Hi :)  

LiveCd is excellent.  It's even better as a LiveUsb because it's a bit faster 
but LiveCd is pretty cool.  The "Try it" instead of "Install Now" is brilliant 
for using a machine that is not your own or for doing online banking without 
leaving a trace (except at your and your bank's ISPs of course but just not on 
the local desktop machine).  

I wouldn't remove Windows.  If you are installing Windows into a Virtual 
Machine then it's just a reinstall to the same machine so you should 
theoretically be able to use the same product/licence key as you use for your 
normal install of Windows.  I managed it once but i had to phone MS Customer 
Support and argue a bit.

Regards from
Tom :)  

----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Alex Midence <alex.mide...@gmail.com>
>To: 'Tom Davies' <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk>; 'Tom Randall' <kf6...@comcast.net> 
>Cc: accessibility@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Thursday, 30 August 2012, 18:33
>Subject: RE: Ubuntu LiveCd & Wubi - was Java Nightmare
>What you say is true but, I was going for simplicity and ease of setup for 
>someone unfamiliar with Linux.  I understood everything you wrote but, that’s 
>just because I’m a Linuxoid who likes getting downand dirty with the cli.  
>Somebody coming from Windows may not be.  Using a live CD is fast and reasonly 
>uncomplicated.  Just put in the cd, launch Orca decline installation and boom, 
>you’re in.  All you do then is alt f2 to get the run menu and type writer. Or, 
>alt f1 and arrow to it in the Unity launcher list.  Stick a flash drive into 
>the machine and save your files onto it and, yes, I’m going to say it, 
>“PRESTO!”  =)  NO long cli strings and no fancy mucking around with hardware 
>and grub menus and worrying about your main OS getting superceeded by your 
>cool new one. 
>To address your point about the virtual machine, I have heard of people 
>installing Linux and then having Windows inside of it with a virtual machine 
>running NVDA.  They say it works well.  I haven’t done it because I don’t 
>relish the idea of uninstalling Windows, installing Linux and then 
>reinstalling Windows on the VM.  If you’ve already got Windows, my solution 
>will probably take you an hour to set up, maybe 2 if you need to learn your 
>way.  As for the ntfs versus ext3 issue for the file systems, the average user 
>won’t know the difference.  I haven’t noticed one.  It works very nicely for 
>me.  It’s great because I still have all the different accessible apps for 
>Windows I am used to and then I get a whole host of new cool stuff to use in 
>Linux that is accessible.  It’s a serious force multiplyer.  As I’ve written 
>before on this topic, nothing beats having cake and actualy getting to eat it 
>Now then, if you really want a turnkey solution involving the virtual machine, 
>Vinux offers just that.  If you get the 3.0 version, it’s based on Ubuntu 
>Lucid and has two magnifyers to choose from already installed, one being Orca 
>and the other is the Compiz screen magnification software.  The live cd’s of 
>Vinux work nicely too.  However, 3.0 runs Open Office and not Libreoffice.
>Best regards,
>Alex M
>From:Tom Davies [mailto:tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk] 
>Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 9:13 AM
>To: Alex Midence; Tom Randall
>Cc: accessibility@global.libreoffice.org
>Subject: Ubuntu LiveCd & Wubi - was Java Nightmare
>Hi :)
>Ahhh, a LiveCd session of Ubuntu 12.04 sounds like a fast way to a quick 
>I guess a fresh install of 12.04 on a new partition would have things set up 
>right too?  About 10-20Gb is a comfortable amount of space for Ubuntu if you 
>can't share /home or Swap.  The fresh install sorts out a boot-menu so that 
>you can choose to use a pre-existing OS that you already have on your system 
>but by default it puts the new install of 12.04 at the top of that menu.  To 
>change that login to 12.04 and get to a command-line and paste in these lines;
>cd /etc/grub.d
>sudo mv 30_os-prober 08_os-prober
>sudo update-grub
>If it makes a difference which side the minimise, full-screen and close 
>buttons are on the title-bar at the top of windows then you can change them 
>from left (like a Mac) to right (like Windows) by copy&pasting this line
>gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string 
>Note that should be all on one line but it's wrapped-around on my monitor at 
>my resolution.  
