Here is a list of some new IA2 object attributes.  Thanks for a
pre-review by Alex and Jamie. 

Please review these additions.  The current set is listed at:

In new section, "Common Attributes"

Name: explicit-name
Values: true, false
Default: false
Comments: (see the following)

Indicates that a content author has provided ancillary text in addition
to the primary text of an object and that the server has chosen to use
that ancillary text for this object's accessible name in preference to
the object's primary text.

A true value indicates that the accessible name is different from, and
more meaningful than, the text that is returned from
IAccessibleText::text.  Typically an object's accessible name is taken
directly from the object's textual content and is equivalent to the text
from IAccessibleText::text, but a true value is returned when the server
has chosen to use ancillary text rather than the accessible's primary
textual content when generating the accessible name.

Some examples that could be seen in an IAccessible2 implementation of a
web browser are:

1) <a href="";>content</a>  In this case the
accessible name will be "content" and explicit-name will be false.

2) <a href=""; title="a title">content</a>  If the
title text is used for the accessible name, explicit-name will be true.

3) <a href=""; aria-label="a label">content</a>  If
the aria-label text is used for accessible name, explicit-name will be true.

4) <div id="label">a label</div><div role="radio"
aria-labelledby="label">content</div>  If the label text is used for the
accessible name, explicit-name will be true.

If this value is true assistive technology may choose to present
the user with the accessible name rather than the text from

and these from the Gecko spec at

Name: draggable
Values: true, false
Default: false
Comments: true when the accessible object can be grabbed.

Name: dropeffect
Values: copy, move, link, execute, popup, none
Default: none
Comments: Indicates what functions can be performed when the dragged
object is released on the drop target. The values are defined as:
- copy:    A duplicate of the source object will be dropped into the target.
- move:    The source object will be removed from its current location
and dropped into the target.
- link:    A reference or shortcut to the dragged object will be created
in the target object.
- execute: A function supported by the drop target is executed, using
the drag source as an input.
- popup: There is a popup menu or dialog that allows the user to choose
one of the drag operations (copy, move, link, execute) and any other
drag functionality, such as cancel.
- none: No operation can be performed; effectively cancels the drag
operation if an attempt is made to drop on this object.

Name: grabbed
Values: true, false
Default: false
Comments: true when the accessible object has been selected for dragging.

Name: sort
Values: ascending, descending, none
Default: none
Comments: If the value is ascending or descending this indicates that an
object's items are sorted and the sorting algorithm used.

In new section, "Live Region Attributes"

Name: atomic
Values: true, false
Default: false
Comments: True when all the objects in the accessibility tree below this
object should be presented as a whole, when changes within it are
considered important enough to be presented automatically.

Name: live
Values: off, polite, assertive
Default: off
Comments: A hint as to whether changes within the current accessibility
subtree should be automatically presented.  Additional information may
be provide by the object attributes atomic and relevant. The values are
defined as:
- off: Updates to the region will not be presented to the user unless
the assistive technology is currently focused on that region.
- polite: Assistive technologies should announce updates at the next
graceful opportunity, such as at the end of speaking the current
sentence or when the user pauses typing.
- assertive: This information has the highest priority and assistive
technologies should notify the user immediately. Because an interruption
may disorient users or cause them to not complete their current task,
authors should not use the assertive value unless the interruption is

Name: relevant
Values: all, or a space delimited list of one or more of these values:
additions, removals, text
Default: additions text
Comments: Describes what kinds of changes are informational, as opposed
to presentational. The four possible values are defined as:
- text: Notify if there was a change in the text of any of the
accessible objects making up the live region.
- additions: Notify if any accessible objects were added to the live region.
- removals: Notify if  any accessible objects were removed from the live
- all: Equivalent to the combination of the above three values.

Name: container-atomic
Values: true, false
Default: false
Comments: This object is a descendant in the accessibility tree of an
object which has the atomic object attribute. If true, the
IA2_RELATION_MEMBER_OF relation will point to the root of the atomic region.

Name: container-busy
Values: true, false
Default: false
Comments: The current changes in the live region are not yet complete. A
state change event will be fired on the root object of the live region
once it no longer has state  for STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY. The entire atomic
region should be presented once when it is finally no longer busy.

Name: container-live
Values: off, polite, assertive
Default: off
Comments: This object is a descendant in the accessibility tree of an
object which has the live object attribute.  The value of this attribute
will match that of the root of the current live region.

Name: container-relevant
Values: all, or a space delimited list of one or more of these values:
additions, removals, text
Default: additions text
Comments: This object is a descendant in the accessibility tree of an
object which has the relevant object attribute.  The value of this
attribute will match that of the root of the current live region.

Name: event-from-input
Values: true, false
Comments: True if the root cause of this event was explicit user input
(as opposed to a programmatic change).

In a new section labeled Value Attributes

Name: valuetext
Values: <string>
Comments: A text equivalent to the current value, such as "High" in a

I'll also add a link to the Gecko spec for an example of object
attributes which has been specified for a HTML specific environment.

*Pete Brunet*
a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
(512) 467-4706 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
Skype: pete.brunet
IM: ptbrunet (AOL, Google), (MSN)
Ionosphere: WS4G
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