Hi Mamta,
Useful tips indeed. Thanks very much.
P. Balaraman.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mamta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:26 AM
Subject: [AI] 221 short cuts to ms word

> Hello every one!
> Hope that this may be of help to some one.
> 221 Microsoft Word Shortcuts
> 1
> Ctrl + Shift + A
> AllCaps
> Makes the selection all capitals (toggle)
> 2
> Alt + Ctrl + 1
> ApplyHeading1
> Applies Heading 1 style to the selected text
> 3
> Alt + Ctrl + 2
> ApplyHeading2
> Applies Heading 2 style to the selected text
> 4
> Alt + Ctrl + 3
> ApplyHeading3
> Applies Heading 3 style to the selected text
> 5
> Ctrl + Shift + L
> ApplyListBullet
> Applies List Bullet style to the selected text
> 6
> Alt + F10
> AppMaximize
> Enlarges the application window to full size
> 7
> Alt + F5
> AppRestore
> Restores the application window to normal size
> 8
> Ctrl+B
> Bold
> Makes the selection bold (toggle)
> 9
> Ctrl + PgDn
> BrowseNext
> Jump to the next browse object
> 10
> Ctrl + PgUp
> BrowsePrev
> Jump to the previous browse object
> 11
> Alt + Ctrl + Home
> BrowseSel
> Select the next/prev browse object
> 12
> Esc
> Cancel
> Terminates an action
> 13
> Ctrl+E
> CenterPara
> Centers the paragraph between the indents
> 14
> Shift+F3
> ChangeCase
> Changes the case of the letters in the selection
> 15
> Left arrow
> CharLeft
> Moves the insertion point to the left one character
> 16
> Shift + Left arrow
> CharLeftExtend
> Extends the selection to the left one character
> 17
> Rt arrow
> CharRight
> Moves the insertion point to the right one character
> 18
> Shift + Rt arrow
> CharRightExtend
> Extends the selection to the right one character
> 19
> Alt + Shift + C
> ClosePane
> Closes the active window pane (if you are in Normal View and have, for
> example, the Footnote pane open)
> 20
> Alt+Drag (or press Ctrl + Shift + F8 and drag, but Alt + Drag is far
> easier!)
> ColumnSelect
> Selects a columnar block of text
> 21
> Ctrl +Shift+C
> CopyFormat
> Copies the formatting of the selection
> 22
> Shift + F2
> CopyText
> Makes a copy of the selection without using the clipboard (press Return to
> paste)
> 23
> Alt + F3
> CreateAutoText
> Adds an AutoText entry to the active template
> 24
> Ctrl+ Backspace
> DeleteBackWord
> Deletes the previous word without putting it on the Clipboard
> 25
> Ctrl + Del
> DeleteWord
> Deletes the next word without putting it on the Clipboard
> 26
> Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4
> DocClose
> Prompts to save the document and then closes the active window. (But 
> doesn't
> intercept the menu command)
> 27
> Ctrl + F10
> DocMaximize
> Enlarges the active window to full size
> 28
> Ctrl + F7
> DocMove
> Changes the position of the active window
> 29
> Ctrl + F5
> DocRestore
> Restores the window to normal size
> 30
> Ctrl + F8
> DocSize
> Changes the size of the active window
> 31
> Alt + Ctrl + S
> DocSplit
> Splits the active window horizontally and then adjusts the split
> 32
> Alt + Shift + F9
> DoFieldClick
> Executes the action associated with macrobutton fields
> 33
> Ctrl + Shift + D
> DoubleUnderline
> Double underlines the selection (toggle)
> 34
> Alt R, G
> DrawGroup
> Groups the selected drawing objects
> 35
> Alt R, I
> DrawSnapToGrid
> Sets up a grid for aligning drawing objects
> 36
> Alt R, U
> DrawUngroup
> Ungroups the selected group of drawing objects
> 37
> Ctrl+Shift+F5 (Or: Alt I, K)