>I concurr about using MS Office if that is what it takes to get a good result 
>quickly.  Obviously i would prefer people use OpenOffice but if using MS 
>Office is what it takes to get the job done then do so.  Sometimes migrating 
>to OpenSource takes a while and until you've managed it you still need to be 
>able to get your main work done.  
>As for Virtual Machines i think having Windows as the host and a Gnu&Linux 
>inside it is the 'wrong' way around.  One of the crucial advantages of 
>Gnu&Linux is lost because you would be using the flaky Ntfs file-system rather 
>than the solidly reliable Ext3.  I suspect that the ideal way around would 
>mean Orca wouldn't work (unless you ran a VM inside Windows inside the main 
>VM!) so again the 'wrong' way suddenly becomes the right thing to do.  
>Ubuntu offers a better way than a Virtual Machine.  you can install Ubuntu 
>directly inside Windows using Ubuntu's "Wubi" installer.  Just put the Ubuntu 
>Cd in after booting into Windows and the option should pop-up.  Few other 
>distros offer this type of option so you would have to use a VM for them.  
>With Ubuntu (or Puppy) you just get the extra possibility.  
>Is there an alternative to Orca?  What do other people use with LO?
>Regards from 
>Tom :)  
>>From:Alex Midence <alex.mide...@gmail.com>
>>To: Tom Randall <kf6...@comcast.net> 
>>Cc: accessibility@global.libreoffice.org 
>>Sent: Thursday, 30 August 2012, 14:21
>>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java nightmare & FAQ wiki-page
>>Yes, I remember all that with Linux.  However, much progress has been
>>made in the last two years to get thing sworking out of the box.
>>Seriously, if you are pressed for time, the single fastest and best
>>way to go is to download an iso of Ubuntu Precise which has
>>acessibility out of the box, pop it into your cd rom drive, power up
>>your machine and hit control s when you hear the drumroll.  When Orca
>>starts talking, alt tab to the installation dialog and select the try
>>it out option so you can run it as a live installation.  It will come
>>up and Libre Office is already installed with all the extensions and
>>plugins and so forth to make it talk with Orca.  Save your files onto
>>a flash drive or your hard drive so you can pick up where you left off
>>next time you power up your pc.  When you are done working for that
>>day, simply power off your machine and take out the cd.  When it turns
>>back on, it's going to run windows and be none the wiser that you had
>>Ubuntu running things for a time.
>>I know this sounds complex but, if you are approaching a deadline, you
>>need to do something to get the ball rolling.  If this is not
>>something you want to tackle, I seriously advise you to put aside any
>>qualms you have about MS Office and load it up.  You need something
>>that will get the job done.  Period, end of story.  If your job is on
>>the line, it is no time to be making statements about software freedom
>>and so forth by sticking to Open or Libre Office in hopes that you'll
>>stumble on some magic setup combination that'll get you going.  I know
>>what I am saying will probably upset some people who read this list
>>but, frankly, if I have to choose between giving somebody advice that
>>will keep them employed or chant the party line, the party line will
>>just have to get on as best it can.  I like free and open source
>>software.  If it were up to me, I'd switch each and everything I use
>>to run a fully Libre system at work and at home.  Thing is, there are
>>too many a11y gaps all over the place for you to do that productively
>>and efficiently without investing a large amount of time in learning
>>all sorts of workarounds when there are ways to do what needs toing in
>>proprietary software that you can meld with your open source stuff.  I
>>have found this approach to be much more powerful than the sum of its
>>Best regards,
>>Alex M
>>On 8/29/12, Tom Randall <kf6...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex and all.
>>> Well that certainly might be something I will consider doing at some point.
