Dear Jignesh,

I am not sure, if you spoke to me some months before and you have a legal background. If this is correct, Please get in touch with me.

----- Original Message ----- From: "jignesh thakur" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Kingfisher crew offloads blind woman with kids

now i think we are strongly in need of anna hazare in our comunity.

On 5/25/11, manoj cherian <> wrote:
On 5/25/11, Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss <> wrote:
 Hmm!Discrimination instances against disabled by airlines keep
accumulating in India?
Few instances from the past-
 Example-1: Taken from-

Ali, 26, with locomotor disability, booked a ticket on Indian Airlines
and was placed on the waiting list. For nearly a month he was on the
waitlist no. 1, without getting a confirmed seat.
He has alleged that it was not a case of excess booking with Indian
Airlines (as several persons who had booked tickets after him were
given confirmed status), but because he booked his ticket under the
category of disabled persons.
Indian Airlines issues ‘M’ category tickets at concessional rates to
visually impaired people and people with locomotor disability of 80
per cent and above. Ali claims that the practice of the company is to
issue only waitlisted tickets to disabled persons, regardless of how
well in advance they may have booked the tickets, and not confirm them
until the time of departure so as to accommodate passengers paying the
full fare.
As per the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, as also directions of
the Supreme Court of India, Indian Airlines, as a state-owned carrier,
is under legal obligation to pursue disabled-friendly policies.
Through his counsel S. S. Dey, Arman Ali filed a writ petition praying
for non-discrimination by Indian Airlines in issuing ‘M’ class
tickets, and further direction to the airline for giving confirmed
ticket on booking by a person with disability on his availing a ticket
at concession rate solely on the criteria of availability of seats on
aircraft and not on any other commercial consideration.
Justice A. Roy, in his order dated 24 June, has issued a show cause
notice of motion to the Ministry of Civil Aviation as well as the
Indian Airlines Ltd. asking as to why the prayers of the petitioner
should not be granted and has fixed the matter for 18 July, for
further consideration and necessary orders.

Example-2: Taken from;
Disabled protest in Chennai airport against offloading NGO activist
PTI, Jun 20, 2007, 02.06pm IST
CHENNAI: About 100 physically challenged persons on Wednesday formed a
human chain in front of the domestic airport here in protest of
refusal by a private airline's to allow a cerebral palsy victim to
board the aircraft without an escort.
Holding placards, the disabled, most of them in wheelchairs, held a
peaceful protest by forming the human chain for nearly 90 minutes.
They demanded equal rights and urged the Government to put an end to
discrimination against the disabled.
"We've been facing discrimination from various airlines and Monday's
incident was the height of it. It not only violated human rights, but
also the International Civil Aviation rules," said Smitha, Assistant
Coordinator - Vidyasagar, an NGO which organised the agitation.

Example 3: Taken from;

The Hindustan Times news titled Airline Displays Callousness in
December 19 reported that Sanjiv Sachdeva was asked to sign a bond to
absolve Jetlite from all responsibilities should anything happen to
him in a flight on December 16. Jetlite is an India-based low cost
carrier. Sanjiv has filed a complaint with the Directorate General of
Aviation and the Commissioner of Diabilities.
In the same newspaper report, another wheelchair user Mahesh
Chandrashekar was subjected to similar conditions by Deccan, India’s
first low-fare airline. Mahesh was reported to have said that the
language used in the indemnity form sounded prejudiced, embarrassing,
derogatory and appeared as if a favour has been doled out to a
passenger with disability who is travelling on a fully-paid ticket.
Indemnity forms are worded in such a way that the person who signed it
absolves the airline from all blame should anything happen. Too bad if
that person dies or is injured as a result of flying with the airline.
To add insult to injury, if the airline has to incur additional costs
because of that person, the said person has to bear all that. Tell me,
where is justice in that? Heads I lose. Tails also I lose. Mana boleh?
Unbelievable? Go read the indemnity form that Airsia made me sign.

Shame on you Civil Aviation ministry of India!. Thank You.

Your's Sathiyaprakash

On 5/24/11, Madhu Singhal <> wrote:
Dear Members,
I want to share that last year king fisher refused to book my ticket to
Bangalore to Delhi.
I wrote a letter personally and also from comitioner disabilities office.
One fine day they called me over phone and said that sorry for this
and requesting me please do not force to give in writing.
Accept our apology our staf was unaware that blind person can travel
I did not persue further.----- Original Message -----
From: "Pradeep banakar" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: [AI] Kingfisher crew offloads blind woman with kids

Friend of myne forwarded me this information

               Kindly  copy the message and send the email to chair
kingfisher airlines, NHRC, DGCA.

