
I wish to inform you that promotion within clerical cadre [from group D to 
group C and within group C only] is filled through reservation quota in all 
Govt. offices Banks and  Insurance sectors.  For other higher posts as in group 
A and B reservation is available in recruitment levels on the identified posts 
and NOT in promotion.  This discrimination is brought to the notice of Chief 
Commissioner by me and till date I have no response from him.  This is for your 
kind information.

With regards,

R. Muralidhar
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dattu Agarwal Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] The only disability in life is a bad attitude

: dear Aruni Arsh,
: my problem is exactly the same as you thought.
: I am due for promotion as principal.
: I have passed all the dept exams wich are necessary for promotion,
: and fully qualified for the post.
: our state comissioner for disability has also written to the education dept.
: so far there is no reply from the concerned authorities.
: now i am  thinking to approach to the court for the redressal of my 
: regards.
: Dattu Agarwal.
: Aruni Arsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  As far as the practice in our state is 
concerned, the promotions are
: automatic without regard to any other consideration than the academic
: achievements. Of course haven't heard about anyone getting an administrative
: post like that of a principal. Could you please explain in detail the sort
: of discrimination you are facing in your job? Do you mean that you are not
: being promoted to an administrative post? As is the practice in government
: colleges, teachers are promoted to the post of principal according to their
: seniority. 
: -----Original Message-----
: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dattu Agarwal
: Agarwal
: Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 9:40 PM
: To:
: Subject: Re: [AI] The only disability in life is a bad attitude
: dear list,
: denial of promotion on the grounds of disability is really unjust and
: unconstitutional.
: I am also facing the same problem.
: I have put up twenty years of service as a lecturer in a Government
: P.U.College my siniority has been over looked merely because i am a visually
: impaired 
: The other lecturers who are junior to me have been promoted.
: there is no response from the government to my representations.
: if this is the fait, it is very difficult for the visually challenged to
: come up in their carier.
: it seems the respective governments have not taken congnisense of the
: persons with disability act.
: regards
: dattu agarwal.
: Aruni Arsh wrote:
: The only disability in life is a bad attitude
: The hindu business line opinion
: "No promotion shall be denied to a person merely on the ground of his
: disability... "
: Disability is a matter of perception, says Martina Navratilova. "If you can
: do just one thing well, you're needed by someone." Tragically, however, the
: disabled often face inequity.
: One such instance comes to light through a recent verdict of the Madras High
: Court in J. John Wincent vs The Commissioner of Central Excise, The Chief
: Commissioner
: of Excise (Cadre Controlling Authority), The Chairman, Central Board of
: Excise and Customs and The Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal.
: John had joined the services of the Department as a Lower Division Clerk in
: May 1990. "Thereafter, he was promoted as Upper Division Clerk in the year
: 1995.
: Consequent to the re-designation of the post in the year 2002, he is holding
: the post of Tax Assistant," reads the text of the judgment dated April 27.
: John, by virtue of his experience, made a representation to the Department
: to consider him for promotion to the post of Inspector of Central Excise and
: Customs. "However, the respondents did not consider the representation of
: the petitioner and he was informed that, being a physically challenged
: person,
: he would not be able to do the arduous job of Inspector of Central Excise
: and Customs." How unfortunate!
: There were more people like John who had been refused promotion on account
: of disability. They had approached the Central Administrative Tribunal,
: which
: issued directions to the Department to consider the applications of the
: physically challenged persons for the post of Inspector of Central Excise
: and Customs.
: What happened thereafter? The Department called upon John `to undergo
: endurance test of cycling and walking.' And `he was found to have performed
: the same
: successfully.' Yet, in 2004, John was rejected on the ground that he did not
: have `the prescribed height'.
: He approached the Tribunal for remedy. Disappointingly, it held that there
: was no scope for relaxing the standards prescribed in the Recruitment Rules,
: and rejected John's application. Aggrieved, he took his case before the High
: Court.
: Speaking for John, his counsel V. Raghavachari said that the Tribunal had
: erred in rejecting the claim of the petitioner to the benefits conferred
: under
: Section 47(2) of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
: Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 in the matter of
: promotion.
: Also, at the time of joining the service John's height was 160 cm, as
: substantiated by the physical fitness certificate. For the Department, it
