iam sudhakar from  hyderabad
iam working on   my desertation   for mphil
on assistive technologies
so in this regard  I want  the sources  for the following questions
please reply me of line  or letme know  from where  I can get related  info,
questions are as follows:
How many softwares are there for the visually challenged.
What are the types of softwares.
The origin and history of each of  these softwares, how they have developed.
Who have produced. What was their interest.
Where it was developed, all these.
What was the medium of the softwares, why the softwares were developed.
Who are the persons or the company involved in the development of the software.
Were there any visually challenged persons would in the development of
Why did normal people wanted to develop softwares for reading. Are
these softwares are available or paid softwares.
If the free versions are there what are its limitations.
If the paid versions are there, what opportunities it provide.
Look at the development of each software, important changes.  Software
development is a long process so what changes it under gone over a
period from the stage of beginning  till what is present nowand
reasons for such changeswhat are the important changes occurred in its
trajectory or in its development process and what are the reasons for
such changes.
How many softwares have gone out of circulation or extinct. They have
developed  but over a period they became extinct.What are the reasons
for there extinction.
Why some softwares have become successful.

In the second part:
What softwares are available in indiafor the visually challenged are
these softwares available visually challenged or others also.
How companies are moving towards audio versions like ammezonalexasiri
in ios devices.
So they are developing this, are they looking at visually challenged
persons in mind or others.
So when you are looking this works  raise some sociological questions
like what class category, they can afford, cost, then digital haves
and haves nots what about them.

Who can access and who cannot. Who own mobile phone and who do not
own,  who own softwares, is it possible for the softwares to shared
between the people. How if they cannot shared and how they do.
Now we will do crack versions so we crack and use pirated versions. So
how it is taking place.
Then what medium it is available. Language is a barrier  is language
becoming a barrier.
How google translater or other translaters versions  are helping.
Then rural urban differences,  then accessibility interms of class.
Ease of working,
People are moving towards verbal softwares rather than texting and
all. So why this is going so.
Then I asked to look at blogs, popular articals and articals in
disability studies collection.

You have to do  on disabilities, assistive technologies, theoretical
perspectives and assistive technologies for visually challenged.
Then indian context what are the studies which are being done.
Then status of visually challenged among the  PWDS in the country.
What is their employment situation. What is education background. Who
are they men and women  coming from different background, economic
background etc..




"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

with best regards


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