BHAWANI wrote:

> What is wrong eating with clean hand? >


Nothing is wrong with it! The british came here and told us that we are 
barbarians if we eat with hand, and that everything about our culture, religion 
and social conventions are primitive, superstitious, unscientific and backward. 
They are wrong on every one of those areas. And the worst thing is that we 
believed them. Now, you have to even ask the question “What is wrong with it”, 
as if you’re finally realizing that nothing is wrong with it and nothing was 
wrong with it before after all, even though your ancestors over the last few 
hundred years believed the British and for so long became ashamed of our rich 
Vedic values.


Yes, there are a good few things from our rich Vedic history that became 
corrupt and polluted into modern-day Hindu culture, but that does not make the 
roots useless. We can fix and clean up the pollutants from our deviations and 
then there’s nothing unscientific or backwards or primitive or mythological 
about our Vedic systems. Two examples of these can be sited here: First is how 
the Varnasrama system became polluted into today’s cast system. Second is how 
the Sati rite of women to choose to die with their husbands dead body in the 
fire became polluted into forced murders of women unwilling to undergo the act 
which eventually became a forced ritual, thus polluting the Vedic rite.


I am prepared to logically challenge anyone who dares to declare that our Vedic 
sivilization is to be ashamed of, and I’m prepared to put my head on the block 
for it as scientific in every regard.


And to bring this back on topic, blind people, particularly Indian blind 
people, should never think they have reason to be ashamed of eating with their 
hands. It is after all a Vedic tradition, supported by ayurvedic health-proven 
scientifically verifiable health benefits.

If there is anyone here who can’t help feeling ashamed of it, then I will 
happily council you off-list. Write me a private message or call me to discuss.

Of course there are things we can and should eat with spoon simply because they 
are not solid enough such as ice creams and trifles, but that goes without 
saying, and doesn’t change anything. I even use the tip of the finger from the 
other hand to guide such things onto the spoon because I am blind. So what! 
Should we be ashamed for being blind too! Is it not bad enough that we were 
taught to be ashamed of our culture and religion already! Give me a break, good 
people! The only thing I am ashamed of is not being able to speak an Indian 
language, but that too was forced upon me since childhood anyway!


Anyway let me not get started here because if I do I won’t stop, and y’all know 
by now how passionate I am on this point. So I’ll stop here….


Yamuna Jivana Dasa


From: [] On 
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2024 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: Byriani! [was RE: [AI] Learning effective Dining etiquette’s, 
specifically eating independently, with folk, spoon and chopstick]


What is wrong eating with clean hand?


On 7/21/2024 2:48 PM, Yamuna Jivana Dasa wrote:

Saurav wrote:

> And for eating with hand, there is a trend to eat biryani with hand. >


Now you really got me started! Byriani, there’s just no way I’ll eat that with 
spoon! Not even at gunpoint! J Seriously, South African Indians have mastered 
the art of making byriani like no where else I have seen. And those from Durban 
are still the best at making it. My wife is from Guyana in South America and no 
matter how I  encourage her to make it, she does not want to take on the 
challenge to perfect the art. Apparently the secret lies in spicing the night 
before and allowing the veggies to soak up the spicing over-night, possibly in 
a cooler. Alternatively my mother cooks the rice and veggies together with the 
required spicing, then she tosses the whole thing in the oven on very low heat 
for 2 hours to fully cook very slowly. The rice and veggies are fully dry yet 
fluffy and not sticky at all so that nothing clumps together. And that flavour! 
Man! Even though my mother is now aging she does a fantastic byriani.

And again I’ll only eat that with fingers. On my final trip from South Africa 
to India in November 2022, the guy carrying my road food in my hand luggage 
actually stole it and must have enjoyed it like nothing in his life ever 
before. He’s going to hell for stealing that byriani! Aish! Now I’m going mad 
here just thinking about it!


Over and out! J


Yamuna Jivana Dasa


From: <>  
[] On Behalf Of Saurav Hegde
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2024 7:24 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [AI] Learning effective Dining etiquette’s, specifically eating 
independently, with folk, spoon and chopstick



This is a very interesting topic that has been brought up.

I myself was going to ask about this on the group.

I personally think my table manners are okay but there are certain items I 
struggle with.

I cannot eat a pastry with a spoon especially if it is too creamy.

I will ruin the poor thing,  lol!

It becomes a kind of kichadi, my mom has tried to teach me how to break its 
pieces while maintaining its shape but my nervous system hasn't got it yet.

So then, if at home at-least I just chuck the spoon and hold it in my 2 fingers 
to avoid spoiling my entire hand and start eating.

I also struggle to make small pieces with my fork if the piece like chicken's 
is not soft or well shaped.

It starts dangling which is not a good sign according to rules of 

But I do agree that beeing too conscious will also ruin the mood, people will 
feel that insecurity from us.

And for eating with hand, there is a trend to eat biryani with hand.

Just my opinions.




Student at Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune



On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 5:58 PM Yamuna Jivana Dasa < 
<> > wrote:


Childhood experiences like these can be hard to overcome, but it is important 
to reason what makes sense for our comfort and values. That team-leader was 
embarrassed that a member of his team did something that went against the grain 
of that society in an outside country, in which he wanted to show off his best 
conformance from the team.

People who feel the need to conform to out-dated society norms of our former 
colonizers doesn’t have to be come your problem, whether back then as a 6th 
grader or now as a grown man.

Please see his outburst to you back then as a child as his problem, not yours. 
His twisted agenda was being affected by you, that’s it. You have to remind 
yourself every time that you will not allow that childhood experience to 
determine your life now. Live and be happy, on your terms, your way. That’s 
what I would say to you. But it may take some practice and courage and 
self-reassurance before you start to feel comfortable with your own choices 
against that experience.




