hello access indians! greetings to you all!  Micro Soft,  Yahoo and
Amazon are vocal about Google's efforts to monopolise the virtual
library. read this article from the BBC technology news.
Tech giants unite against Google
By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley
BBC library
Not everyone in the coalition wants the deal blocked, some want revisions

Three technology heavyweights are joining a coalition to fight
Google's attempt to create what could be the world's largest virtual

Amazon, Microsoft and Yahoo will sign up to the Open Book Alliance
being spearheaded by the Internet Archive.

They oppose a legal settlement that could make Google the main source
for many online works.

"Google is trying to monopolise the library system," the Internet
Archive's founder Brewster Kahle told BBC News.

"If this deal goes ahead, they're making a real shot at being 'the'
library and the only library."

Back in 2008, the search giant reached an agreement with publishers
and authors to settle two lawsuits that charged the company with
copyright infringement
for the unauthorised scanning of books.

In that settlement, Google agreed to pay $125m (£76m) to create a Book
Rights Registry, where authors and publishers could register works and
receive compensation.
Authors and publishers would get 70% from the sale of these books with
Google keeping the remaining 30%.

Google would also be given the right to digitise orphan works. These
are works whose rights-holders are unknown, and are believed to make
up an estimated
50-70% of books published after 1923.

Comments on the deal have to be lodged by 4 September. In early
October, a judge in the Southern district of New York will consider
whether or not to approve
the class-action suit.

In a separate development, the US Department of Justice is conducting
an anti-trust investigation into the impact of the agreement.

'Open access'

Critics have claimed the settlement will transform the future of the
book industry and of public access to the cultural heritage of mankind
embodied in

Brewster Kahle Internet Archive
The Internet Archive scans around 1000 books a day at 10 cents a page

"The techniques we have built up since the enlightenment of having
open access, public support for libraries, lots of different
organisational structures,
lots of distributed ownership of books that can be exchanged, resold
and repackaged in different ways - all of that is being thrown out in
this particular
approach," warned Mr Kahle.

The non-profit Internet Archive has long been a vocal opponent of this
agreement. It is also in the business of scanning books and has
digitised over half
a million of them to date. All are available free.

As the 4 September deadline approaches, the number of groups and
organisations voicing their opposition is growing. But with three of
the world's best-known
technology companies joining the chorus, the Open Book Alliance can
expect to make headlines the world over.

Microsoft and Yahoo have confirmed their participation. However,
Amazon has so far declined to comment because the alliance has not yet
been formally launched.

"All of us in the coalition are oriented to foster a vision for a more
competitive marketplace for books," said Peter Brantley, the Internet
Archive's director
of access.

"We feel that if approved, Google would earn a court-sanctioned
monopoly and the exploitation of a comprehensive collection of books
from the 20th Century."


Much of the focus of the proposed settlement has been on anti-trust
and anti-competitive concerns, but just as many are worried about

Woman in bookshop
Privacy is a big concern for critics

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, the ACLU of Northern California
and the Consumer Watchdog advocacy group wrote to Google to ask the
company to "assure
Americans that Google will maintain the security and freedom that
library patrons have long had: to read and learn about anything...
without worrying that
someone is looking over their shoulder or could retrace their steps".

"We simply don't like the settlement in its current form," said
Consumer Watchdog advocate John Simpson.

"There are serious questions about privacy and Google seems to be
taking the view 'let us put this in place and we will do the right
thing down the road'.
That is simply not good enough."

The American Libraries Association (ALA) agrees.

"We do think the product in essence is good but the proposed
settlement asks us to trust Google and the other parties a little too
much," the ALA's associate
director Corey Williams told BBC News.

"When it comes to privacy, the agreement is silent on the issue and
with regard to what Google intends to do with the data it collects.
It's a great idea
but it requires more trust than I think we feel comfortable being able
to extend at this point," said Ms Williams.

'Brave new world'

In its defence, Google has argued that the deal brings great benefits
to authors and will make millions of out-of-print books widely
available online and
in libraries.

In a statement, the company said: "The Google Books settlement is
injecting more competition into the digital books space, so it's
understandable why our
competitors might fight hard to prevent more competition."

Michelle Richmond author
The author said she is not surprised by the reaction to the settlment

Despite the increasing tide of criticism over the settlement, there
are some who believe there is not that much to fear.

Michelle Richmond is the author of New York Times best seller The Year
of Fog, which is also being turned into a movie starring Rachel Weiss.

"The thing I keep hearing from authors is 'I don't know what this
settlement really means'. But this is the brave new world and we don't
really know where
it is going," Ms Richmond told BBC News

"Most authors work for so little and start from the point of we are
doing this for the love it. But when there is this company that has
nothing to do with
the creation of the book or its publication, I think a lot of authors
are concerned about this being a portal to greater access to their
work without compensation
for writers."
    with warm regards, solomon.   teachs...@gmail.com  SkypeID: solomonkarur

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