Email:  <>
Phone No. : 26728845

Mobile: 99804 44655, 9916368800                      Fax : 26729479

Regd. No. 4866


(Affiliated to World Blind Union)

Karnataka State Branch

# S372, Bharatnagar 2nd Phase,Near Karnataka Bank, Magadi Main Road


Date: 28.10.2015



Dear all,


Sub:  Announcement of NFB Karnataka Excellency Awards 2015  & other public


Undersigned is glad to inform you that NFB Karnataka as ever,  invites
applications for NFB Karnataka  Excellency Award 2015  from outstanding
visually challenged individuals in different areas and various public


1. NFB Excellency Award 2015 in category Employee (1 No), self Employed
(1.No.), Arts/Culture (1No.) and Social Service (1 No.)


2. NFB Prathibha Award for meritorious students (Maximum 10 Numbers) 


3. NFB Empowered Women  Award (1 No.)


4. Public honor of most Senior Citizen with visual disability (2. No.
Male/Female separately) 


5. Best Married couple of visually challenged having sighted spouse 




1. "NFB Excellency Award"   :- This award in above mentioned 4 categories is

for such a visually impaired person  of the state  who has made
extraordinary performance in his respective category . The award carries
cash or gifts of worth 10,000/- and citation 

2. NFB Karnataka Prathibha Award (Maximum 10 ) : - This award is intended
for those visually challenged students who secured above 90% marks in any
post metric public exam during the year 2015.  The award carries cash or
gifts  of worth 10,000 and a citation 

Final selection of the winners will be made on the basis of their
certificates to the effect that the concerned individual has secured above
90% marks in qualifying exam during 2015. 

3. ``Most senior citizen of Karnataka with blindness''- award( No. of award
2 / Male & female saparately)  :- This award is intended to such a most
senior citizen of Karnataka with blindness who is above 65 years of age and
empowered him/herself in  social and economic spheres of life.  The award
carries public felicitation and suitable token of appreciation. 

4. Most empowered visually challenged women of Karnataka (No. of Award 1) :
- This award is intended for such a visually challenged women  of Karnataka
who made herself self sustained and established as a contributing member of
the society.   Award caries a public felicitation and suitable token of

5. Felicitation of Best married couples of a blind person with a sighted
spouse (No. of award -1) : -  The award will carry  a public felicitation
and suitable token of appreciation to the couple 

Eligible aspirants for each of above mentioned awards may forward their
applications on prescribed format available at NFB Karnataka so as reach
office of nfb Karnataka latest by 30th November 2015   for more details and
application forms NFB Karnataka may be contacted as per following details. 

Address: National Federation of the Blind Karnataka

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, Near Karnataka Bank, 

Magadi Main Road, Bangalore-560091

e-mail ID;  <> 

Mobile No. Mahesh Ranani : 8197900171

Gautam Agarwal  General Secretary- 9980444655 





a.  NFB Excellency Award  (Employee) - means award to a V.I. Employee either
working  in public or private sector for his/her exemplary
position/performance and   achievements in professional carrier.  


b. NFB Excellency Award (Self Employee) - means a V.I. person who is  self
employed  in area of services/trading/industry etc. and achieved a exaplary
success  in that particular profession. 


c. NFB Excellency Award (Art & Sports) - means award to a V.I. Person for
his/her extraordinary performance and exemplary achievements at National and
International level in area of Arts & sports.


d . NFB Excellency Award (Social Service) - means award to a V.I. person for
his/her long and remarkable voluntary service in any area of human life. 


e. NFB Prathibha Award :- means award to such a V.I. student who secured a
90% marks in his post metric public exam during the year 2015.


f. NFB Most Senior Citizen Award :- means award to such a V.I. person who is
most senior in age and well resettled  him/herself in society with dignity. 


g. NFB Most Empowered Women Award : means who empowered herself in all
spheres of life and become contributing member of the society. 


h. Felicitation of Best married couples of a blind person with a  sighted
spouse  :- means felicitation of such a couple of visually challenged person
with sighted spouse who will be selected best through a open competition in
understanding between spouse. 


