hello madam, I wish you all the best for your best work. I have sent
filled form, I hope you have received it.
with best regards

On 6/1/09, Shyam M. Sayanekar <sayane...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Kanchan, indeed your doing a wonderful job, which is tedious in nature.
> But, please  don't get frustrated. Somebody had to take up such work and you
> are doing it. I have sent my details to  you as many times as you asked for.
> I hope, one  day you will publish this  database, and that time you will get
> the satisfaction of having done something concrete.
> Yours,
> Professor Shyam M. Sayanekar
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "pamnani" <kanchanpamn...@gmail.com>
> To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:01 PM
> Subject: [AI] database
>>I have been a member of this group since 2002 and have been working in the
>>sector since 2006. Most of you know the work that I have done and some of
>>you know about the work that I am going to take up.
>> Very often, I have come across questions relating to what a total blind or
>> low visioned person can do or cannot do. It is very easy if employers
>> believe that the visually challenged can do all jobs but the reality is
>> that NGOs and prospective employees need to show the prospective employers
>> a list of people doing the same work
>> In hindsight we have always found that it was always best to answer my
>> giving examples. Most of you will agree with me that this information is
>> critical. Recently there were 2 similar questions on the list about
>> lecturers and especially lecturers in architecture and the question of how
>> many people working for SBI.Such questions keep coming up from time to
>> time.
>> Two years ago, xrcvc started collecting information for a database of
>> visually challenged people who are employed. Initially it was handled by
>> volunteers.Some of you replied and sent your completed forms. a lot of you
>> could not be reached.
>> I thought that a comprehensive database was a supur idea and therefore I
>> took it up. It was a challenge. I first had a volunteer Meetul help with
>> the emails but she soon got tired of reminding and cajoling. even then I
>> continued to plod along.
>> For the last 3 months Zainab a young assistant has been doing all the
>> work. She sends you the database form in exel and word and she telephones
>> you if she has your phone number. She then feeds your information on to
>> the master database. She also needs to update the information that she
>> already has. She ultimately spends several hours of her day and my
>> resources doing this work and XRCVC will be compensating her for the same.
>> She is off to the US in one months time so now I dont have the luxury of
>> sending you reminder after reminder.
>> Although we have received a lot of co-operation from some of you, others
>> have had to be reminded thrice. It seems that a lot of you are comfortable
>> giving the information for the database on the telephone but are not
>> comfortable and do not have the time to reply to a Word/Excel file.
>> Some of you do not realise that you have an obligation to your successors
>> who can use your hardwork, your pitfalls, your successes and your
>> experiences. its very easy for me to have said that I can buy any book
>> that I want abroad so i wont work on the copyright issue or that I have no
>> problems with my share trading so I wont bother about working on the
>> circular from NSDL or that I have a bank account with all facilities so I
>> wont work on the Banks issue. Why did I need to spend hours on working
>> with RBI and IBA for no benefit to me personally.  The guidelines for
>> scribes have taken away hours and maybe months from my life even though I
>> will never personallly benefit from them. I thought it was my duty to do
>> what was right and what was required.
>> I am therefore requesting you to do your little bit and be part of this
>> database. We need your details.
>> I have heard an excuse that you need permission from your employer but
>> what permission do you require to give your name, age and some basic
>> details. You need not give any answer to the pros and cons question.
>> If you would still prefer to answer on the telephone, please send me your
>> phone number. I am, for the last time, copying the questions here. Kindly
>> complete the form and ask your friends who are not part of this group to
>> do the same and mail it back to me at kanchandatab...@gmail.com.
>> I finally apolagise for such a long mail and for harassing you with a
>> questionaire and for making you do some hard work.
>> thank you
>> Kanchan
>> A)Personal
>>    Name:
>>   Year of Birth:
>>   Sex:
>>   Type of Visual Impairment (Total/ Partial/ None):
>>   Nature of Visual Impairment (From Birth/ Late; if late, in what year):
>>   Cause of Visual Impairment:
>> B)Contact Details
>>   Address (Complete with the Pin code):
>>   Residence:
>>  Office:
>>  Telephone
>>  Res.:
>>  Mobile:
>>  Off.:
>>  Email:
>> C)Professional
>>   Qualification (with specialization):
>>   College/ Institute:
>>   Year of Graduation:
>>   Profession:
>>   Professional History (list of past work assignments):
>>   Current Employer:
>>   Current Designation:
>>   Nature of employment (Self- employed/ private/ government):
>>   Income (optional):
>>   Fringe Benefits (optional):
>> D)Remarks
>> (Please enter your opinions of the advantages and disadvantages of your
>> workplace)
>>   Pros:
>>   Cons:
>> Instances of specific modifications made for effective integration into
>> work environment and processes (additions or changes):
>> Thank you for your valuable contribution!
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