Respected friends,
I am Syed Mansoor and I am sharing with you people Microsoft word
notes which have been prepared by me hope it will be use full to all
new learners.

Table of Contents
Starting MS Word        2
Editing Text    4
Inserting Text  5
Formatting text 6
Formatting Paragraphs   7
Aligning Text   8
Creating bulleted and numbered lists    8
Adding Headers and Footers      9
Inserting Table 10
Adding Borders and Shading      12
Find and Replace option 13
Using Spell Check Tool  14
Auto correct    14
Book Marks      15


Word Processor is a software package, which is used to create and edit documents
Creating – typing the document into the internal memory and saving by
writing it on to the disk.
Editing – Correcting the spelling mistakes, deleting or moving words,
sentences or paragraphs
Examples of Word processor
       Word perfect
       Word star
       Microsoft Word

The list of tasks that a word processor allows to perform:
       Typing a document and saving it
       On to the disk
       Correct, deleted and insert
       Characters, words, lines and
       Images anywhere in the
       Retrieve documents from the disk
       Move or copy paragraphs or images
       From one place to another
       Increase / Decrease the left, right, top and bottom margins
       Change the text font and style
         Search for a particular word or   phrase
       Spell check tool
       Print document in various formats
       Print a document using a mail merge

Starting MS Word
       Ctrl + Escape to activate start menu
       Use down arrow and go to Programs submenu
        Press enter and again use down
       Select MS word and press enter

The Document Window
The components of the Microsoft word window
Office Button to active office button press alt+f
Quick Access Toolbar
Title bar – Displays the title of the program and the active word
document. Use Insert + T to read the name of the title which is a JAWS
To the right corner there is the control menu icon with the following
Maximize button: To maximize the word screen
Minimize button: To minimize the word screen
Restore button    : To restore
Close button        : to close the program

(Use alt + space to activate the control menu)

Menu bar: Positioned below the Title bar. It contains menus like Home
option, Insert option and so on. To activate that use Alt key and the
hot key of that option. For eg. It is Alt + H for Home tab an Alt + N
for Insert tab
(There is a drop down menu for all these option. The moment you
activate these option the list will drop down)

Status bar: displays information about the active document. It tells
the currently working position of the user. This includes the page,
column and line number where the cursor is positioned. The status bar
is at the bottom of the window just above the task bar.

Scroll bar: Two types of Scroll bar
Vertical and Horizontal
Vertical scroll bar is used to move a document vertically
Horizontal scroll bar is used to move a document horizontally, page by
page. Page up and page down to move a page up or down.

Workspace: This is the area where the user can type the text of the document

Creating a Document
       Steps to create a document
       Select new option from Office Button
       Select blank document icon
       Select document radio button
       Enter on Ok button

Opening Document
1.      Select open option from Office Button
2.      Choose the right drive and folder
3.      Use tab and come to the list view
4.      Use down arrow and select the document Or type the document name in
the file name colon edit
5.      Enter on the ok button to open the document

Saving a Document
1.      To retain a new document for future use, one should save the document
2.      Steps to save with a new file name
3.      Select the save as option from the Office Button
4.      In the file name colon edit give the new name
5.      Tab and go to ok button and press enter

Save option – This option is usually used to save the latest changes
of a document, which is already created

Editing Text
Corrections of mistakes are called editing. This is an essential
feature of word processing package.

An important thing one has to note is the placing the insertion point
in the right place where the changes have to be made. Some of the key
combinations used to move around in a document are as follows
       Up arrow down arrow, Left arrow and Right arrow keys to move one
character up, down, left and right respectively.
       Ctrl + Right arrow to go to the next word
       Ctrl + Left arrow to go to the Previous word
       Home to go to the beginning of the line
       End to go to the end of the line
       Ctrl + Home to go the beginning of the document
       Ctrl + End to go to the end of the document

Steps to select a text
       If  the cursor at the beginning of the line then press Ctrl + end to
select the whole line
       If the cursor is at the end of the line then press Ctrl + home to
select the whole line
       If you want to select letter by letter then Hold Shift in one finger
and keep pressing the right arrow in the other finger simultaneously.

       Select the text
       Press enter on delete button or
       Select cut option from edit menu and press enter

Moving text
       Select the text
       Press alt + H to activate Home tab
       Use Tab key and select cut option
       Press enter
       Take the cursor to the position where the text has to moved
       Again go to Home tab
       Select paste option and press enter

Copying Text
       Select the text
       Go to Home taband press enter on Copy option
       Place the cursor where the text has to be pasted
       Select paste option from Home tab and press enter

The steps are same for moving and preparing copies of text, the only
difference is to move, one has to select cut option and to prepare
copies, and one has to select copy option from Home tab.