>>> Truthfully I've played with Linux on and off over the years and if I really
>>> thought it could replace winblows for me I would probably switch in a new
>>> york minute.  However when looking into it it looked like you had to damn
>>> near be a computer science major to get it fully up and accessible, you had
>>> to install extensions for this, front ends for that, read through reams of
>>> docs to figure out how to do all this, and so on and so on.  It just looked
>>> like it was going to take way more time and effort than I was or am willing
>>> to put into it.  So maybe when I can pick up a little bigger hd for this
>>> system running both Linux and windows on here might be the way to go.
>>> This is not the place to start a windows vs. Linux debate and I assure you
>>> all I am not trying to start one, if people have the time and patience to
>>> get Linux up and running and it works for them believe me I think that is
>>> great and wish I could go that route.  As to which platform is better
>>> there's not much of a debate about that as far as I am concerned, in many
>>> ways Linux is superior.  Alex as you said in another message and I agree
>>> with this, to me the platform is secondary, however I need something that
>>> works, that is the bottom line.  I hope I don't end up having to install
>>> more MS bloatware on this system, it runs pretty decent the way it is, but
>>> I'm running out of time and excuses about getting this paperwork done and
>>> need a reliable and accessible way to do it.
>>> I may try going back to open office, the thing that worries me is the calc,
>>> that is what seems to be the most problematic for me at the moment.  These
>>> guys where I work are XL freaks and I absolutely have to have a way to work
>>> with XL spreadsheets.  I do also have a MacBook with LO on it so I may see
>>> if the calc is any better on there.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tom
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Alex Midence
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 1:46 PM
>>> To: Tom Randall
>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java nightmare & FAQ wiki-page
>>> Very sorry, Tom.  I'm fresh out.  Open office may just be your last
>>> bet.  I understand they sucked in all the Lotus Symphony code.
>>> Symphony has a reputation for being quite accessible.  I don't know if
>>> Libreoffice got this code or not.  Hate to say it but, it just may
>>> have to be MS Office for you in windows.  The only other thing you
>>> might try is using it the way *I* do but it's a bit complex:
>>> 1.  Install vmware.
>>> 2.  Create a Linux virtual machine (Ubuntu works well)
>>> 3.  Access Libreoffice in Linux as a guest operating system with Orca
>>> as the screen reader.
>>> 4.  Keep windows as the host system and go back and forth between it
>>> and Linux in the course of your day.
>>> I use Libreoffice at home.  This is how I do it because I have some
>>> windows apps I find quite useful and because browsing the web in Linux
>>> will exhaust the patience of the saintliest of men.  The accessible
>>> experience in Linux for Libre Office and Open Ofice is like night and
>>> day compared to Windows.  So, for me, I use MsOffice when I'm in
>>> windows land and Libre office in Linux.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex
>>> On 8/29/12, Tom Randall <kf6...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex.
>>>> Oh no worries about asking.  So far as I can tell the assistive
>>>> technology
>>>> checkbox is checked, I've tried it both ways since I cannot tell for sure
>>>> if
>>>> the box is checked since checkboxes are not being read.
>>>> This is the only program I am aware of that I am using that requires java
>>>> accessibility so I have nothing else to test it with.
>>>> I only have the latest jre installed, that was the first thing I tried
>>>> when
>>>> all this started, totally removed java from the system and cleaned up the
>>>> registry and did a fresh install.  This is a 32-bit system so that is not
>>>> an
>>>> issue.  If you've any ideas I'd be glad for them.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Tom
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Alex Midence
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 1:00 PM
>>>> To: 'Tom Randall'
>>>> Subject: RE: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java nightmare & FAQ wiki-page
>>>> Tom, I hate to ask, I'm sure you've taken care of this but ... um .. you
>>>> do
>>>> have screen reader/assistive technology enabled in the options menu
>>>> right?
>>>> I guess the other question is, how are other Java applications working
>>>> for
>>>> you?  Are you able to use other stuff that relies on the access bridge?