Yamuna Jivana dasa


From: 'PAUL MUDDHA' via AccessIndia [ 
<> ] 
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2024 3:10 PM
To: <> 
Subject: RE: [AI] Learning effective Dining etiquette’s, specifically eating 
independently, with folk, spoon and chopstick


I remember when I was in 6Th standard we were in Germany and on one occasion in 
Berlin, I was eating with my hand and using spoon and knife

The leader of my team suddenly shook my shoulders and shoulded a loud that why 
I am eating with my hand and not using spoon and knife

did we not teach you to use spoon and knife in India?

A very bad experience…



From: <>  
< <> > On 
Behalf Of <> 
Sent: 20 July 2024 15:05
To: <> 
Subject: RE: [AI] Learning effective Dining etiquette’s, specifically eating 
independently, with folk, spoon and chopstick


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Same with me most of the time—I also prefer to eat with my fingers. However, 
for certain juicy items like dal chawal or upma, I use a bowl and spoon. Even 
with idly, if I'm eating it with sambar, I ask for a soup bowl, dip the idly, 
mix it with chutney, and use a spoon. If I want to eat the idly separately, I 
eat it with my hands and hold the sambar bowl in my left hand, drinking a small 
amount with each bite. Apart from that, I mostly enjoy eating with my fingers. 
One more thing I've noticed: whenever I eat with a spoon, I hold the bowl in my 
left hand, and if I'm eating from a plate, I hold a tissue in my left hand. I 
use to follow this way consistently.

Actually, I think we should do what feels right to us, not just with eating but 
in every aspect, whether it's clothing or dining. There is one thing I believe: 
we should always keep ourselves well-maintained, wearing neat and good clothes, 
being well-dressed, and keeping ourselves neat.



"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."


Thanks and regards,

Minal Singhvi

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From: <>  
< <> > On 
Behalf Of Yamuna Jivana Dasa
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 10:29 PM
To: <> 
Subject: RE: [AI] Learning effective Dining etiquette’s, specifically eating 
independently, with folk, spoon and chopstick



This is just my opinion and how I live my life. You don’t have to agree.


As much as I cannot avoid being blind, I prefer living my life being 
comfortable with what works for me, and this includes dining.


Mostly I use my fingers to eat. Whatever context I find myself in, I am even 
ready to announce: I eat best with my fingers, and it’s an art. I pick up rice 
with my finger-tips without dropping, which is something many who are used to 
knife and fork cannot do. (At this point I might chuckle slightly as I 
gracefully remove the knife or fork or even spoon from my plate.) So thanks for 
the invitation to dine with the team! Then I dig into that meal, with dignity 
and pride to eat with my fingers, smiling with confidence all the way, and not 
hesitating to contribute to the light-hearted dinner table discussions or 
perhaps business meetings that might occur.


To those who think I am below their so-called dignity, you like me, you don’t 
like me, because may be I look strange eating differently, then hey let that be 
your problem, but I’ll be cheerful all the way through. High-minded people will 
appreciate me for who I am. I’ve learnt through my life to be confident about 
who I am, and in the beginning people might resist me, gradually tolerate me, 
and eventually even love me for who I am. At least, those will be the people 
who matter to me.


Let me share my story at the bank where I worked.

I used to work for First National Bank in South Africa. I never hid my identity 
as a Hare Krishna devotee, nor was I shy about my blindness. These were both 
abnormalities in the predominantly African country where I lived.

Gradually people would notice me walking the corrordoors during my lunch 
breaks, or after work while waiting for my transport, softly mouthing the Hare 
Krishna Mahamantra. Eventually it became normal for them. Eventually some began 
asking questions about my belief systems, and even took books to read about it. 
When I was retrenched due to a decision from head-office which forced 5 blind 
people and 1 deaf person at back offices from around the country to lose our 
jobs, there were many who visibly displayed unhappiness at my leaving, with 
some of the ladies even crying when I walked out. I had to cheer them up with 
assurances that I will be fine and that I have God’s protection with me.


Point being for me at least which worked: Be who you are, be comfortable in 
your skin, so comfortable in fact that others will not help loving your 
confidence in your differences from them.

Yes you’ll get the occasional scoff, snide remark, or statements of lack of 
confidence regarding your visible challenges. Take those with a grain of salt, 
and look past them. Those will not make you, so not worth your contemplation 


Do you know, eating with your fingers is the best method for digestion? It’s 
the most natural way, and we were created to do that. As your fingers touch the 
food, it promotes your salivation in your mouth: the touch stimulates by the 
temperature, texture and contemplation of picking up the food to eat by the 
finger tips. It also promotes digestion activity in the stomach in preparation 
for receiving the food. It is part of natural digestion to eat with our 
fingers. It is recommended by Ayurveda. It is our culture, and yes, the cream 
of the crop: it is comfortable for blind people too!



Yamuna Jivana Dasa



From: <>  
[] On Behalf Of Nishant Rana
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 1:38 AM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [AI] Learning effective Dining etiquette’s, specifically eating 
independently, with folk, spoon and chopstick



Should you or your friend find someone who is actually able to impart those 
skills, I would be very glad to hop on the bandwagon as it were, as I tend to 
dread formal occasions because I know that I have terrible terrible dinner/ 
table etiquette, and am bound to create a mess.




On Thu, 18 Jul 2024 at 22:54, turab chimthanawala < 
<> > wrote:

Hi all,

A blind person in Mumbai wants to learn effective dining etiquette. He would 
prefer one-on-one sessions with a trainer or a person experience in this. And 
he will be willing to pay reasonable charge for this only that the trainer 
should be patient and considerate. Any leads in this regard would be greatly 

Thanking you


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