Hope that this news letter may be useful for learning to some one!
many thanks
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ashish 
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:33 AM
Subject: (MonthlyComputerTips) News letter issue 1!

Hello and welcome to the first /February 2008 issue of monthly computertips 
news letter!

After reading Do feel free to send in your feedback/comments!
And also if you have any tip to share you can also send it! and it will be 
published with your name!
send it to:


and also please do not forget to forward this news letter to anyone and every 
one whom you feel will benefit and learn from this

To get this news letter in your inbox!you will have to subscribe so here is the 
subscribing information!
To subscribe to my news letter!
Please do send in a blank e mail and type "subscribe"with out the quotation 
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Here are the topics which are included in my this first issue!

1. Hide sensitive files with Alternate Data Streams

2. removing ads from yahoo messenger9 

3. configuring the Disk Cleanup utility to delete all the files in the Temp 
4. setting  up an appointment for the mail message in MS out look
5. adding name to taskbar in Windows XP. 
6. Moving Cell Contents Without Borders in Excel
7. Fitting a word document into a Single Page
8. how to change a file extension. 
9. Drag Data Between Excel Worksheets
 10. The AutoSum With More. 
11. No Accidental Replacement Saves
12. Top 20 tips to keep your computer faster. 
Useful site section.
1. how to search on Esnips. 
Entertainment section!
1. using custom search engine.  

Visit this link to read my entire news letter:


Hope that you got to learn something new! 
and had fun reading my news letter!
Many thanks!
Ashish Rohtagi!


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