On Thursday 04 April 2002 06:05 am, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 11:46, Sam Trenholme wrote:
> > * This bug does not affect anything if people have
> > other Arial, Helevetica, etc. fonts installed.
> Not true, AbiWord-...-Arial comes before Adobe-Arial, for instance.

Actually, I patched that a long time ago.  It's a real hack, but effective.  
The foundary is now "zz_AbiWord", so it sorts after Adobe.

The bigger problem is with false font names.  AbiWord distributes
Nimbus Mono, for example, calling it Courier.  I have never read a 
justification for this behavior, just a statement that it's "not a priority 
to fix".


PS: For fun read all about AbiWord in the XFree86 font de-uglication HOWTO

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