Things are not working well for the Challenged in UK.

Benefit cuts are fuelling abuse of disabled people, say charities
Rising public resentment blamed on government focus on alleged
'scrounger' fraud and inflammatory media coverage

Peter Walker, Sunday 5 February 2012 18.16 GMT Article history
Charities say an increase in public abuse towards disabled people is
due to government focus on alleged benefit fraud and disability cuts.
Photograph: INSADCO Photography/Alamy
The government's focus on alleged fraud and overclaiming to justify
cuts in disability benefits has caused an increase in resentment and
abuse directed at disabled people, as they find themselves being
labelled as scroungers, six of the country's biggest disability groups
have warned.

Some of the charities say they are now regularly contacted by people
who have been taunted on the street about supposedly faking their
disability and are concerned the climate of suspicion could spill over
into violence or other hate crimes.

While the charities speaking out – Scope, Mencap, Leonard Cheshire
Disability, the National Autistic Society, Royal National Institute
for the Blind (RNIB), and Disability Alliance – say inflammatory media
coverage has played a role in this, they primarily blame ministers and
civil servants for repeatedly highlighting the supposed mass abuse of
the disability benefits system, much of which is unfounded.

At the same time, they say, the focus on "fairness for taxpayers" has
fostered the notion that disabled people are a separate group who
don't contribute.

Scope's regular polling of people with disabilities shows that in
September two-thirds said they had experienced recent hostility or
taunts, up from 41% four months before. In the last poll almost half
said attitudes towards them had deteriorated in the past year.

Tom Madders, head of campaigns at the National Autistic Society, said:
"The Department for Work and Pensions is certainly guilty of helping
to drive this media narrative around benefits, portraying those who
receive benefits as workshy scroungers or abusing a system that's
really easy to cheat."

He added that ministers such as the work and pensions secretary, Iain
Duncan Smith, were being "deeply irresponsible" in conflating
Disability Living Allowance (DLA), which helps disabled people hold
down jobs, and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), a payment for
those unable to work. This "scrounger rhetoric" was already having an
impact on people's lives, Madders said, citing a woman who rang the
charity to say a neighbour who formerly gave lifts to her autistic
child had stopped doing so following press articles about disabled
people receiving free cars under a government scheme.

Some disabled people say the climate is so hostile they avoid going
out, or avoid using facilities such as designated parking bays if they
"don't look disabled".

The government has committed to making significant cuts to disability
benefits, including a 20% reduction in the DLA bill by 2015/16. Much
of its public focus has been on alleged fraudulent claims or cutting
benefits to those whose conditions have improved.

Charities point to a series of ministerial statements arguing that the
"vast majority" of new ESA claimants are able to work, while the
disabilities minister, Maria Miller, said last month that £600m of DLA
was overpaid each year, not mentioning that a greater sum is saved by
others not receiving what they are due.

This is "playing directly into a media narrative about the need to
weed out scroungers," said Richard Hawkes, chief executive of Scope.
"Our polling shows that this narrative has coincided with attitudes
towards disabled people getting worse.

"Disabled people tell us that increasingly people don't believe that
they are disabled and suddenly feel empowered to question their
entitlement to support."

David Congdon, head of policy at Mencap, said the charity feared where
this could lead. "We are concerned that this narrative of benefit
scroungers or fakers connected to the welfare reform bill does risk
stigmatising all people with a disability," he said. "The worry would
be that this could lead to an increase in resentment against disabled
people, and even an increase in hate crimes."

There was "an incredibly strong focus on benefit fraud within the
DWP", said Guy Parckar, policy manager for Leonard Cheshire. "It is
mentioned at all possible opportunities. Of course, whenever there is
fraud you want that to be tackled, but there should be some serious
thought given to the long-term impact that this has. There is the
impact of potential hate crime, and issues around that."

Neil Coyle, head of policy for Disability Alliance, said his
organisation was being told of increasing levels of verbal abuse, and
worried this could lead to attacks.

"There's a lot of concern that the level of abuse and harassment goes
unrecorded because it's seen almost as a norm. It seems to be growing
as a result of a mis-perception of much more widespread abuse of
benefits than actually exists. That's being fed by the DWP in their
attempts to justify massive reductions in welfare expenditure."

A DWP spokeswoman said the department was committed to supporting
disabled people but needed to "do more to change negative attitudes",
and had begun a cross-government consultation on tackling

She said: "Our welfare reforms are designed to restore integrity into
the benefits system and to ensure that everyone who needs help and
support receives it."

David Gillon from Chatham in Kent, said: "I think we've lost all the
progress we made in the last 30 years in terms of acceptance." Gillon,
whose chronic back condition forced him to give up a job with British
Aerospace, recounts walking on crutches past a pub in the middle of
the day and receiving shouts of: "We're going to report you to the
DWP." He said: "When there's a bad article in the press, the next day
you think, 'Do I really need to go out of the house?' We're being
forced back into the attic, locked away from society."

Fazilet Hadi, head of inclusion for the RNIB, said she also felt the
tone was set by ministers: "I think they should be more careful. At
the moment it feels like the government is not on the side of disabled
people. Most people don't have that much exposure to disabled people.
They don't see us in the lifestyle pages, they don't see us in the
fashion pages. The only reference they see is in these stories. And
that's why the language is so important."

"The best things and most beautiful things in the world Cannot be seen
or even touched. They must be felt within the heart."  — Helen Keller

Avinash Shahi
M.A. Political Science
New Delhi India

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