Undoing Edits
This option is used to reverse the action. For eg if one has deleted a
part of text or changed the format of a text accidentally then he can
come back to the previous position by undoing edit immediately.
Steps to undo edit
       Select undo option from Home tab
       Press enter or press Ctrl + Z ( Short cut)

Inserting Text
Word is normally in insert mode. In this mode one can bring the cursor
to the place where a word has to be added and type the word.
When you press insert button the mode changes to over write. This is a
toggle key. First time you press it changes to over write mode and
second you press it changes to insert mode. In the over write mode the
word changes to the new typed word. The old text is overwritten by the
new text.

Converting Text
       Select the text
       Press alt + H and go to Home tab
       Use Tab key and press enter on change case option
       Use down arrow to change the position of radio buttons
       And press enter
There are five types of Change case
Sentence Case - It capitalizes the first letter of the sentence
Lower Case _ it changes the selected text into small letters
Title case – It Capitalizes the First Letter of Each Word in a Sentence

Formatting text
Formatting a text means changing the fonts, aligning text, changing
font styles, font sizes, setting margins, adjusting the line and
paragraph spacing.

Using font dialog box to change size, color etc.
Font is a style or manner of writing.
       Select the text
       Go to font option of Home tab and press enter or use ctrl +d
       The font dialog appear
       By default you are in the font option
       Use down arrow the desired font
       Then use tab and go to Font style
       Use down arrow to change the style
       Again tab and go to size
       Use down arrow to select a size or retype the size
       Use tab and come to underline
       If you want to give an underline to text then use down arrow and
select the desired one
       Tab and go to color combo box
       Use down arrow and press enter on the desired color
       If you want to give effects to the selected text
       You have check the check boxes in the effects lists
       To go the different effects press tab
       To select or check them use space bar
       To uncheck the unwanted effect once again press space bar on the same 
       Once the task is over press enter on Ok button to come out of the
font dialog box

Formatting Paragraphs

Line Spacing - Spacing is used to design a document and make it more
readable. It is measured by lines. The default is single line spacing.
Steps to change the line spacing:
Select paragraph option from Home Tab
Use tab and go to Line spacing combo box
Use down arrow to change the spacing and press enter on ok button

Paragraph spacing – An amount of white space can be placed before and
after paragraphs.
Steps to change the give paragraph spacing:
Select paragraph option from Home Tab
Select Intends and spacing tab
Enter the measurements in the before and after spacing spin box
Enter on ok button

Aligning Text
Aligning Text - Alignment is way of organizing the text. There are
four types of alignments. They are as follows.
1) Right alignment – Text can be right aligned to the right margin of
the page. To do this first the text which has to right aligned. Then
select paragraph option from the Home tab. In the alignment box use
down arrow and select right alignment. Press enter on ok button to
come out of it

2) Left alignment – Text can be left aligned to the left margin of the
page. This is the default mode. To do this first the text which has to
left aligns? Then select paragraph option from the Home Tab. In the
alignment box use down arrow and select left alignment. Press enter on
ok button to come out of it

3) Center alignment – Text can be center aligned to the center of the
page. This alignment is usually done to center the heading of the
text. To do this first the text which has to center aligned. Then
select paragraph option from the Home Tab. In the alignment box use
down arrow and select center alignment. Press enter on ok button to
come out of it

3) Justified alignment – This feature aligns with both the left and
right margins. Inter word spacing is adjusted such that each line of
text begins at the left margin and ends at the right margin. To do
this first the text which has to justify. Then select paragraph option
from the Home Tab. In the alignment box use down arrow and select
justify option. Press enter on ok button to come out of it

Creating bulleted and numbered lists
Bullets and numbers can be used to make lists in the document. This
makes the document look attractive
Steps to add bullets or numbers:
       Select the existing list
       Use alt + H to go to Home Tab
       Select bullets option
       Press tab and go to none
       Then use arrow keys and select the desired bullets
       Press enter on ok.
If you want to give numbers to the list
Steps to add bullets or numbers:
       Select the existing list
       Use alt + H to go to Home Tab
       Select Numbering option
       Tab and come to none
       Use arrow keys the select the number type
       Press enter on Ok button to come out of the dialog box
To remove the bullets and number, none option can be used.

Adding Headers and Footers
Headers are displayed at the top while footers are displayed at the
bottom of a document. The text that is entered in headers and footers
will be displayed in all the pages of the document. You need to type
only once the header and footer, and it will repeat in all the pages
of the document

Steps to enter header and footer
       Press alt + N and select Header and footer using Tab Key
       Press enter
       In the header region type the text
       Press down arrow to go to footer region
       Type the text in the footer region
       (to come out of header and footer)
       Press alt + v, go to header and footer, then press enter
Usually title of the document will be given in header region where as
foot notes are some small important notes are given in footer region.

