Dear Friends,

As you might know, I love sports and adventures. Various research
shows that sports play an important part in boosting health and
confidence of all individuals- be it disables or able-bodied.

I have always known and played one game- Cricket. But there are other
exciting, individualistic, rigorous and mixed-gender games which I
enjoyed playing while being in the UK.

To start with, I wish to bring blind tennis and goalball to our
country. I am in touch with keen individuals and organisations who
would like to promote these games in India. I desire that unlike my
generation of VI people, who had to exclusively focus on survival by
doing well in academics, my new young VI friends enjoy the fine things
of life.

Our able-bodied fellow Olympic sportsmen are trying their hard to
bring meddles, but I aspire to support my young friends who I’m sure
can do much better in 2020 Para-Olympics. I’m a 6-day working
corporate professional and therefore, cannot at present devote lot of
time for it. Therefore, I request support of enthusiastic individuals
and organisations who can contribute in developing these games in

Walk the talk:
I would want to call in a taster session for both the games- tennis
and goalball in October at Mumbai, to introduce participants to the
magic of these games and enlist them for regular training sessions to
enable them to play international games by the next year.

If you are a female/male VI sports enthusiast or parent of the VI
youngsters or just want to support our endeavours, please express your
interest by writing to me at

I will be able to write back only in the middle of month of September.
I’m carrying necessary knowledge and sound balls for these games. What
we need is few enthusiasts )already there) and place (To be finalised)
to start the whack and I’m sure we will get there. Hope to hear from
you all soon.


With best regards,
Ekinath Khedekar.

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