Hi Everyone,
I have some very good news for everyone involved in propagating the UN 
Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 
You will be pleased to note two dates (3rd April and 3rd May) in this year have 
become historic, 3rd April 2008 has become very important because on this
day, 20th country- Ecuador, ratified the UNCRPD, clearing the way for it 
becoming the "International Law".  
Now, 3rd May 2008, will become a memorable day in the human history as the 
Convention will enter into force and within six months, the Secretary General
will convene the first meeting of the Convention to elect first 12 members of 
the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 
Here are the 20 Countries, which ratified: 
Bangladesh - 30 November 2007 Croatia - 15 August 2007 Cuba - 6 September 2007 
Ecuador - 3 April 2008 El Salvador - 14 December 2007 Gabon - 1 October 2007
Guinea - 8 February 2008 Hungary - 20 July 2007 India - 1 October 2007 Jamaica 
- 30 March 2007 Jordan - 31 March 2008 Mexico - 17 December 2007 Namibia
- 4 December 2007 Nicaragua - 7 December 2007 Panama - 7 August 2007 Peru - 30 
January 2008 San Marino - 22 February 2008 South Africa - 30 November 2007
Spain - 3 December 2007 Tunisia - 2 April 2008
(Do visit- 
Please share this with all your friends/ colleagues. Hope this will bring about 
the intended "paradigm shift" in attitude and thinking in the society at
With best wishes!
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