It seems, there is no uniform rule all over the country. In West Bengal
similar things happened a few years ago. Now it is very difficult to obtain
a certificate even if you are totally blind. You have to go to the hospital
several times to get a date for necessary medical test and to go through a
host of formalities.

False certificate is still possible perhaps, we need not mention how.

Best regards,


Cell: +91-9433464329

----- Original Message -----
From: "rajesh asudani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Recruitment of v.h. by Maharashtra Govt. a deception.

> Of course, it is a grate fraud being perpetrated on totally blind with the
> help of law and nonsense government resolutions. A mass movement needs to
> launched. I believe the case is being fought in the court of law and the
> issue of said GR is being included only now. But let us hope it will be
> dealt with firmly and the court will see the reason and strike down the
> GR. It is wholely unnecessary as the required physical criteria for a
> job [including extent of vision] are already laid down in job
> lists and a separate GR giving standing preference to low vision and thus
> depriving the totally blind of their legitimate rights and distributing
> opportunities to fraudulent sighted people who have secured certificates
> blindness, or to those blind persons who can read the print even at night
> etc. is nothing but fraud. I may sound sentimental here, despite my legal
> training, but I have stated the truth and nothing else.
> Rajesh ----- Original Message -----
> From: "chandrashekhar kulkarni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:03 AM
> Subject: [AI] Recruitment of v.h. by Maharashtra Govt. a deception.
> > Friends,
> >   First of all I wish aHappy and Prosperous Divali.
> >   Recently as per High Court it has become binding on Maharashtra Govt.
> recruit handicapped to fill up the backlog of reservation. But in almost
> of ads only partially sighted with 40% of vision are eligible to apply.
> Totally blind because of this get very much frustrated. Further in reality
> the jobs are given to those who really do not come under the catagory of
> v.h. but by hook or crook manage to get a Dr's certificate. I feel the
> categorisation of v.h. done in most of eye hospitals is unscientific. A
> person seeking a certificate there in most of the cases is just asked to
> identify the number of fingers and if a person says he cannot see the
> fingers he is given a totally blind person certificate and the same person
> if partially sighted after some days manages to get a partially blind
> certificate with the result the same person has both the certificates.
> it rediculous? But because of this totally blind persons, in spite of
> the ability is unable to get a
> >  job.
> >   I feel something needs to be done about this.
> >   Sincerely,
> >   C. B. Kulkarni.
> >
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