Maybe we need IA2::containerOfRole?

HRESULT IAccessible2::containerOfRole([in]long role, [out, retval]
IUnknown **container)


On 2/23/12 8:40 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> I'd say we should consider interfaces performant by design. If AT
> needs to get a containing document for accessible occasionally then it
> makes sense to do: o(1) is always preferable over o(n). I don't have
> good data when AT needs that but I should say that last year we were
> asked by one AT vendor to provide a mechanism to find a tab document
> having an accessible. We hacked IServiceProvider::QueryService for
> that. Maybe it'll be nice if IA2 had built-in methods to do that.
> If you say yes to this idea in general then we need to consider
> relation mechanism for this since I guess AT might need different
> types of documents like
> 1) containing document
> 2) tab document
> 3) window document
> 4) application
> Relation mechanism allows us to avoid a method per document type (sure
> we could have keep one method and pass document type as argument).
> Ale.x
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:57 AM, Pete Brunet <> wrote:
>> The apparent reason for this new method is for performance, i.e. the AT
>> can already walk up the tree looking for a role of interest.  Has there
>> been a situation where walking up the tree is causing a performance
>> problem?  In my experience, AT (at least some AT) are constantly walking
>> up and down the tree, and I haven't noticed a performance issue.  Also,
>> as Jamie implies, you'd only have to walk the tree once to find the
>> parent of interest and then save a reference to it.  I just want to make
>> sure we are solving a real problem before inflating IA2.  -Pete
>> On 2/22/12 4:27 PM, James Teh wrote:
>>> On 22/02/2012 6:54 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
>>>> The proposed document accessible concept is close to DOM document.  ...
>>>> One example was get_accChild that can return child accessible
>>>> by uniqueID.
>>> True, though the only time you ever need that is to test whether a
>>> given node is within a document. If you are trying to do that, you
>>> probably already have a reference to the document accessible.
>>>> All caret/selection methods are
>>>> fast on document accessible and slow on child accessible.
>>> But in that case, we're probably dealing with an editable document,
>>> which is a real ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT object. Trying to query for caret
>>> or selection on an application or frame just doesn't make sense.
>>>> Theoretically anchorTarget is applicable to any document type,
>>>> requirement is the URL should contain '#' pointing to element.
>>> Technically, that's true, but I don't see any use case for this in the
>>> wild. Why would an AT want to query for anchor target on an application?
>>> The problem is that all of this is abusing the idea of a document
>>> property. In Gecko, an application might be the same internally as a
>>> document, but that's not true from a user (and probably AT) perspective.
>>> One option is to note that the document property just returns the
>>> nearest document. If necessary, add a note stating that this will
>>> usually be a ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT accessible, but that the definition
>>> of document depends on the application. This makes a little trickier
>>> for clients to know what they'll get, but it does allow for a bit of
>>> flexibility.
>>> Jamie
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*Pete Brunet*
a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
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