> EditBookmark
> Brings up the bookmark dialog
> 38
> Del
> EditClear
> Performs a forward delete or removes the selection without putting it on 
> the
> Clipboard
> 39
> Ctrl+C
> EditCopy
> Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
> 40
> Ctrl+X
> EditCut
> Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard
> 41
> Ctrl+F
> EditFind
> Finds the specified text or the specified formatting
> 42
> F5, Ctrl+G
> EditGoTo
> Jumps to a specified place in the active document
> 43
> Alt E, K
> EditLinks
> Allows links to be viewed, updated, opened, or removed
> 44
> Ctrl+V
> EditPaste
> Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
> 45
> Alt E, S
> EditPasteSpecial
> Inserts the Clipboard contents as a linked object, embedded object, or 
> other
> format
> 46
> Alt + Shift + Backspc
> EditRedo
> Redoes the last action that was undone
> 47
> F4
> EditRedoOrRepeat
> Repeats the last command, or redoes the last action that was undone
> (unfortunately, doesn't work for as many commands in Word 2000 as in Word 
> 97
> and below,
> but this is still one of Word's most useful shortcuts, if not the most
> useful)
> 48
> Ctrl+H
> EditReplace
> Finds the specified text or the specified formatting and replaces it
> 49
> Ctrl+A
> EditSelectAll
> Selects the entire document
> 50
> Ctrl+Z
> EditUndo
> Reverses the last action
> 51
> Alt + PageDn (to select to end of column, use Alt + Shift + PgDn)
> EndOfColumn
> Moves to the last cell in the current table column
> 52
> Ctrl+Shift+End
> EndOfDocExtend
> Extends the selection to the end of the last line of the document
> 53
> Ctrl+End
> EndOfDocument
> Moves the insertion point to the end of the last line of the document
> 54
> End
> EndOfLine
> Moves the insertion point to the end of the current line
> 55
> Shift+End
> EndOfLineExtend
> Extends the selection to the end of the current line
> 56
> Alt+End
> EndOfRow
> Moves to the last cell in the current row
> 57
> Alt + Ctrl + PgDn
> EndOfWindow
> Moves the insertion point to the end of the last visible line on the 
> screen
> 58
> Shift + Alt + Ctrl + PgDn
> EndOfWindowExtend
> Extends the selection to the end of the last visible line on the screen
> 59
> F8 (press Esc to turn off)
> ExtendSelection
> Turns on extend selection mode and then expands the selection with the
> direction keys
> 60
> Alt + F4 (<9>)
> FileCloseOrExit
> Closes the current document, or if no documents are open, quits Word.
> Horrible command, as it makes it a long winded business to quit Word. But
> there's
> a simple solution - assign Alt+F4 to FileExit instead.
> 61
> Alt + F4 (Word 97)
> FileExit
> Quits Microsoft Word and prompts to save the documents (does intercept the
> menu item, but not the keyboard shortcut, or the x button. An AutoExit 
> macro
> is usually a better way of intercepting this).
> 62
> NOT Ctrl+N!!
> FileNew
> Creates a new document or template (brings up the dialog). Note that: Word
> pretends that Ctrl+N is assigned to FileNew but it isn't, it's assigned to
> FileNewDefault
> You can fix this in Word 2000 by assigning Ctrl+N to the FileNewDialog
> command. In Word 97 the only way to fix it is to create a macro called
> FileNew (to
> do this, press Alt + F8, type "FileNew" without the quotes and Click
> "Create". The macro will automatically contain the code needed to make it
> work).
> 63
> Ctrl+N
> FileNewDefault
> Creates a new document based on the Normal template.
