Now, in RRB centralized ads, they are asking the details of scribe to be sent 
with the application form itself.
They propose to issue separate identity cards for scribes of VI.
Mind you, exam dates are not fixed yet, and a VI has to find and convince 
somebody to be the scribe at an indefinite date in future.


"Perhaps our role on this planet is not to worship God-- but to create Him."

                                        --Arthur C. Clarke

(Rajesh Asudani)

Assistant General Manager,
Reserve Bank of India
O: 0712 2806676
Res: 0712 2591349

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of SC Vashishth
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] FW: (VIB) Fwd: ambiguity in rules for scribe in SBI PO exam

Dear friends,

I don't know whether we have moved an inch after such a conclusive minutes
of meeting on the issue of framing a policy of scribes. Kanchan could you
throw some light as to where do we stand on this as of date.

I am pasting the minutes for every one to read and be informed of the
demands of the sector.



Subhash Chandra Vashishth


*Recommendations of the meeting held on 19**th** February 2008 for framing a
policy on written examination for Persons with Disabilities.*

              The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection
of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 casts responsibility on the
appropriate governments and local authorities to make necessary facilities
available for persons with disabilities in matter of education and
employment, including providing of scribe, aids and appliances, appropriate
environment and seating arrangements for visually impaired and other
physically disabled persons. However, in the absence of clear guidelines or
policy in the matter, different authorities adopt different approach in
providing such facilities, which is leading to a lot of confusion and
inconvenience to persons with disabilities.

A meeting to discuss   the existing difficulties and to workout
recommendations for arriving at the policy on conduct of written examination
for persons with disabilities was held on 19th February, 2008 under the
chairmanship of Dr. Manoj Kumar, Chief Commissioner for Persons with
disabilities, Govt. off India. List of Government
officials/Organisations/individuals who participated in the meeting is
enclosed at Annexure-I.  The background material, which was circulated to
the participants, is enclosed at Annexure-II.

              After the discussion and deliberations on the various issues
the recommendations of the members emerge as follows:

I.                  There should be a uniform and comprehensive policy
across the country for persons with disabilities for written examination
taking into account improving technology and new avenues opened to the
persons with disabilities providing a level playing field.  Policy should
also have flexibility to accommodate the specific needs on case-to-case

II.                There is no need for fixing separate criteria for regular
and competitive examinations.

III.              The facility of Scribe/Reader/Lab Assistant should be
allowed to any person having disability of 40% and above, certified by the
competent medical board irrespective of the nature of disability, if so
desired by the person

IV.             The candidates should have the discretion of opting for hisown s
cribe/reader/lab assistant or request the Examination Body for the same. In
second instance the examining body should identify the scribe/reader/lab
assistant to make panels at the District/Division/State level as per the
requirements of the examination.  In such instances the candidates should be
allowed to meet the scribe a day before the examination so that the
candidates get a chance to check and verify whether the scribe is suitable
or not.

V.               Criteria like educational qualification, marks scored, age
or other such restrictions for the scribe/reader/lab assistant   should not
be fixed.   Instead, the invigilation system should be strengthened, so that
the candidates using scribe/reader/lab assistant don't indulge in
mal-practices like copying and cheating during the examination.

VI.             There should also be flexibility in accommodating last
movement change in scribe/reader/lab assistant in case of emergency.
Similarly, the candidates should be allowed to take more than one
scribe/reader for writing different papers especially for languages.

VII.           The persons with disabilities should be given the option of
choosing the mode for taking the examinations i.e. in Braille or by computer
or in large print or even by recording the answers as the examining bodies
can easily make use of technology to convert question paper in large prints,
e-text or Braille and can also convert Braille text in English or regional

VIII.         The candidates should be allowed to check the computer system
one day in advance so that the problems, if any, in the software/system
could be rectified.

IX.              The procedure of availing the facility of scribe should be
simplified and the necessary details should be recorded at the time of
filling up of the forms. Thereafter, the examining body should ensure
availability of question papers in the format opted by the candidate as well
as suitable seating arrangement for giving examination.

X.                The disability certificate issued by the competent medical
board in any region should be accepted across the country.