Eligibility conditions: 

 The applicants for NFB Excellency award in any category should fulfil the
following eligibility conditions.


1. Applicant must be visually challenged with more than 40% visual

2. The applicant should be resident of Karnataka 

3. Age of the applicant should be above 18 years


General Rules and procedure for application and nomination to the awards 


1. The qualified and interested visually impaired persons  may apply for any
of the above mentioned awards in prescribed application form (for each
award)  and given in annexure -1 to 8    


2. Application  for each award must be accompanied by the copies of
disability certificate, photo identity card, address proof and age proof,
marks sheets of all passed public examinations and certifications of
performance and achievements in any sphere of life.  


3. Application with all necessary documents must reach to the office of the
federation at above given address on and before 30th November 2015, the
application received after the prescribed date shall not be entertained.


4. A selection committee under chairmanship of the president of  NFB
Karnataka  will scrutinize all the applications and take the final decision
to nominate the awardees for all above mentioned awards. Decision of the
committee in this regard will be final and binding to all.


5. The applicant couples for the Best Couple Award will be called for a
competition to adjourned best understanding between the spouse.  Competition
may be held positively on 3rd January Sunday at premises of the federation
at Bangalore. same shall be intimated to all qualifying applicants well in



6.  The awards will be presented to the nominees on the occasion of annual
function of the federation  positively on  4th January 2016 at Bangalore. 


7. Qualifying travel expense of the awardees and their escorts from outside
Bangalore will be reimbursed. 


8. Appropriate lodging and boarding arrangement for awardees and their
escort from out of Bangalore shall be made by the federation


Contact Details:

Following may be contacted for further information, clarification and
application forms 

1. Mr.Mahesh Ranani - Librarian NFB Karnataka at 9343367694/8197900171

2. Mr.Hampaiah - 080-26728845 - Mob: 9916368800 

3. Mail ID -  <> &



you all are requested to kindly disseminate this announcement among your
contacts as widely as possible and motivate the eligible visually impaired
individuals to apply for the award


With thanks and regards,


Yours sincerely,




Gautam Agarwal

General Secretary

NFB Karnataka 


















Annexure -1

Application for  NFB Excellency Award  2015 (Employees Category)



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for NFB Excellency Award 2015 in Employees Category. My
details are as under : 




Gender :




Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue :


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:







Present Job Title: 


Name & Address of the  Employer Organization: 


Status of Employer Organization (Public Sector/Private Sector) : 


Description about nature, duties of job :





Description about the performance of the Job: 



The period for which the job is being held :


Date of the joining the present organization: 


Promotion and alleviation in the present organization: 


Description about the previous work experience and positions held in
different organizations: 




Description about specific appreciation, awards, complements and benefits
for the performance as an employee: 


Annual package of remuneration (optional to reveal) : 


Other professional and non professional accomplishments to share : 



Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof, Certificates of academic and other achievements 


Date of the Application:




















Annexure -2

Application for NFB Excellency Award 2015 (Self Employed Category)



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for NFB Excellency Award 2015 in Self Employed Category. 

My details are as under: 








Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue :


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:







Name of the Occupation: 


Nature of the occupation is service/trading/manufacturing: 


Description about the occupation including establishment, workforce,
marketing, social support, Annual turnover, profitability, etc., : 




Story  about the beginning, progress, success, accomplishments and
appreciation in the occupation : 





Challenges at different points being blindness and method & technology  of
overcoming back: 





The Documents enclosed are Disability Certificate,        I.D. proof, age
proof, address proof, registration certificate or licence relating the



Date of the Application:



























Annexure -3

Application for  NFB Excellency Award  2015 (Arts & Sports Category)



