On 9/2/2011 5:24 PM, James Teh wrote:
> On 3/09/2011 7:50 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>> The originating issue is here:
>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617544
>> Alex's solution is here:
>> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Accessibility/IA2_1.3#Anchor_target
>> Due to the fact that this isn't a widespread issue I'd rather use a new
>> relation than a new method to resolve the problem.
> I agree, and a relation was my original proposal. I think a relation is 
> a nice fit for this issue. Note that this definitely requires the new 
> method for getting a single relation without iteration.
>> I am proposing a new
>> relation, hasFlowedTo.
> Hmm. I'm not sure about the name, but I can't come up with anything 
> better myself. Your explanation makes sense, but it sounds a little too 
> much like flowsFrom/flowsTo and I'm concerned that might cause confusion.
I actually haven't encountered a description of how flows is used. 
However, I am imagining that in this scenario there could be n flowsTo
relations to each of the in page targets with hasFlowedTo indicating
which target was most recently used.  If flows doesn't fit for this use
case then I could change it to something like isPositionedAt.  I think
the text I proposed still fits when using that name but using the word
"positioned" is less generic than "flowed", though I'm not very
concerned about that.

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