>>>> Aso, how many JRE's do you have on there?  I once had a problem with the
>>>> java access bridge that turned out to be caused by me having 3 jre's on
>>>> my
>>>> system and the JAB being on only two out of those.  Guess which one I was
>>>> using?  Installing it by hand in the third one fixed it for me but only
>>>> after much frustration and wasted time.
>>>> Alex
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Tom Randall [mailto:kf6...@comcast.net]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 1:57 PM
>>>> To: Alex Midence
>>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java nightmare & FAQ wiki-page
>>>> hi Alex, Tom and all.
>>>> Yes I am indeed on this list.  Here's the latest update.  I forced Java
>>>> to
>>>> do an update so that it would presumably get the latest version with the
>>>> Jab
>>>> pre-installed so I wouldn't have to monkey with that.  This appeared to
>>>> go
>>>> fine and I was able to turn on the Jab via the Windows control panel.
>>>> When
>>>> I run LO 3.60 and go into the java it shows that java is correctly
>>>> installed
>>>> with accessibility.  However it behaves exactly the same, menus are not
>>>> read
>>>> and neither is the state of checkboxes.  When I have the energy I am
>>>> going
>>>> to totally uninstall it and delete all data and install the latest
>>>> version
>>>> from the site and see if that works.
>>>> I used Open Office for quite some time and as you said found it pretty
>>>> acceptable in most cases and I suppose I could go back to that if
>>>> necessary.
>>>> I just figured it'd be better to be running something that is still being
>>>> developed and worked on.  Fortunately I do not need the presentation
>>>> package
>>>> so whether impress is accessible or not doesn't matter to me all that
>>>> much
>>>> although I would hope this will be worked on.  What I absolutely have to
>>>> have is writer and calc working, I have to be able to process documents
>>>> and
>>>> do invoices for my work.
>>>> So that's where I am now.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Tom
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Alex Midence
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:22 AM
>>>> To: Tom Davies
>>>> Cc: accessibility@global.libreoffice.org ; Tom Randall
>>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Java nightmare & FAQ wiki-page
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Sorry to hear you are having such a time of it.  I don't know how open
>>>> you
>>>> are to this suggestion but, I've had success with Open Office in Windows.
>>>> Libreoffice has not worked for me.  I use Jaws and NVDA.  I have never
>>>> used
>>>> Supernova so, I don't know how it will react but Openoffice 3.6 (I think
>>>> that's the latest release), worked ok in writer.  Jaws even read Writer
>>>> ok.
>>>> NVDA did just wonderfully with it.
>>>> Calc was usable in NVDA but not in Jaws so, I don't know how it'll do in
>>>> Supernova.  Impress was totally unusable pretty much all around.
>>>> It was a bummer for me.  I'm a corporate trainer.  I get up in front of
>>>> groups of people with presentations up on a projecter and gas away at
>>>> them
>>>> about this and that.  Thus far, I hate to say it but Microsoft Powerpoint
>>>> is
>>>> the best and most accessible presentation product for someone in my
>>>> situation.  Impress has yet to Impress me in either Libre or Open Office.
>>>> hth,
>>>> Alex M
>>>> On 8/29/12, Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Hi :)
>>>>> I am not sure if Tom Randall is on this list.  You guys seem to have
>>>>> solved a lot of these java issues so i thought forwarding the thread
>>>>> here just in case you can help hi8m where others can't.
>>>>> Also i made a rough wiki-page that is intended to help people solve
>>>>> java issues.
>>>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Faq/Java
>>>>> I think it might need sub-pages to deal with issues such as the bridge.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you are able to radically rewrite the wiki-page to make it useful and
>>>>> need me to make extra sub-pages then please just let me know through
>>>>> this
>>>> list.
>>>>> It sometimes takes me a couple of days to react so my apologies for
>>>>> being so slack!  If you are new to wiki-editing then i might be able
>>>>> to help with formatting and other issues.
>>>>> Regards from
>>>>> Tom :)
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