On 6/7/11, purnima jain <purnima25j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> with referance to the above mentioned issue raised by shrinivas sir
> .hello Sir ,I am glad that you raised this issue .constitutional
> protection is important for the disabled community ,however it is more
> important to improve the grievances redressal mechanism for any legal
> protection to be effective .the Judges and the legal community needs
> to be  made more sensitive to the disability issues and the disability
> laws ,the public in general and the disabled in particular needs to be
> made more aware about their rights .So far your suggestion for
> reservation for the disabled in the parliament is concerned I feel
> that reservation for the marginalized section in legislature has been
> instrumental in promoting empowerment of that community and ensure
> their participation in democratic proces.Further it shall provide us
> an effective means to voice our concern on the issues affecting us
> .The politician’s and the public servants are apathetic to the
> disability issues as we are the microscopic minority and do not
> account for the vote bank ,further we are not a strong and organized
> political group .We lack any strong political leadership or any
> political organization to lobby for the important issues ..political
> representation and active participation in politics will surely
> improve the condision.As far  your third issue of non-implementation
> of the reservation for the VI in the jobs is concerned it Is ironical
> to note that despite so many years of a statutory provision for the
> same the policy of reservation has remained on paper in many states
> and even at the union level as there is huge backlog of jobs and still
> more backlog are created every year .A few NGOs like the NFB has done
> some work in this direction at the union level but no worthy efforts
> at the state level exists .the reason for this is that the NGOs are
> weak in the states .We as a community only fight for small concessions
> and benefits and when it comes for the issues like employment the
> fight is mostly by the individual who gets affected .If this is the
> reality than it is suggested that lets do whatever we can do in our
> individual capacity say for instance the experts on the group can use
> the internet to raise the issues ,the lawyers and the NGOs can file
> cases for filling up the backlog  and contempt cases if the backlog is
> not filled .I know of one judgment of Allahabad high court where the
> court stayed further appointment till the vacancies for  disabled are
> filled up efforts for taking such judgments should be made the .It is
> high time that we as a community work for our legal and constitutional
> rights if we cannot do this for ourselves no one else would .thanks.
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