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for NFB Excellency Award 2015 in Arts & Sports  Category. My
details are as under : 








Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue:


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:







Name of the Events practiced and perform  


Description of the participation in various events at different levels : 


Description about the ranking, prizes, awards and appreciation in various
events at different level : 



Description about learning and  progress in various events : 



Challenges faced in practicing the concerned events and method and
technology over come them : 



Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof, Certificates of academic accomplishments and participation in all
sports or Arts events  


Date of the Application:




































Annexure -4

Application for NFB Excellency Award 2015 (Social Service Category)



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for NFB Excellency Award 2015 in Social Service Category. My
details are as under: 








Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue:


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:







Nature of the services being rendered:




The period for which the services have been offering: 


Beneficiaries group of the services: 


Number of the beneficiaries of the services: 


How the services are being rendered: 


The support and resources for the services: 


The challenges being faced in rendering service and method and technology of
overcoming them: 




Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof, Certificates of appreciation, achievements and success in various
type of services :




Date of the Application:






























Annexure -5

Application for NFB Karnataka Prathiba Award) 2015



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for NFB Karnataka Prathibha Award  2015. My details are as








Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue:


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:







Last post metric final exam passed in 2015: 


Total Aggregate Marks in above Exam: 


Total Secured Marks in above Exam:  

Secured percentage in above Exam: 


Rank/position in secured in above Exam:


Name of the Examination Authority: 




Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof and marks sheet/ certificates of qualifying exam certifying above 90%
of marks other certificates of academic as well as extracurricular




Date of the Application:





































Annexure -6

Application for ``Most senior citizen of Karnataka with blindness''-



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for ``Most Senior Citizen of Karnataka with Blindness''
Award 2015.  My details are as under: 








Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue:


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:







Status of the Blindness/Challenges caused by it and overcoming them. 



Parents & Family background: 




Social and Economic Status: 


Attitude of the society towards me: 


My attitude towards society: 


Role towards empowerment of a fellow visually challenged persons :





Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof, and other relevant certificates:




Date of the Application:






























Annexure -7

Application for `` NFB Most Empowered Women Award''-2015



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for `` NFB Most Empowered Women Award" 2015.  My details are
as under: 






Current Address for correspondence:


Mail ID: 


Contact No.: 


Native Place & State: 


Mother Tongue:


Knowledge of Other languages:


Status of Blindness (Totally/near blind/Low vision):


Age & cause of acquiring blindness 


Description about Academic qualification & Accomplishments:








Child Hood:


About My Parents/siblings and family background:




Acqurance of blindness and fight with this: 





Education & other skills learning: 


Status of Economic Independence: 


Marital Status: 


Role in home making and looking after husband and kids: 


Physical status of husband and kids: 


Status of Social integration and participation with friends & Relatives: 


About Hobbies/ interests / accomplishments in various events in the life: 


Contribution in service of fellow visually challenged or other weaker
section of the society: 



Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof, and other relevant certificates:




Date of the Application:






















Annexure -8

Application for Award of Best married couples of a blind person with a
sighted spouse ''-2015



The President 

NFB Karnataka 

#S 372, Bharatnagar , 2nd phase, 

Near Karnataka Bank,

Magadi Main Road,


Mob: 8197900171

email:  <> 


Dear Sir 

I wish to apply for above mentioned Award" 2015  Out details are as under: 












Current Address for Correspondence 



Contact No.



Native place & State



Mother Tongue 



Knowledge of Other languages:




Status of Disability 



Age & cause of acquiring Disability 




Academic qualification 











Date  & Place of Marriage: 


No. of male & female Kids: 


Status of resident (Joint family/Individual): 







Documents enclosed are Disability certificate, ID proof, Address proof, Age
proof, and joint photo of marriage ceremony and other relevant certificates 


Note: we give our wilful consent to participate in this interesting
competition to be awarded as a best couple at pre intimated time and venue 




Date of the Application:


























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