: was R.
: Santhanam who argued, and he reiterated the contentions earlier urged before
: the Tribunal.
: Equality for disabled
: "The short but core point for consideration in this writ petition is:
: whether the petitioner is entitled to promotion to the post of Inspector of
: Central
: Excise and Customs in spite of the disability suffered by him during the
: course of his employment?" observed Justices P. D. Dinakaran and R. Sudhakar
: of
: the Madras High Court, who heard the case.
: "All countries today need to apply affirmative action to ensure that the
: women and the disabled are equal to all of us," said the court, citing
: Nelson Mandela.
: Though the Constitution of India does not specifically prescribe
: discrimination on the ground of `disability', it does contain
: non-discriminatory provisions
: that guarantee equality and equal opportunities for all citizens as in
: Articles 14 and 16, pointed out the court.
: "The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights
: and Full Participation) Act, 1995 treats disability as a civil right rather
: than
: a health and welfare issue, and recognises the need to integrate persons
: with disabilities with the mainstream of society by some normative action."
: Section 47 of this Act, which Raghavachari referred to is titled
: `Non-discrimination in Government employments'. Sub-section 1 says, "No
: establishment shall
: dispense with, or reduce in rank, an employee who acquires a disability
: during his service: Provided that, if an employee, after acquiring
: disability is
: not suitable for the post he was holding, he could be shifted to some other
: post with the same pay scale and service benefits.
: Provided further that if it is not possible to adjust the employee against
: any post, he may be kept on a supernumerary post until a suitable post is
: available
: or he attains the age of superannuation, whichever is earlier."
: Sub-section 2, which is more relevant to the case on hand, says: "No
: promotion shall be denied to a person merely on the ground of his
: disability: Provided
: that the appropriate Government may, having regard to the type of work
: carried on in any establishment, by notification and subject to such
: conditions,
: if any, as may be specified in such notification, exempt any establishment
: from the provisions of this section."
: Instructive precedents
: The highly educative verdict refers to precedents such as Shri Suhas Vasant
: Karnik vs Union of India and Other, in which the Bombay High Court examined
: whether a person suffering from blindness could be declared ineligible for
: seeking promotion.
: It had held that the Government had a "Constitutional obligation to
: encourage participation of the visually handicapped persons in activities of
: the bank
: on par with other members of the staff and consider the cases of visually
: handicapped for promotion fairly and equitably."
: Section 47(2) had come under test in Union of India vs Sanjay Kumar Jain
: (2003), before the Delhi High Court. In this case, "a person who was blind
: due
: to Retinitis pigmentosa was denied permission to appear for viva-voce test
: for promotion to a Group B post by the management of Western Railway."
: The verdict `quashed the order of denial of permission to appear in
: viva-voce test', because `provision of Section 47(2) is mandatory'.
: Interestingly, the
: case of Sanjay Kumar Jain went to the apex court. There it was held that in
: the absence of any notification exempting the establishment in question, the
: blind employee could not be denied promotion.
: Resuming John's case, a letter dated January 27, 2004, from the Department
: of Revenue, Government of India to the Commissioner of Central Excise,
: Coimbatore,
: was of support to the petitioner. The letter spoke of the Central Board of
: Excise and Customs representing before the Ministry of Social Justice and
: Empowerment
: that `posts of PO/EO and Inspector, Central Excise and Customs... have
: arduous field duties, which cannot be expected to be performed by the
: handicapped
: persons'.
: The matter is still under consideration of that Ministry, said the letter.
: Thankfully, though, the Board had decided `to permit physically handicapped
: persons
: to undertake the physical endurance test and promote them as per Reservation
: quota if they qualified the test till an exemption is received from the
: Ministry
: of Social Justice and Empowerment.'
: The court, therefore, ruled: "In our considered opinion, as the petitioner
: has performed the endurance test successfully, his case can be considered
: for
: promotion to the post of Inspector of Central Excise and Customs, on par
: with others, who suffered physical disabilities and were promoted subsequent
: to
: the directions of the Tribunal."
: One hopes the Department isn't planning to appeal against this judgment.
: For, as Scott Hamilton says, "The only disability in life is a bad
: attitude." And
: the Bard, weary of the world's inequities, would sing: "Tired with all
: these... right perfection wrongfully disgraced, and strength by limping sway
: disabled,
: and art made tongue-tied by authority..."
: Tailpiece
: "I want to hire an expert in the field of M&A taxation."
: "On the buyer's side, or the seller's?"
: D. Murali
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