XI.              The word "extra time or additional time" that is being
currently used should be changed to "compensatory time" and the same should
not be less than 20 minutes per hour for the persons who are making use of
scribe/reader/lab assistant.  All candidates with disability not availing
the facility of scribe may be allowed additional time of minimum of one hour
for an exam of 3 hours duration which could further be increased on case to
case basis.

XII.            The candidates should be allowed to use assistive devices
like talking calculator (in cases where calculators are allowed for giving
exams), tailor frame, Braille slate, abacus, geometry kit, Braille measuring
tape and augmentive communication devices like communication chart and
electronic devices.

XIII.          Proper seating arrangements (preferably on the ground
floor) should
be made prior to the commencement of examination to avoid confusion or
distraction during the day of the exam.   The time of giving the question
papers should be marked accurately and timely supply of supplementary papers
should be ensured.

XIV.         The examining body should also provide reading material in
Braille or E-Text or on computers having suitable screen reading softwares
for open book examination.  Similarly, online examination should be in
format i.e. websites, question papers and all other study material should be
accessible as per the international standards laid down in this regard.

XV.           Alternative objective questions in lieu of descriptive
questions should be provided for Hearing-Impaired persons, in addition to
the existing policy of giving alternative questions in lieu of questions
requiring visual inputs, for persons with Visual Impairment.

*Annexure - I*


Mrs. Poonam Natarajan, Chairperson, National Trust, 9th floor, Jeevan
Prakash Building, K.G. Marg, New Delhi - 110 001.


Shri Suhas Karnikar, National Association for the Blind

Department of Employment, 2nd floor, 11/12, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road

Worlie Seaface, Mumbai - 400 025


Mr. Bhaskar Yogendra Mehta, Commissioner, Disabilities,

Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,

Government of Gujarat, Block No.16, Ground Floor,

Dr. Jivaraj Maheta Bhavan, Gandhinagar - 382 010


Shri P.P. Ravi, Department of Financial Services

Ministry of Finance, Banking Division, Jeevan Deep Building,

Parliament Street, New Delhi-1


Shri Ashish Kumar, Dy. Director General

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.


Prof. S.R. Mittal, Department of Teachers Training

& Non-Formal Education, Faculty of Education

Jamia Milia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110 025.


Mr. A.K. Cashyap, Under Secretary

Department of Personnel & Training, Govt. of India

North Block, New Delhi - 110 001


Mrs. C. Gurumurtty, Director (Academic)

Central Board of Secondary Education

2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110 092.


Mr. M.C. Sharma, Controller of Examination

Central Board of Secondary Education

2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110 092


Dr. Rumel Singh, Jt. Director of Employment Exchanges

Dte. General of Employment & Training, Shram Shakti Bhawan

Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001.


Mr. R.C. Agasimani, Asstt. General Manager (Law)

State Bank of India, CRPD, Corporate Office

Tulsiani Chamber, Ist floor (West Wing)

Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021


Mr. B.K. Bahl, Chief Manager

State Bank of India, CRPD, Corporate Office

Tulsiani Chamber, Ist floor (West Wing), Free Press Journal Marg

Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021.


Mr. A.D. Ramachandran, Director Est. (LL)

Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi


Mr. K.S. Sawhney, Director (Disabilities)

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.


Ms. Kanchan Pamnani, Advocate

24 Blue Heaven, Mount Pleasant Road, Mumbai - 400006.


Dr. Rakesh Kumar (IFS), Advisor-I

All India Council for Technical Education

I.P. Estate, New Delhi - 110 002.


Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Director

PDU Institute for the Physically Handicapped

4, Vishnu Digambar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002.


Mr. Shrigopal Sisodia, General Secretary

Indian Association of the Blind, 154/C, Delhi Administration Flats

Sindhoram Kalan, Delhi - 110 052.


Gp. Capt. P.K. Agnihotri (Retd.), Regional Coordinator

National Association for the Blind, Dept. of Employment, 2nd floor,

11/12, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road, Worli Seaface, Mumbai - 400 025.

*Annexure - II **B* *The **Policy for Examination of the Disabled*

The Policy for the Examination of the Disabled envisages a tension free
environment for the Disabled before, during and after the Examination.
It is time that India had a comprehensive, standard but dynamic policy for
examination of the Disabled.

The need for a standard and comprehensive Policy throughout India for the
examination of the Disabled has been growing since:

*       Every year more and more Disabled candidates are appearing for
various examinations.