Subject: Act immediately

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The Chair Person,

King Fisher Airlines

Dear Chair Person,

Sub-Registering protest for immediate and appropriate action against
guilty crew

This is to register our strong protest against the inhuman, cruel and
indecent behaviour of your crew and other airline members shown towards
woman with visual impairment and her 2 children. We are shocked and
humiliated by the act and express our serious concern over the matter.
This is the clear case of violation of the provisions enshrined in The

Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities-2006" where India
has signed and ratified the same; Guidelines issued by DGCA for all
airlines with regard to persons with disabilities in May 2007; Persons
with disabilities Act 1995 and other human rights treaties and

Disabled community of this country strongly condemns this act with clear and loud words."Violation or Exclusion of persons with disabilities from
enjoying their human rights on an equal basis with others cannot be
excused any more". We urge you to initiate immediate and appropriate
action against the guilty crew and the parties concerned who are
accountable for this inhuman act.

We look forward to hear from you as early as possible about the action
taken against the guilty and measures taken to prevent this kind of acts
in future.

For more details on the incident please read below.

With warm regards,


Kingfisher crew offloads blind woman with kids

Airline makes them disembark from flight, leaves them unattended for
nearly an hour and a half as aircraft takes off without them

A private airline made a blind woman and her two children disembark from her connecting flight to Goa and left them unattended for nearly an hour
and a half while the plane took off without them.

Adding insult to injury, the airline's staff allegedly told the woman

she could not travel with two kids because she was blind.

Shabnam Mansuri had flown in to Mumbai from Ahmedabad with sons Lukman

and 18-month-old Luftaan, and was on her way to Goa when the incident

Shabnam Mansuri (35) says the experience has made her realise the
of thinking that she can be treated like everyone else despite her

On May 10, Mansuri was travelling with her sons Lukman (7) and
18-month-old Luftaan from Ahmedabad to Goa via Mumbai to meet her

Her tickets had been booked with Kingfisher Airlines.

"I boarded the Kingfisher flight from Ahmedabad and reached Mumbai, from
where I was supposed to take a connecting flight to Goa.

I had barely taken a seat in the connecting flight around 12.30 pm when
crew member came and asked me to follow him. He also asked me to take my
cabin baggage and kids with me.

Initially, I thought that he must be changing my seat, but realised
something was amiss when he took me down some stairs," said Mansuri.

"I asked him why he was making me get off the plane but he refused to
answer. When my kids and I got off, they closed the aircraft's doors and
took off, leaving us standing there.

One attendant told me later that I cannot travel with two kids as I am
blind. I was shocked," she added. She kept telling the attendant that
had two young kids and needed to meet her husband in Goa, but to no

Finally, close to 2 pm, a staff member came and told her that they would arrange for her to board a 4.40 pm flight to Goa."I did not want to bank
on them anymore. I called my husband and he arranged for us to board
another airline's 3.10 pm flight.

My question is, how can they let me travel from Ahmedabad to Mumbai
without any trouble and then say I cannot travel with two kids from

to Goa? I was travelling on the same airline in both cases," said

She said the experience was one of the worst she's had in her life. "I
blind but that doesn't mean they have the right to discriminate against

I had paid the full fare and if they had some problems, they should have
informed me before I boarded. My elder son is so traumatised by the
incident; he says he does not want to fly anymore."

Husband reacts
Mansuri's husband, Samir, who is the Chairman of Blinds Dream, an NGO,
wrote a letter to the airline to complain about the treatment meted out


A portion of the letter states, "Kingfisher officials told my wife that

she thought they were cruel, she shouldn't travel with them anymore."

"What the Kingfisher staff did to my wife is shameful. They had done
something similar with me in 2005 (see box) and I will not let them get
away this time.

Flight tickets of Shabnam Mansuri and her two sons Lukman and Luftaan

They have replied to my letter but that is not enough. I will take this
issue to the consumer court and will go to the Supreme Court if need be.

This is an insult to me and my family and I will not tolerate it under

circumstances," said Samir.

He alleged that he had come to know that his wife was made to disembark
because of a VIP booking at the last moment, which led to the flight


"If their company cannot handle blind people, they should declare that
visually challenged people are not allowed to fly Kingfisher," he added.

The Other Side
When MiD DAY contacted Kingfisher Airlines, they said they regretted the
incident. Prakash Mirpuri, vice-president, corporate communications,
Kingfisher Airlines Limited, said, "We are investigating the matter.

In the meantime, we would like to convey our deep regret for the
inconvenience that may have been caused inadvertently to our valued

Earlier too
Dr Samir Mansuri, Shabnam's husband and a celebrity doctor who is also
blind, had allegedly been insulted by Kingfisher Airlines in 2005 as

According to Samir, he was travelling from Mumbai to Ahmedabad that

"I was first in the queue to board the flight, but I was made to wait

all the other passengers boarded. When I went inside, they forced me to
visit a washroom outside the aircraft even when I did not want to go.

They said they were doing that so I would't have to visit the airplane's loo when we were airborne. The crew told me that they could not allow me
to use the aircraft's washroom as I am blind and there were female crew
members on board," said Samir.

"I felt insulted and raised the issue in the media. Vijay Mallya then
issued an apology for the indecent behaviour on the airline's part," he

IF we not part of the solution then we are part of the problem
With Regards
Pradeep T.S
Information Technology Cell
Regional Office Bangalore
Mobile: 9845925188
skype: pradeepsocialwork
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