> 64
> Ctrl+O
> FileOpen
> Opens an existing document or template
> 65
> Alt F, U
> FilePageSetup
> Changes the page setup of the selected sections
> 66
> Ctrl + P
> FilePrint
> Prints the active document (brings up the dialog)
> 67
> Ctrl+F2
> FilePrintPreview
> Displays full pages as they will be printed
> 68
> Alt F, I
> FileProperties
> Shows the properties of the active document
> 69
> Ctrl+S
> FileSave
> FileSave
> 70
> Alt F, A (or F12)
> FileSaveAs
> Saves a copy of the document in a separate file (brings up the dialog)
> 71
> Ctrl+Shift+F
> Font
> Activates the Fonts listbox on the formatting toolbar
> 72
> Ctrl+Shift+P
> FontSizeSelect
> Activates the Font Size drop-down on the formatting toolbar
> 73
> Alt + Ctrl + K
> FormatAutoFormat
> Automatically formats a document (or sometimes, automatically screws it 
> up)
> 74
> Alt O, B
> FormatBordersAndSha ding
> Changes the borders and shading of the selected paragraphs, table cells, 
> and
> pictures
> 75
> Alt O, E
> FormatChangeCase
> Changes the case of the letters in the selection
> 76
> Alt O, C
> FormatColumns
> Changes the column format of the selected sections (brings up the dialog)
> 77
> Alt O, D
> FormatDropCap
> Formats the first character of current paragraph as a dropped capital 
> (must
> select it first)
> 78
> Ctrl+D
> FormatFont
> Brings up the Format + Font dialog
> 79
> Alt + Shift + R
> FormatHeaderFooterL ink
> Links the current header/footer to the previous section (but does not
> intercept the button on the Header Footer toolbar)
> 80
> Alt O, P
> FormatParagraph
> Brings up the Format Paragraph dialog
> 81
> Alt O, S
> FormatStyle
> Applies, creates, or modifies styles
> 82
> Alt O, T
> FormatTabs
> Brings up the Format Tabs dialog
> 83
> Shift + F5
> GoBack
> Returns to the previous insertion point (goes back to up to 3 points, then
> returns to where you started; this is one of the most useful shortcuts of
> them
> all. Also useful when opening a document, if you want to g straight to 
> where
> you were last editing it)
> 84
> Ctrl + >
> GrowFont
> Increases the font size of the selection
> 85
> Ctrl + ]
> GrowFontOnePoint
> Increases the font size of the selection by one point
> 86
> Ctrl + T (or drag the ruler)
> HangingIndent
> Increases the hanging indent
> 87
> F1
> Help
> Microsoft Word Help
> 88
> Shift + F1
> HelpTool
> Lets you get help on a command or screen region or examine text properties
> 89
> Ctrl + Shift + H
> Hidden
> Makes the selection hidden text (toggle)
> 90
> Click on it
> HyperlinkOpen
> Connect to a hyperlink's address
> 91
> Ctrl + M (or drag the ruler)
> Indent
> Moves the left indent to the next tab stop
> 92
> Alt + Ctrl + M (or Alt I, M)
> InsertAnnotation
> Inserts a comment
> 93
> F3
> InsertAutoText
> Replaces the name of the AutoText entry with its contents
> 94
> Alt I, B
> InsertBreak
> Ends a page, column, or section at the insertion point
> 95
> Alt I, C
> InsertCaption
> Inserts a caption above or below a selected object
> 96
> Ctrl + Shift + Return
> InsertColumnBreak
> Inserts a column break at the insertion point
> 97
> Alt + Shift + D
> InsertDateField
> Inserts a date field
> 98
> Alt + Ctrl + D
> InsertEndnoteNow
> Inserts an endnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the
> dialog
> 99
> Alt I, F
> InsertField
> Inserts a field in the active document
> 100
> Ctrl+F9
> InsertFieldChars
> Inserts an empty field with the enclosing field characters
> 101
> Alt I, L
> InsertFile
> Inserts the text of another file into the active document
> 102
> Alt I, N
> InsertFootnote
> Inserts a footnote or endnote reference at the insertion point
> 103
> Alt + Ctrl + F
> InsertFootnoteNow
> Inserts a footnote reference at the insertion point without displaying the
> dialog
> 104
> Ctrl + K
> InsertHyperlink
> Insert Hyperlink
> 105
> Alt I, D
> InsertIndexAndTable s
> Inserts an index or a table of contents, figures, or authorities into the
> document
> 106
> Alt + Ctrl + L
> InsertListNumField
> Inserts a ListNum Field
> 107
> Alt + Shift + F
> InsertMergeField
> Brings up a dialog to insert a mail merge field at the insertion point. 