*       The kind of Disability that has to be considered has also been
increasing over the years.

*       Number of examining bodies has been increasing over the years

*       Various orders/judgments/directions have been passed by various
Courts/Commissions/Authorities that deal with the problem in piecemeal.

*       Various examination conducting authorities have different rules
and/or implement the rules in different ways.

*       Technology is improving and needs to be taken into account

*       The anxiety suffered by the examinees before and during the
examination has to be removed

*       Questions asked at written examinations and the examinations
themselves are varied and need to be answered in various ways.

*       Competition is increasing and the Disabled have to be given a level
playing field.

*1. Comprehensive*

Looking at the needs of each Disability, the Policy must cover as many
issues as possible and not leave any ambiguities and lacuna. Basically it
has to cover all questions raised by the officials of the Examining
authority who tend to harangue the candidates just before the examinations.

*2. Flexible and Dynamic*

The implementers of the Policy have to be able to adapt to the situation.
There may be a need to change the Scribe at the last minute or a Disability
may arise while the exam Schedule is on for eg. A candidate may fracture his
hand while returning from a paper and may need the use of a Scribe for the
remaining papers. Also technology is evolving and needs to be taken into
account. The discretion of the officials of the Examining authority has to
be exercised keeping the best interest of the candidate in mind.

This Policy must be reviewed periodically after recording the experience of
all concerned.

*3. All Examinations *

This Policy will apply to all examinations being conducted in India
generally and specifically to examinations conducted by Educational
institutions- schools and  colleges (both internal and external), School and
College Boards, universities and deemed universities, autonomous bodies
conducting entrance or promotional examinations as well as all
recruiting/promoting  authorities and any other authorities or bodies under
which a Disabled examinee wishes to appear for an examination for any
purpose whatsoever.

The categorization of exams into exams conducted by educational institutions
and competitive exams is uncalled for. However there may be specific
requirements of each exam and these have been addressed in this Policy.

*4. Need for the facility of a Scribe*

In a country like India which envisages for its citizen's equality of
opportunity, allows its Disabled to take exams but has denied on several
occasions its disabled examinees the use of a Scribe. This denial has let to
anomalous situations where a visually disabled examinee has been allowed to
appear in an examination but has not been allowed the use of the scribe
thereby effectively denying the visually disabled to appear in the
examination and better his prospects. The humanitarian and logical aspect of
providing a facility of a Scribe should not have been required to be spelt
out however since the ground level situation is such that the Disabled have
been discriminated against on such basic issues even this needs to be
clearly documented.

*5. Entitled   *

Categorizing of the Disabled persons who will be entitled to get the
facilities of a Scribe could be standardized to some extent.

However there has to be some flexibility depending on the requirement of a

Certain disabled persons like the totaled blind would definitely need the
use of a Scribe however others may just need some adjustment or concession
example large font or adjustment of the microscope during practical exams or
graph papers with larger squares.

Therefore to make an exhaustive list of the disabled who will be allowed use
of a Scribe is not possible. The list of the disabled must be an inclusive
list and should give the examining authority discretion to include other
persons but not to disallow persons mentioned on the list. It may not   be
proper to lay down iron clad rigid rules in terms of percent with disability
that will be allowed Scribe.

Learning Disabled candidates have been allowed the use of a Scribe and other
concessions by the State of Maharashtra.

*6.  Supervision *

The examining authorities are duty bound to ensure that no mal practices
like copying and cheating are indulged by candidates during the
examinations. For all examinations the responsibility of a fair and free
examination lies with the Examining Authority. The Examining Authority
evaluates the situation and decides on the number of invigilators,
supervisors and assistants. The examining authorities cannot pass on this
burden to the disabled candidate.  The fetters being put on the choice of a
scribe is unfair and reeks of chauvinism. The examining authorities must not
be allowed to shirk their responsibility of proper invigilation onto the
candidates by restricting his choice of Scribe. Some Examining Authorities
have a practice of appointing one invigilator per candidate with special
needs; some other Examining Authorities have a special room for such
candidates and have one invigilator for the room. Some Authorities actually
have a special Centre for such Examinees.

*7. Scribe*

Provisions of a Scribe would not be different for competitive exam and
regular school/college exams. An examination at whatever level and for
whatever course is still a test of the knowledge and skill of an examinee.
The Scribe is a mere facilitator.

