Dear Members,

I am asking this query on behalf of a friend.

She was previously using JAWS version 5.0 Standard and
has upgraded to version 7.0 Standard. She was using
JAWS on a computer running Windows 98 and now wants to
upgrade to Windows XP Home edition. In this
connection, she has the following queries.

1. Will the authorised version of JAWS 7.0 Standard
running on Windows 98 also run on Windows XP Home? She
has seen the different download versions for 98 and XP
on the FS website.
2. How can she retrieve the authorisation key from her
Windows 98 computer for use on her Windows XP
computer. She has used the JAWS authorisation CD to
authorise JAWS 7.0 on the Windows 98 computer.

Any help in this regard will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Sameer Latey
A-12, Swati Society,
V.B.P. Road (90 ft. road),
Mulund (East),
Mumbai 400081.
Mob. 9867414004 

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