> (It
> does not intercept the button on the Mail merge. toolbar)
> 108
> Ctrl + Return
> InsertPageBreak
> Inserts a page break at the insertion point
> 109
> Alt + Shift + P
> InsertPageField
> Inserts a page number field
> 110
> Ctrl + Shift + F3
> InsertSpike
> Empties the spike AutoText entry and inserts all of its contents into the
> document
> 111
> Alt + Shift + T
> InsertTimeField
> Inserts a time field
> 112
> Ctrl + I
> Italic
> Makes the selection italic (toggle)
> 113
> Ctrl + J
> JustifyPara
> Aligns the paragraph at both the left and the right indent
> 114
> Ctrl + L
> LeftPara
> Aligns the paragraph at the left indent
> 115
> Down arrow
> LineDown
> Moves the insertion point down one line
> 116
> Shift + down arrow
> LineDownExtend
> Extends the selection down one line
> 117
> Up arrow
> LineUp
> Moves the insertion point up one line
> 118
> Shift + up arrow
> LineUpExtend
> Extends the selection up one line
> 119
> Ctrl + F11
> LockFields
> Locks the selected fields to prevent updating
> 120
> Alt + Shift + K
> MailMergeCheck
> Checks for errors in a mail merge
> 121
> Alt+Shift+E
> MailMergeEditDataSo urce
> Lets you edit a mail merge data source
> 122
> Alt + Shift + N
> MailMergeToDoc
> Collects the results of the mail merge in a document
> 123
> Alt Shift + M
> MailMergeToPrinter
> Sends the results of the mail merge to the printer
> 124
> Alt + Shift + I
> MarkCitation
> Marks the text you want to include in the table of authorities
> 125
> Alt + Shift + X
> MarkIndexEntry
> Marks the text you want to include in the index
> 126
> Alt + Shift + O
> MarkTableOfContents Entry
> Inserts a TC field (but it is far better to use Heading Styles to generate
> your Table of Contents instead)
> 127
> Alt or F10
> MenuMode
> Makes the menu bar active
> 128
> Alt + Shift + F11
> MicrosoftScriptEdit or
> Starts or switches to Microsoft Development Environment application,
> allowing you to view the HTML/XML source code that would be behind the
> document if
> it were in ..htm format (or that is behind it if it already is in .htm
> format).
> 129
> Alt + Ctrl + F1
> MicrosoftSystemInfo
> Execute the Microsoft System Info application
> 130
> F2
> MoveText
> Moves the selection to a specified location without using the clipboard
> (press Return to execute the more)
> 131
> Tab
> NextCell
> Moves to the next table cell
> 132
> F11
> NextField
> Moves to the next field
> 133
> Alt + F7
> NextMisspelling
> Find next spelling error
> 134
> Alt + down arrow
> NextObject
> Moves to the next object on the page
> 135
> Ctrl + F6
> NextWindow
> Switches to the next document window, equivalent to selecting a document
> from the Window menu.
> 136
> Ctrl+Shift+N
> NormalStyle
> Applies the Normal style
> 137
> Ctrl + 0
> OpenOrCloseUpPara
> Sets or removes extra spacing above the selected paragraph
> 138
> F6
> OtherPane
> Switches to another window pane in Normal View (for instance, if you have 
> if
> you have a Footnotes pane open in Normal view and want to switch to the 
> main
> document and back without closing the pane).