Limiting a candidate's choice of a Scribe on grounds of age, capabilities,
qualifications, level of education or marks scored is actually unfair and
prejudices the candidate. It is for the Examining Authority to take care of
supervision as stated in 6 hereinabove.

The guidelines in paras 3 and 4 herein Below are to be considered only as
transitionary guidelines and as a compromise to close the matter at this
stage.  These guidelines will need to be revisited as the acceptability by
the Examining Authority increases.

Criteria of marks of the Scribe is immaterial and redundant if the examining
authorities do their part as explained in Para 6 above.

Criteria of 40% to 60% marks of a Scribe are paradoxical and arbitrary.
Paradoxical in the sense that Examining Authorities believe 40% to 60% marks
is bad enough that the Scribe would not be unduly able to help the candidate
while 40% to 60% is good enough that the scribe can sufficiently address all
the requirements of a scribe.

Any criteria based on the marks of a Scribe are arbitrary as there is no
uniformity in marking in the different exams conducted in India nor is there
uniformity in marking in the different subjects being tested. Also no study
has been conducted which recommends such a criteria

Fixing cut of marks for Scribe is unfair, especially in current system where
the students score very high marks in their secondary and senior secondary
school examination. Hence the students with 40% or 60% marks are bound to be
weak student academically & may not be able to comprehend especially tables
& graphs in test of reasoning, mathematical & scientific symbols and read
properly, also their language skills would be shabby leading to the wastage
of valuable time.

The discretion to choose a Scribe is always with the Candidate however for
various reasons the Candidate may turn to the Examining Authority for
assistance in this matter.  The examining Authority has to provide Scribe
who can adequately take care of the problem.

The Examining authority has to consider the mental capacity of the Scribe
which includes the Scribe's ability to read out questions, take dictation
and deal with situations   which are fraught with tension.

Change of Scribe just before the start of the exam schedule or just before a
paper or during the paper is a possibility which the Chief Supervisor of the
Examining Authority has to deal with. The candidate cannot be made to suffer
for such eventualities. In case of a necessity of change of Scribe before
the Examination starts the candidate must be allowed the use of a Scribe

*8. Additional Time *

There is no doubt that additional time is to be given to a disabled
candidate whether using the facility of a Scribe or not. The Disabled
Candidate is slower while reading the question paper and much slower while
answering it compared to a non Disabled Candidate. While dictating to a
scribe repeating words and sentences and checking the answer sheet a lot of
time is lost.

Different educational institutions and competitive exams all over the
country have varied rules regarding this.

The need for a standard policy in this regard has been felt for a long time.

*9. Technology *

The advancement in technology has to be considered and the benefits must be
harnessed for the betterment of the Disabled. The use of technology has
given the Disabled a chance to be independent. It is time that the Examining
authorities accept the new possibilities and facilitate its use.

The Examining authorities must use the available resources of eg. Centres at
Universities, colleges and in the community which have facilities to allow
Disabled Candidates to give their exams on the computer. Candidates may be
allowed to use their own personal computers/laptops after proper check of
the hard disc by the Examining authorities.

The Examining Authorities have to provide other facilities like printers and
UPS which are compatible.

The software and appliances to be allowed and utilized are evolving
therefore there cannot be a fixed set and the Examining Authorities have to
see the situation and discuss the matter with the candidates and experts and
then permit the technology to be used.

*10. Kinds of Exams *

There are many kinds of exams being conducted for eg. Viva, practical,
online, open book apart from the traditional written exam which now has
subjective, multiple choice and one word answers. The Policy has to be
comprehensive to deal with all such exams.

*11. Certificate of Disability*

The Examining Authority must accept the Certificate of disability produced
by the Candidate which has been issued by the Competent Authority under the
Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.

The Examining Authority cannot ask the candidate to undergo a fresh test
every time he sits for an exam.

*12. Publicity and Implementation  *

This Policy needs to be widely publisised by all the Ministries to their
constituents as past experience has shown that the Examining Authorities do
not believe the candidates when the candidates produce the relevant
circulars or notifications. The hassle of finding proof of the circular
should not be on the candidate.

Further, after this policy comes into effect the non-implementing body
should invalidate the examination and they should reorganize the same.  This
is a deterrent to the non implementation of the Policy.

