January 14, 2021

*Press Statement*

The National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) expresses grave
indignation and disgust at the brutal gang rape of a 15-year old girl with
speech and hearing impairment in Madhubani, Bihar. The crime becomes all
the more vicious, wicked and atrocious as the predators sought to snatch
away her vision in an attempt to ensure that she would not be able to
identify them.

Unlike the perception reinforced by statements from high ranking officials,
including those from members of the National Commission for Women, the
despicable attack took place in broad daylight, when  the girl was out in
search of fodder for her goats.

The heinous assault once again brings to light the multiple layers of
vulnerabilities that girls and women with disabilities are exposed to. The
perpetrators of the monstrous crime were bent upon ensuring the total
denial of access to the criminal justice (by inflicting wounds on her eyes)
which even otherwise was arduous for a girl who was hearing and speech

That mere enhancement of punishment fails to deter such crimes is being
repeatedly underlined by such incidents. On the other hand, it only
demonstrates that this only adds to escalating the nature of the crime.

Regrettably, despite the increasing number of reported cases of sexual
violence on girls and women with disabilities, the National Crimes Records
Bureau (NCRB) does not maintain disaggregated data on such violence
targeting disabled women.

Coming from an economically deprived and marginalised family and the
manifold vulnerabilities that both the survivor and the family would be
subjected to, it is incumbent that they be ensured adequate counselling and

While demanding adequate compensation for the survivor, the NPRD also
wishes to reiterate the necessity of making the criminal justice system
accessible as also the sensitisation of all those associated with it.


*General Secretary*
National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD)
36, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla Lane
New Delhi 110 001
Tel. 11-23387674; 9868768543

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