> 139
> Alt + _
> OutlineCollapse
> Collapses an Outline in Outline View by one level
> 140
> Alt+Shift+rt arrow
> OutlineDemote
> Demotes the selected paragraphs one heading level
> 141
> Alt + +
> OutlineExpand
> Expands an Outline in Outline View by one level
> 142
> Alt+Shift+down arrow
> OutlineMoveDown
> Moves the selection below the next item in the outline
> 143
> Alt+Shift+up arrow
> OutlineMoveUp
> Moves the selection above the previous item in the outline
> 144
> Alt+Shift+left arrow
> OutlinePromote
> Promotes the selected paragraphs one heading level
> 145
> Alt + Shift + L
> OutlineShowFirstLin e
> Toggles between showing the first line of each paragraph only or showing 
> all
> of the body text in the outline
> 146
> Ins
> Overtype
> Toggles the typing mode between replacing and inserting
> 147
> PgDn
> PageDown
> Moves the insertion point and document display to the next screen of text
> 148
> Shift+ PgDn
> PageDownExtend
> Extends the selection and changes the document display to the next screen 
> of
> text
> 149
> PgUp
> PageUp
> Moves the insertion point and document display to the previous screen of
> text
> 150
> Shift + PgUp
> PageUpExtend
> Extends the selection and changes the document display to the previous
> screen of text
> 151
> Ctrl + down arrow
> ParaDown
> Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
> 152
> Shift + Ctrl + down arrow
> ParaDownExtend
> Extends the selection to the beginning of the next paragraph
> 153
> Ctrl + up arrow
> ParaUp
> Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
> 154
> Shift + Ctrl + up arrow
> ParaUpExtend
> Extends the selection to the beginning of the previous paragraph
> 155
> Ctrl+Shift+V
> PasteFormat
> Applies the previously copied formatting to selection
> 156
> Shift + Tab
> PrevCell
> Moves to the previous table cell
> 157
> Shift + F11
> PrevField
> Moves to the previous field
> 158
> Alt + up arrow
> PrevObject
> Moves to the previous object on the page
> 159
> Ctrl + Shift + F6
> PrevWindow
> Switches back to the previous document window
> 160
> Sfift+F4
> RepeatFind
> Repeats Go To or Find to find the next occurrence
> 161
> Ctrl+Spacebar
> ResetChar
> Makes the selection the default character format of the applied style
> 162
> Ctrl+Q
> ResetPara
> Makes the selection the default paragraph format of the applied style
> 163
> Ctrl +R
> RightPara
> Aligns the paragraph at the right indent
> 164
> Ctrl + *
> ShowAll
> Shows/hides all nonprinting characters
> 165
> Alt + Shift + A
> ShowAllHeadings
> Displays all of the heading levels and the body text in Outline View
> 166
> Ctrl + <
> ShrinkFont
> Decreases the font size of the selection
> 167
> Ctrl + [
> ShrinkFontOnePoint
> Decreases the font size of the selection by one point
> 168
> Ctrl + Shift + K
> SmallCaps
> Makes the selection small capitals (toggle)
> 169
> Ctrl + 1
> SpacePara1
> Sets the line spacing to single space
> 170
> Ctrl + 5
> SpacePara15
> Sets the line spacing to one-and-one- half space
> 171
> Ctrl + 2
> SpacePara2
> Sets the line spacing to double space
> 172
> Ctrl + F3
> Spike
> Deletes the selection and adds it to the "Spike" AutoText entry (which
> allows you to move text and graphics from nonadjacent locations)
> 173
> Alt + PgUp
> StartOfColumn
> Moves to the first cell in the current column
> 174
> Ctrl+Shift+Home
> StartOfDocExtend
> Extends the selection to the beginning of the first line of the document
> 175
> Ctrl +Home
> StartOfDocument
> Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the first line of the 
> document
> 176
> Home
> StartOfLine
> Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line
> 177
> Shift+Home
> StartOfLineExtend
> Extends the selection to the beginning of the current line
> 178
> Alt+Home
> StartOfRow
> Moves to the first cell in the current row
> 179
> Alt+Ctrl+PgUp
> StartOfWindow
> Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the first visible line on 
> the
> screen
> 180
> Shift+ Alt+Ctrl+PgUp
> StartOfWindowExtend
> Extends the selection to the beginning of the first visible line on the
> screen
> 181
> Strl + Shift + S
> Style
> Activates the Style drop-down on the Formatting toolbar
> 182
> Ctrl + =
> Subscript
> Makes the selection subscript (toggle)
> 183
> Ctrl + +
> Superscript
> Makes the selection superscript (toggle)
> 184
> Ctrl + Shift + Q
> SymbolFont
> Applies the Symbol font to the selection
> 185
> Alt A, F
> TableAutoFormat
> Applies a set of formatting to a table
> 186
> Alt A, H
> TableHeadings
> Toggles table headings attribute on and off
> 187
> Alt + click
> (Alt + drag to select several)
> TableSelectColumn
> Selects the current column in a table
> 188
> Click in left margin
> TableSelectRow
> Selects the current row in a table
> 189
> Alt + double-click
> TableSelectTable
> Selects an entire table
> 190
> Alt + Ctrl + U
> TableUpdateAutoForm at
> Updates the table formatting to match the applied Table Autoformat 
> settings
> 191
> Shift + F9 (Alt + F9 toggles all field codes on or off)
> ToggleFieldDisplay
> Shows the field codes or the results for the selection (toggle)
> 192
> Alt T, C
> ToolsCustomize
> Allows you to customizes the Word user interface (menus, keyboard and
> toolbars) and store the customizations in a template (defaults to
> Normal.dot, so
> be careful!)