*13. Disabilities *

Although the herein below guidelines are specifically for Visually disabled
candidates these guidelines may be used by the Examining authorities while
conducting examinations for other candidates suffering from disability
whether permanent or temporary.

*Policy for Examination of the Visually Disabled*

*1. Scribe*

a. The Visually Disabled candidate must be allowed the use of a Scribe who
will read the question papers and write/type the answers dictated by the
Visually disabled candidate.

b. Since one of the important factors while doing an examination is
speed, adequate
practice is necessary, Visually Disabled persons should be allowed to use
the services of a scribe of his/her own choice. The Visually Disabled
candidate may however request the Examining authority to provide a Scribe.

c. The discretion to arrange for his/her own Scribe or to be provided by a
Scribe by the Examining Authority is with the candidate alone.

d. No other restriction other than those mentioned in Clauses 3 or 4 herein
below should be imposed on the selection of a scribe.

e. It is desirable that the candidate and the scribe are from the same

*2. Examination Form/Application *

a. All Application Forms/Advertisements for exams should mention that a
Visually Disabled candidate will be allowed the use of a Scribe and
alternative formats will be provided.

b. The examining authority should give a clear option in the advertisement
itself whether the examinee wishes the scribe to be provided by the
examination conducting body or he/she wishes to arrange the scribe on
his/her own.

c. The Examining authority at the time of advertisement/application should
also print the criteria/qualification for scribe to be followed.

d. The application form should have a provision asking low vision persons to
indicate the requirement of question paper in large print.  The
advertisement for examination as well as the application form should also
clearly mention that the low vision persons would be allowed the use of
magnifying glass.

*3. Scribes chosen by Candidate *

a. In case the candidate avails the services of his/her own scribe/writer,
the scribe/writer   should be one grade junior in academic qualification
than the candidate if from the same stream.  However, this condition shall
not apply if the scribe/writer is from a different stream.

b. For competitive examinations the scribe needs to be one level below the
eligibility criteria of the competitive exam in consideration.

c. For internal exams of schools and colleges the condition of the scribe
being one grade junior in academic qualification than the candidate should
not be enforced strictly as this would cause undue hardship to the candidate
and give rise to unviable solutions.

*4. Scribes provided by Examining Authorities*

a. Considering the practical problems, it is necessary that even if the
scribe is provided by the examination conducting authorities, at the request
of examinee, such authorities must ensure the competence of the
scribe/writer. If the scribe is provided by the examining authorities, it
should be ensured that the scribe is adequately qualified to understand the
questions and to explain them to the candidate.

b. To ensure the competence of such a scribe provided, the following
conditions should be adhered to:

i.         as far as possible and practical, the scribe himself/herself
should be a current student;

ii.       In any case, the time interval between when such a scribe ceased
to be a student himself/herself and the time he/she is acting as a scribe
should not be more than three years, because with the lapse of time, natural
abilities of a student like writing speed, taking dictation and writing an
examination efficiently in a specified time frame, suffer a considerable
decline. However strict adherence to this requirement cannot be stretched
beyond a logical point.

iii.     The medium of instruction of the scribe in his/her studies should
essentially be, or have been, the same as the examinee.

iv.     Scribe should, as far as possible, belong to the same stream as the

v.       In cases where the scribe is provided by exam conducting bodies at
the request of the examinee, she/he should not have scored below 55% marks
in the last exam.

vi.     While appointing a Scribe the mental capacity and maturity level of
a scribe should be considered.

c. the candidate must have a chance to meet the scribe a day before the
exam. This would ensure that the 2 get comfortable with one another. It
would also give the candidate a chance to check whether the scribe is

d. The examining body should identify the scribes/writers and make the
panels at district/Division or state level as per requirement of

e. The Panels of scribe should be as per requirement of the
stream/discipline eg. Arts, Commerce, Science & Mathematics, Engineering,
Medical etc. and only eligible scribes should be included in the panel.

*5. Supervision *

* *

Any attempt at cheating and other malpractices can be curbed by ensuring
proper supervision and vigilance by the invigilators. This is the
responsibility of the Examining Authority. No restrictions should be imposed
on the choice of a scribe by a candidate on this account.

