Hello mohit,
In reply to your mail, I would like to say that even myself faced the
same situation when I had decided to join the inclusive school after
realizing the fact that I have learnt the basic skills of independent
daly living by spending nearly eight years in the school for the
blind.because I felt that I am now mature enough to live in the
environment of my sighted friends and wanted to enjoy all the things
witch normal student does in the school and college like roming around
with the friends outside on various occasions such as, going to
movies, party etc. of course, these were happening when I was in the
special school but not with the friends who were so called abled
(sighted) persons. Also for the reason I was feeling to have such
enjoyment that while in special school whenever such events use to
take place we weretaken out in a very restricted and overprotected
manner and since I was entering in to teenage world I needed to have
my own freedom to enjoy in a way I think. Hence, I have left the
special school after passing my eighth standard.

I thought that now world is now a real challenge to me as I am now
free bird to fly in the sky of freedom and attain all the colors of
fun as I had already commanded over the independent skills of mobility
etc while I was in special school. But unfortunately, the situation
was not so easy as I had painted in my mind.

After joining the inclusive school, I had to travel everday from my
home to school and vice versa. I thought that now I can make use of my
mobility to go independently but this everything gone in vain when my
parents appointed  a full time staff to take care of my traveling to
go to school and back. Situation was more verse when my parents
informed me that you need not go alone out of the house never as we
already had hired the person for you as and when you need. I was very
disturbed for many months and one day, I had realized that rather
becoming upset and convincing my friends to join me why not to
convince my person to understand my feelings of freedom and I have
slowly and practically convinced him that you do not hold my hand all
throughout and watch me from the close distance I would like to hold
the cane in my hand and walk independently. So wherever I feel any
difficulty you kindly come to my rescue. Initially, he was scared and
then after seeing my confidence of walking alone with my cane  slowly
he started cooperating me witch really boosted my confidence.

In your case I presume that you may not have learnt the mobility
skills hence, first step can be to approach any NGO’S near to your
vicinity working in the field of visually challenged persons and
request for the instructor who can come to you for teaching mobility.
If you do not have any such NGOS near to your locality, then try and
consider to spend at list four months of training of rehabilitation
conducted by the organization like nab witch provides you the training
along with boarding and lodging facility. Living in such a environment
for the considerable time you can learn the ways of living, speaking,
reacting to different   situations of blind persons with sighted
colleagues, eating ettiqutes, dressing manners, socializing with the
society, some sorts and recreation activities Braille learning,
vocational skills  etc.

If you can not even opt this method, then try and search for any
visually challenged person near to your locality who is well
independent in mobility and has spent considerable time with the
sighted person and try to arrange few outings with him and tell him to
teach you how to interact with the sighted person outside while in
shop, offices, etc.try and take him to your college especially in the
social gatherings of your college and let him teach you the ways of
communication with your friends.

I am sure that implementing  any of these methods can yield good
results for you. But if you ask me to choose amongst any of these, I
would suggest you to first consider the first two i.e. attending the
rehabilitation course or arranging the mobility instructor. And my
friend, you have to take the initiative by yourself to catch the
attention of your friends. Do not expect anything from them such as
not to take you immediately to your car, to talk to you or to go out
with them. just be pushy to to react with their conversation, try to
offer your help to them in any practical manner such as, intelligence.
Take initiative to plan the outings and  invite them rather expecting
to go out with them. Try to be more reactive with your pleasant
responses rather presenting yourself as doubtful or hesitant
personality when you are communicating with them. Don’t get afraid if
you find ockward on various situations when you go out with them just
behave normally as you do and take the things easy because man is the
learner all throughout his life and one can not be expected to learn
everything instantly. If you feel ockwird on any situation like eating
particular food try and ignore to eat that food until you learn to eat
with the spoon etc. and the moment you find ockwird try and divert the
your  attention with any alternet communication gently because how
much ever you will feel ockwird that much you will pull yourself back
to remain in that group.

As I have said that I could not enjoy the full  freedom of mobility
due to the person appointed for me, I had to make the greatest
struggle to convince my parents to allow me to go out alone I could
not succeed until I had taken the help of my few friends who were also
visually challenged and went out with them and made my parents
realized that if they can move alone then why can’t i? fortunately,
they were convinced after long struggle of four years. Now I am
independent. So my friend, don’t be so tense, you have to take the
initiative by yourself to convince your parents and before doing all
these things, try to develop the self confidence in you to move
independently by implementing the suggestions mentioned above.

By writing this mail, I do not say that the assistance of the person
should not be taken in mobility as there are several instances when
you need the help of the sighted persons such as, crossing the road,
asking for the bus numbers, etc but my concern is to minimize the
dependency on the other persons to perform mobility.

So I conclude with the remarks that mobility, reaction of the society
towards you, socializing difficulties can only fall in to your place
when you develop self confidence in you with the help of appropriate
methods such as, training, guidance of the senior colleagues, openness
with your surroundings, ability to accept the challenges, positive
attitude to overcome the ockwird  situation  etc. and of course the
other side of the world i.e. your sighted friends will certainly come
to you without any hesitations and treating you equally.

Sorry for my long mail just could not brief my suggestion and I am
sure that you may be doing all these suggestions but just wanted to
refresh your approach.

On 6/17/12, bijal patel <bijalpatel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> to enjoying college life and public events it's necessary to devlop
> friendship level. our new friends are not that much aware for visual
> disability, so it's require little  time for them to adjust with us.
> and every where escort, really burdern for us. "mobility" doesn't mean
> only to holding white cane and walk with it on the road.
> Mobility includes to get help from other, to ask for help from other,
> to adjust with any escort, to get touch at our work place  or new
> place without escort, etc.
> really now after losing total vision and getting diffrent experiences,
> I am able to devlope above points in mine. With extra tips and tricks,
> now i can travel alone by auto in my city. Even I did successful night
> journey by train in AC coch  also. Yes, it's true, still I am unable
> to walk alone on road and catch auto or to walk on railway station. I
> know it's require time. whenever i come back to my city, my papa picks
> up from station. it doesn't mean, he himself enters in train and helps
> me. I should be prepare to leave train and stand on safe place at
> platform. only communication to others is necessary in such task.
> White cane is my magic stic and strong weppen during such journey.
> and in  mohit's case, i think lake of proper communication with his
> friends. nothing else! and you have to devlop abilities which i
> mention above. after all, very good suggestions in prier mails.
> On 6/17/12, Pranav Lal <pranav....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Mohit,
>> One way to shortcircuit this process, is to become the provider of
>> transport. Everyone likes a free ride. <chuckle
>> Pranav
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Mukesh jain
Skype: mukeshjain211
Mob: 09977165123

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them
master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. "

Helen Keller

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