Numbering pages
The pages in the document can be numbered for easy reference.
Pages can be numbered using header and footer and also using page numbers option
Steps to insert page numbers using header and footer
       Activate header and footer region
       Go to insert Tab by using Alt + N
       Use Tab key and go to page number option
       Press enter
       In the page number dialog box give the alignment
       And press enter on Ok button to come out of it

Using page number option
       Select page number option from insert Tab and press enter
       In the dialog box enter the type of alignment you want
       You can also go to format option in the dialog box to get different
types of formats and styles

Inserting Table
A table is a grid of columns and rows. The intersection of columns and
rows forms cells
Steps to insert table
       Press  Alt + N
       Select table group box and enter
       Select insert table and press enter
       Use tab and go to rows colon edit
       Enter the number of rows
       Press tab and go to columns colon edit
       Enter the number of columns
       Auto fit radio button can be checked. This expands the cells as per
the data that is entered.
       Press enter on ok button to close the dialog box
       Position the cursor in the cell and enter data
       Use tab to go from cell to cell
       Tab can be used to insert rows. Place the cursor at the last cell of
the table and press tab, this will insert a row

Modifying a table
       You can modify the table by inserting, deleting cells, columns and
rows. You can also merge and split cells as per the requirements
       Steps to insert row
       Select the row where you want a new row to added
       Go to insert row option from the application key
       Press enter

       Steps to insert column
       Go to the column where you want to insert a column
       Select the column
       Go to Layout Tab
       Use Tab Key and go to insert column option
       Press enter

To insert cells
       Position the cursor where you want to add the cell
       Go to insert  menu
       Select insert cell option and press enter

Merge cells
       Select the cells that has to be merged
       Go to Layout Tab
       Use Tab Key and go to merge cells option
       Press enter

Split cells
       Position the cursor to cell that has to be split
       Go to Layout tab and select split cells option
       The split cells dialog box appears
       Enter the number of rows and columns that you want the cell to be split 
       Press enter on ok button to finish

Adding Borders and Shading
       Steps to add borders to the selected parts
       Select the text
       Press Alt + P
       Use Tab Key and select Page borders
       Press enter on it
       The dialog box for borders and shading will be displayed
       Press ctrl + tab to go to borders tab
       Press tab and go to presets option
       Use arrow keys to select the type of preset
       (None can be selected to delete a given border)
       Use tab and go to  style option
       Use down arrow to select style
       Then again press tab and go to color
       Select a color
       Press tab and go to width
       If necessary the width can be changed
       Tab and go to ok button and press enter to come out of the dialog box

To give a page border
       Activate the Borders and shading dialog box
       Press ctrl + tab and go page border tab]
       Use tab and go to Art list box. In the list box different types of
page border with attractive graphics can be seen.
       Use down arrow to select a type of page border
       The preview of the page border is displayed as you change the page
border type.
       Enter on ok button to finish inserting page border

Steps to give shading
       Select the text to which the shading has to be given
       Activate the borders and shading dialog box
       Use ctrl + tab and go to shadings tab
       Use tab and go to patterns list box
       Press down arrow and select the percentage. to get 100 percent color
select solid percent
       Press tab and go to color list box
       Use down arrow and select the shading color you want
       Press enter on ok button to come out of dialog box
       ( To remove a shading select clear in the pattern list box)

Find and Replace option
       Find option can be used to find a word and replace option can be use
to replace  a word
       Steps to find and replace
       Go to Home Tab
       Use Tab Key and select find and replace option
       Press enter
       In the find what colon edit type the word that has to be found
       Use tab an go to replace with colon edit and type the word to which
it has to be re place
       Use replace button to replace one replacement
       Use replace all button if you want to change all the specified words
in document
       Press enter on close button
       Press escape to come out of the dialog box

Using Spell Check Tool
Word provides a facility to check for spelling mistakes
Steps to check for spelling mistakes
       Bring the cursor to the beginning of the document
       Press Alt + R to go to Review Tab
       Select spelling and grammar option and press
       enter
       The spelling and grammar dialog box appears up
       The word that is found in the dictionary will be marked red.
       In the suggestion list box there will be a list of suggestion
       Use down arrow to select the right one
       Press enter on change button to correct the mistake
If this mistake is repeated all over the document then press enter on
replace all button. This will change all that words that is existing
as per the specification.
If you want to retain the word without change then press enter on
ignore button. You can press enter on ignore all button so that it
doesn't prompt when the same mistake arises in the remaining part of
the document
You can also retype the word in the text area if there are no proper
suggestions available
Once the spell check is over there will be a message stating spell
check is complete.
Press enter on to return back to the document