*6. Additional time *

a.               The facility of Additional time must be allotted to all
Visually Disabled candidates appearing for examinations in any format with
or without the use of a Scribe.

b.               For a written test of duration of 1 hour at least 30
minutes extra time should be allotted.

c.                Similarly For written tests involving more than one or
less than one hour extra time should be worked out on the basis of 30
minutes per one hour criteria.

*7. Arrangements at the Examination*

a. Proper sitting arrangement should be made before commencement of the
examination so as to avoid confusion and distraction.

b. Sitting arrangements for the disabled candidates should be made on the
ground floor, as far as possible.

c. Refreshments, if any to scribes/writers should either are served before
or after the examination and not during the examination.

d. The Chief invigilator of the examination center should have discretionary
powers to accept last minute change of scribes under exigencies.

e. Considering the fact that many exams are held in overlapping schedules
and also the fact that the scribes may not be free/willing to commit
themselves for the entire duration of exam or examination of various
languages, more than one person may be permitted to write different papers
for the same examination, provided they fulfill all other conditions laid
down in clauses 3 or 4 above. For enacting such a change in scribes for
different papers, the ground of contingency should not be a mandatory

f. The letter approving the scribe should contain the following information
in writing:

i. The extra time given to the candidate

ii. He shall be seated separately

iii. Contact address and phone number of competent authority should also be
printed for last minute change of scribe.

g. To minimize the need for last minute change in the scribe and in view of
(e) above, a collective sanction letter may be issued, sanctioning multiple
scribes proposed by the examinee, so that any of them may be called upon to
act as the scribe in any particular paper, without the hassle of formalities
involved in changing the scribe at the eleventh hour.

h. Candidate, scribe and supervisor should be provided with full information
about the duration of the examination.

*8. Aids and appliances *

* *

a. a. All Visually Disabled candidates may be allowed to carry special
mathematical aids such as Taylor's frame or abacus as they have no fother
way of calculating sums.  Neither abacus nor Taylor's frame calculate the
sums but are mere aids such as a paper for candidates with vision. Other
equipments that should be allowed include welcrove board for drawing
diagrams and drawing wheel.

b. in papers such as accounts the visually disabled candidate may be allowed
to carry Braille slates and papers for writing the numbers as it is difficult
to remember the balance sheets

c. The visually disabled candidate should also be allowed to use optical/
electronic low vision aids such as magnifying glass;

d. Visually Disabled candidates must be allowed the use of a talking
calculator in examinations in which the sighted candidates are allowed to
use a calculator.

* *

*9. Alternative Formats *

* *

a. In addition to the facility of a scribe the Visually Disabled candidates
have the facility to write answers in Braille or on a computer or a
typewriter or may ask for question paper in large font.

b. Considering the developments in technology, all examination conducting
bodies should facilitate the use of computers for taking the exams by the
visually Disabled examinees, if the candidate so desires.

c. Visually Disabled candidates appearing for "Open book Exams may be
provided the texts of such books in Braille, in digital format on the
computer or in large text at the choice of the candidate.

*10. Examination in Braille  *

a.    The question paper may be provided in Braille or in accessible digital
text or a reader may be provided to read out the question paper.

b. the Reader must be chosen based on the guidelines suggested in Paras 3 or
4 as suggested hereinabove. C. Services of a Braille to print transcriber
should be used to transcribe the answer sheet to normal print.

c. this printed answer sheet may be sent for evaluation.

d. Alternatively the answer paper in Braille should be evaluated by the
expert/examiners in Braille script.

*11. Large Print  *

a. The font size of the question paper should not be less than 20 for the
benefit of low vision candidates. However if the candidate requests for an
alternative font size or style then he may be so provided.

*1**2**. **Alternative Questions *

a. Alternative questions must be provided in cases where the original
question contains visual elements and/or require the candidate to interpret
or produce such visual elements. However the candidate may elect to answer
the original question.

b. The visual graphs should be supplemented by descriptive explanation of
the graphs for visually Disabled candidates.

c. For practical exams the Visually Disabled candidate must be allowed the
help of a laboratory assistant to conduct the experiment and or be provided
alternative oral questions in place of the experiment to be conducted. Rules
relating to Scribes in Para 3 and 4 hereinabove should apply to the
laboratory Assistant.