> 193
> Alt + F8
> ToolsMacro
> Runs, creates, deletes, or revises a macro
> 194
> F7
> ToolsProofing
> Checks the spelling and grammar in the active document
> 195
> Ctr.l + Shift + E
> ToolsRevisionMarksT oggle
> Toggles track changes for the active document
> 196
> Shift + F7
> ToolsThesaurus
> Finds a synonym for the selected word
> 197
> Ctrl+U
> Underline
> Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)
> 198
> Ctrl + Shift + T
> (or drag the ruler)
> UnHang
> Decreases the hanging indent
> 199
> Ctrl + Shift + M
> (or drag the ruler)
> UnIndent
> Moves the left indent to the previous tab stop
> 200
> Ctrl+Shift+F9
> UnlinkFields
> Permanently replaces the field codes with the results
> 201
> Ctrl + Shift + F11
> UnlockFields
> Unlocks the selected fields for updating
> 202
> F9
> UpdateFields
> Updates and displays the results of the selected fields
> 203
> Ctrl + Shiift + F7
> UpdateSource
> Copies the modified text of a linked file back to its source file
> 204
> Hover over comment
> ViewAnnotations
> Show or hide the comment pane
> 205
> Dbl-click the endnote reference
> ViewEndnoteArea
> If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the endnote
> (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the
> endnote
> or vice versa
> 206
> At + F9
> ViewFieldCodes
> Shows the field codes or results for all fields (toggle)
> 207
> Dbl-click the footnote reference
> ViewFootnoteArea
> If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing the footnote
> (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body text to the
> footnote
> or vice versa.
> 208
> Alt V, F
> ViewFootnotes
> If in Normal View, opens a pane for viewing and editing footnotes and
> endnotes (toggle). If in Page/Print Layout View, switches from the body 
> text
> to the
> footnotes/endnotes or vice versa.
> 209
> Alt V, H
> ViewHeader
> Displays header in page layout view
> 210
> Alt V, N
> (or Alt + Ctrl + N)
> ViewNormal
> Changes the editing view to normal view
> 211
> Alt V, O
> (or Alt + Ctrl + O)
> ViewOutline
> Displays a document's outline
> 212
> Alt V, P
> (or Alt + Ctrl + P)
> ViewPage
> Displays the page more-or-less as it will be printed, and allows editing 
> (In
> Word 2000 the menu item is called Print Layout, but fortunately the 
> command
> hasn't changed.
> 213
> Alt + F11
> ViewVBCode
> Shows the VB editing environment (Tools + Macro + Visual Basic Editor)
> 214
> Alt + left arrow
> WebGoBack
> Backward hyperlink (useful if you clicked on a page number hyperlink in 
> the
> table of contents and then want to return to the TOC)
> 215
> Alt + rt arrow
> WebGoForward
> Forward hyperlink
> 216
> Alt W, A
> WindowArrangeAll
> Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles
> 217
> Ctrl + left arrow
> WordLeft
> Moves the insertion point to the left one word
> 218
> Shift + Ctrl + left arrow
> WordLeftExtend
> Extends the selection to the left one word
> 219
> Ctrl + rt arrow
> WordRight
> Moves the insertion point to the right one word
> 220
> Shift + Ctrl + rt arrow
> WordRightExtend
> Extends the selection to the right one word
> 221
> Ctrl + Shift + W
> WordUnderline
> Underlines the words but not the spaces in the selection (toggle
> Hope this helps!
> many thanks!
> regards
> Mamta.
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