Auto correct
Auto correct option can be used to correct the accidental mistakes
For eg., Instead of typing "When" you may type when. Then auto correct
automatically corrects the word whn to when provided if this comment
is stored in the auto text list. Some times you may want to retain
without any change. For this press Ctrl + Z or undo as   the change
has occurred.
You can also store the abbreviations and the long form in the auto
correct list. When abbreviations are typed in the document they
automatically get replaced by the long form that is available in auto
In Word 2007, 2010 and 2013, there is no AutoCorrect Options showed in
the Ribbon. Without Classic Menu for Excel 2007/2010/2013 installed,
it is not so intuitive to get this function, so you have to customize
the Ribbon manually to get it
Click File Tab, and click “Options” item.
Click the Customize Ribbon in the Word Options window, and then, you
will see Customize the Ribbon in the right pane. Choose Commands Not
in the Ribbon by clicking the arrow, and then use the scroll bar to
search for the AutoCorrect Options.
 When finally find out the Option, click Add to add it into the
Ribbon, and then click OK to finish the step.
Steps to give an entry in the auto correct
       Activate Home tab
       Select auto text and press enter
       Again select auto text and press enter
       The auto text dialog box is displayed on the screen
       Press ctrl + tab and go to auto correct tab
       Use tab and go to replace with colon edit. Here type the text that
has to be replaced
       Again tab and go to the to edit area, type the text to which it has
to be replaced
       Press alt a to accept the word
       Enter on ok button to close the dialog box
An auto text entry can be deleted by going into the auto text list
selecting the entry and press alt + d. Press enter on ok button to
come out of the dialog box.

Book Marks
Book marks are used to identify the beginning of a chapter, tables or
the place in the document where you left off. You can mark a section a
character, a range of characters, graphics or any other word element.
Book marks can be used to jump to specific points in a document
without scrolling through the pages or searching
The steps to create a book mark are
Position the insertion point at the location where you want to create
a book mark
Select the book mark option from the insert tab.
The book mark dialog box is displayed
Type the name in the book mark name text box
Enter on Add button
Book mark names can contain 40 characters and also numbers letters,
underlines but not spaces, punctuation marks or other characters.
Steps to go to the book mark that is already created
       Press Alt + H to go to Home Tab
       Use Tab Key and select go to option
       In the Co to what list box use down arrow an select bookmarks
       Press tab and go to Enter book mark name edit box and type the name
of the book mark that you want to go or use down arrow to see the list
of book marks
       Press tab and move on to Go To button
       Press enter on this button
       Again go to close button and press enter on this to come out of the 
dialog box

Steps to delete bookmarks
       Go to Book mark dialog box
       In the Book mark name edit box type the name of the book mark you
want to delete
       Or else use down arrow to activate the drop   down menu and select
the book mark name you want to delete
       Tab and go to delete button.
       Press enter to delete the book mark.

01      CTRL+A  Select whole file
02      CTRL +B Apply bold style to the selected text
03      CTRL+C  Copy the selected text to the clip board
04      CTRL+D  Open the Font dialog box
05      CTRL+E  Align center to the selected text
06      CTRL+F  Open the find dialog box
07      CTRL+G  Open the go to dialog box
08      CTRL+H  Open the replace dialog box
09      CTRL+I  Apply italic style for the selected text
010     CTRL+J  Justify the selected text
11      CTRL+K  Open the Hyperlink dialog box
12      CTRL+L  Is for left alignment
13      CTRL+M  
14      CTRL+N  Open the new document
15      CTRL+O  Open the open dialog box
16      CTRL+P  Open the print dialog box
17      CTRL+Q  
18      CTRL+R  Will align the selected text towards right side
19      CTRL+S  Open the save dialog box
20      CTRL+T  
21      CTRL+U  Underline the selected text
22      CTRL+V  Paste the text
23      CTRL+W  Close the word window
24      CTRL+X  Cut the selected text
25      CTRL+Y  Redo the text
26      CTRL+Z  Andu the text
27      CTRL+SHIFT+L    Apply the bullet for the selected text
28      ALT+SHIFT+D     Print the date on the current curser
29      ALT+SHIFT+T     Print the time on the current curser
30      CTRL+ALT+1 TO CTRL+ALT+6        For heading 1 to heading 6
31      CTRL+]  Increase the size of selected text
32      CTRL+[  Decrease the size of selected text
33      F7      Spelling and grammar check

Wishing you all green lights.

Syed Mansoor Shahab
contact: +919844235326
Skype: syed.perfectnist

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