*1**3**. Examination on Computers *

* *

a. Visually Disabled candidates can appear in examination on the computer
only if students are computer literate and can type at a reasonable speed.
The software and hardware is now available to make students write their
examinations both in Hindi and English mediums

b. This form of examination is preferable than the use of scribes due to the
following reasons:

i. High payments being demanded by Scribes

ii. Wasting crucial time just before the examinations just to look for

iii. Sexual harassment of girl students.

iv. Losing marks due to mistakes of scribes or casual attitude of scribes.

v. Week students getting away with good marks by making their scribes write
answers to questions that they do not know.

c. The use of computers for examination does not mean that a scribe to read
the question paper is dispensed with. However the candidate may not require
a sighted person and dispense with the same.

d. The responsibility to bring a computer is not on the student/ candidate.
The centre/ Examining authority shall spare one of its own Computers for the

e. However if it is feasible then the candidate may be allowed to use his
own computer. This may be decided by the candidate and the examining
authority mutually.

f. the only responsibility that a student aspiring to give exam on computer
has, is to bring the screen reading software.

g. The candidate should be allowed to install the screen reading software a
day in advance on the computer provided with printer installed

h. Access to the computer is to be given at least 20 minutes before start of
the examination.

i . in case of power failure, the time of power failure is to be noted and
the same amount of time augmented in the end time of the paper.

j. recommended Equipment preparation:

i.                    For each candidate appearing in the examination two
computers may be set up for this purpose. One for writing the examination
and one as stand-by in case of any failure in the machine.

ii.                   The computer should be of a configuration greater than
the minimum required to support the screen reader. This is necessary since
the student will be running other software as well so system resources

iii.                 must be sufficient to run the operating system, the
screen reader and other software concurrently.

iv.                 The computer must have the following software installed:

A.              MS Office

B.              Page maker

C.              screen reading software.

v.               The medium of examination for the student can be in
Englishor Hindi

vi. All the data on the Computer must be password protected using the
utility software called Folder Access. This software can make any folder
access limited by password.

vii. UPS with back-up of 2 hours must be installed and connected at the
centre. Enough power back-up needs to be provided for the examination centre.

viii. Two printers may be kept for taking the final print-outs of the answer

k. Recommended procedure for examination:

l. The computer centre or the library may be designated as one of the
examination centres for conducting the examination.

m. Question paper must be sent to this Centre on a CD.

n. question paper should be given as a computer document in MS word or htm

o. If question paper cannot be provided in accessible format, then a reader
is to be provided to read out the question paper.

p. if the question paper is in an inaccessible to screen reader format for
eg. page-maker file format then The paper requires to be converted
into a screen
reader accessible file. The original file may be opened in the page maker
software. Each page of the question paper must be copied and pasted in the
MS word document.

q. if the candidate is appearing in English Medium, the screen reader software
may speak gibberish where Hindi text appears, all Hindi language text must
be deleted from the question paper.

r. This MS word file must be password protected.

s. Answer sheet- One blank MS-word document may be created on the Computer and
shortcut to this may be created on the desk-top. This blank document must
have the paper size and margins set according to the extension sheets of the
answer sheet on which the final print-out will be taken. Viii. The
role-number and other details of the candidate must be filled on the original
sheet by the invigilator using normal pen. These extension sheets must
be stapled
with each sheet of the original answer sheet. Each sheet must be signed by
the invigilator.

t. The candidate must be allowed to have access to the Computer 20 minutes
before the start of examination time.

u. At the time of start of examination, the password for the question paper
file must be told to the candidate.

*14. On line Exams*

All Examining Authorities conducting online exams must follow the guidelines
stated hereinabove to the extent practicable. It is the responsibility of
the Examining Authorities to make their websites, question papers and all
other study material accessible i.E. designed and available in accessible
format. Examining Authorities must follow international rules, guidelines
and standards laid down in this behalf. The candidate must be able to do the
exam on his own.


The paramount purpose of the Policy is to alleviate the hardship being
caused to the Visually disabled candidate due to uncertainty in policy and
to mitigate the effects of a disability.

Drafted by Kanchan Pamnani, Advocate and solicitor

Experienced and contributed by Members of Accessindia,

Researched and Compiled by Xaviers Resource Centre for the Visually
Challenged, ST. Xaviers college, 5 Mahapalika MargMumbai

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