       No inserted text yet
>       Hit ENTER or type command to continue
> Hitting enter inserts the text, but also ends insert
> mode.
> This message occurs only the first time text is
> inserted.
> By highlighting a different word, I can get the
> middle mouse to combine the
> two buffers.
> In abiword:   highlight "First"
> middle mouse in vim gives "First"
> In abiword:   highlight "Second"
> middle mouse in vim gives "SecondFirst"
> In xterm:     highlight "AAAAA"
> middle mouse in vim gives AAAAA
> Back to Abiword, highlight "Third"
> middle mouse gives ThirdSecondFirst
> NOTE: sometimes the behaviour is a bit eratic and
> not entirely exactly
> reproducable, though I can produce eratic behaviour.
> I've had it prepend
> the abiword highlight buffer to that already in the
> buffer from an xterm
> window, for example.
> ALSO: I don't also have to enter "insert" mode in
> vim to insert text.
> ALSO(2): I believe the ^C convention has affected
> the output of the
> middle mouse buffer, but I could be mistaken. It
> could have just been
> my imagination.
> On Kword:
> If I highlight or ^C text from abiword, it can go
> into kword with the
> middle mouse.
> If I highlight text in kword, it will not insert
> into abiword, nor an xterm,
> nor asedit.
> If I ^C text in kword, I can middle mouse it into an
> xterm, or an asedit
> window, not abiword.  The ^C text from abiword is
> retained to be inserted with
> ^V both in abiword and asedit. Looks to me like
> kword maps a highlight
> somewhere else (nowhere?), and maps the ^C to both
> of what I consider to
> be the standard buffers.
> My seriously humble conclusion:
> There is rather inconsistent behaviour of text
> buffers held in ^C and middle
> mouse buffers across many programs.  I presume some
> of this conclusion is
> based on a naive conception of text buffers,
> considering to separate and
> distinct pools controled by the ^C convention and
> the highlight/middle
> mouse convention.=20
> Hopefully this will be helpful to someone.

Well I've looked at it and started work on it twice.
Once while I was still back in Australia and once
Cuenca was kind enough to let me stay at his place in
Paris.  The *nix cut and paste code is truly horrible.
It's buggy, it's not based on full knowlege of *nix
X windows cut and paste policy - not blaming anyone
since finding this policy anywhere spelled out is next
to impossible.  It's not going to work at all when the
source and destination apps are using different
character sets, and it doesn't have unicode support.
Proper support of X international text c&p (actually
used by some apps out there) is notoriously difficult
but I believe Gnome comes with an API to do all the
hard work. The Windows c&p code also doesn't handle
case where the two apps use different character sets
but it does support unicode so it's a lot more useful.
Also, Windows doesn't have the painful X dichotomy of
different ways to do cut and paste - this seems to
caused the guys who did the work on Abi's cut and
paste a considerable amount of pain.

We really need a *nix/X cut and paste guru to come
along and figure it all out.  If nobody is one it
be very worthwhile for somebody to become such a guru!

Maybe it's doable before 1.0 but if not it needs to
have a very high priority right away thereafter.  This
will come to bite us when we have all our other stuff
working slick and professionally.  Especially with
English users I think.

Oh and if somebody takes this up, please add HTML cut
and paste support too.  I started work on that as well
but didn't get far.  With our new HTML importer this
should be a breeze.

Hope this email inspires somebody.  Should I post a
bug/RFE on this or do sufficient ones already exist?

Andrew Dunbar.

http://linguaphile.sourceforge.net http://www.abisource.com

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