Well, folks, I’ve been reading this thread since yesterday, and  got
really amazed to see so many terrific and useful responses and tips.
I’m one of those atypical men who’ve got hobby  of cooking, although I
do not get those many chances to groom it due to the hectic work
schedule and  denial from family.
i love cooking things like sandwitches, beverages, cakes, maggy, rice,
salids,  dried snacks, and selected vegetables (curries).
During the process,  I do use different kinds of  appliances, vessels
and ingredients  and manage to successfully prepare the dishes.
Through this email, I’d like to tell my fellow list mates that cooking
is not that difficult if you once prepare yourself for the minimal
risks of mishap that may occur due to the unavailability of sighte.
Although I don’t use any of them, but there are a good number of
assistive devices and technologies available which may ease your
potential problem (s) and allow you to accessibly cook delicious food
with no special risks.

Coming to lightening up the gas, I always  light  the gas first, and
then put the vessel on it.
This, makes it easier for me to properly adjust the position of the
vessel allowing it to receive the proper heat that’s being produced by
the gas.

Cooking without looking is certainty an art, and requires several
extra efforts in order to do the things efficiently.
From my limited personal experiences with it, I found out that its
really important for a visually impaired person to keep all the senses
open while cooking.
For instance, every operation produces a specific sound, and if you
can track down what sounds how  and why, it makes the things very easy
for you.
Boiling of milk and water, boiling of different vegetables, frying,
baking, mashing, tosting etc, all have different and specific sounds
associated with them,  and once you master the art of understanding
them,  you’d find a drastic improvement in your confidence and

Similarly, keeping your touch sense open to feel and analyse various
things and their textures and keeping the smelling sense open to
measure  so many things helps a great way too.

One of the biggest problems that I’ve personally had was about
cutting, peeling, crushing and chopping vegetables,  which if not done
wit concentration may consequence finger and arm injuries.

Also, I’ve had   severe troubles  in identifying and remembering the
textures, smells  and positions of various spices,  that look very
confusing at the outset.

I guess that the practice and self confidence is the key to be
efficient in cooking.
I myself am not one,  but I’m learning from my own mistakes,
experiences and of course the extremely valuable advises and guidance
from many experts available on this list.

Oh, and one of the most severe challenges that I’m facing is the
denial  from family,  as my mom does not allow me to cook that much,
but I’ve been fortunate  enough to be able to learn the same from some
good friends, and still learning it.
please get in touch for anything you believe I can help with.

On a lighter note, all those who’d like to eat the food cooked by me
on their own risk are much welcome! ☺

Prateek agarwal.
Managing director,
Daedal technovations pvt. Ltd.


---------- Original message ----------
From: "amritpal singh" <amritpa...@gmail.com>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 11:40:50 +0530
Subject: Re: [AI] Query for cooking area...
Can you place the link of this audio book on send space or drop box?
----- Original Message ----- From: "mukesh jain" <mukesh.jai...@gmail.com>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Query for cooking area...

Hello, I have the audio book called cooking without looking. I don’t
know about the method of cooking on gase but certainly by reading this
book I have learnt few small recipies on microwave oven. this is the
Great resource for the visually impaired to have the knowledge of
cooking technics. I don’t know sharing the link for this book would be
allowed on the list so if you are interested to listen to  this book
then kindly contact me off the list. kindly
Author: Esther Knudson Tipps,

Cooking methods and techniques developed through research at the Texas
School for the Blind. In addition to recipes, the book gives basic
principles of meal planning, marketing, food preparation, table
service, and food storage.

Any way, I would like to share few links amongst you on this topic
which will let you download the accessible guide in text format,  view
important tips, technics and ideas  for cooking in context to the
persons with visual impairment.





hope this may be of some use.

On 7/12/12, Asudani, Rajesh <rajeshasud...@rbi.org.in> wrote:
Well, Mamta, nicely explained.
But why don't you put the vessel first on the gas and then light the gas?
At least I did it in my rudimentary attempts to make tea, rice etc. in days
gone by.
Now, thankfully, I am relieved of all such chores by my sweet wife, but I do
appreciate that all should learn at least rudimentary cooking skills for a
rainy day...

-----Original Message-----
From: accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in
[mailto:accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in] On Behalf Of mamta
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:21 AM
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] Query for cooking area...

Well Hi dear Bijal,

Cooking involved a lot of tips and tricks.
I my self cook daily as far as cooking is concern mostly 2 times a day in
the morning  that is Tiffin's for office and then at night which is
extensive cooking.

well as far as rice is concern,
you can cook it in the pressure cooker or a electric rice cooker. or in a
normal pot as well.
same with dal mostly first boil in the pressure cooker. then we can cook it
in a pot as well.
as far as vegetable is concern use pots or pans instead.

the method which I use to keep any type of vessel on the gas is that.
first its like this. most of these things will only come out of practice.
however hard I will try  to explain to you it will not be as effective as
you practicing it. well so its time and practice. what you can do that.
at first tell mom at I will make one dish per day. start from something
keep the fear out of your mind that I will get burnt or something will
happen to me.
be confident that I will do it.
keep the ingredient of what ever you want to make ready before hand in
of you I mean near you as your hand can reach to grab it easily to put it
the vessel to cook.
as you will not have much time once the gas is on to go and find it so you
have to know the lay out of your kitchen very perfectly.

then before lighting the gas feel it and touch it just when its empty feel
the distance between you and the gas very perfectly.
practice keeping the empty vessel on the off gas many times may be 10 times
or so.
and then now light the gas and keep the vessel in the same way.
Normally I use my right hand to on the gas I mean to turn the knob of the
gas on and the left hand for pressing the button of the lighter.

once its on I just keep the lighter on its place and keep the vessel on the
gas to get hot with my left hand it self.
mean while with the right hand I grab oil and other ingredients and bring
them in front of me and start to put one by one as its turn comes.
that will happen with you once you can find out from your mom that when to
put what and may be she may have some sequences for you.
at first you can also practice like your mom standing with you and giving
you things one by one to put. you only do the putting and cooking.
that will first make you confident in cooking and then you can practice
other things like material finding later.

I can help to teach you and there are so many things to say about cooking
that I just do not understand that what to write and what not to.
but just remember that you have to be safe first. I mean that while cooking
you will always you will have to have a cotton  cloth I mean a napkin at
hand for catching the vessel if its moving from its place or you have to
move it any where even a little bit.
do not wait for it to fall or tilt completely.
it can hurt you. I mean the hot oil can spill and you can be hurt by that.
if you at all feel any danger at any time the first thing is just close the
gas from the knob and then touch and feel with the help of the napkin that
what is wrong and what to do to rectify it. may be the vessel may need you
to keep it properly if its shifted by mistake even a little bit.
lets see that how much this will help you.
do you even understand what I have to say?

Hope that I am clear.

if anything then do feel free to write back to me.



----- Original Message -----
From: "bijal patel" <bijalpatel...@gmail.com>
To: "accessindia" <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>; "list"
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:53 PM
Subject: [AI] Query for cooking area...

Dear all,
Since long I have been observing there is no thread regarding in the
area of cooking for vi people on such mailing list. It's also the most
powerful and necessary independent skill for us. Well, Nowadays my
mummy is teaching me to cook. I am late blind, so she is confused
somewhere how to treat me in this learning process, but still better
then earlier.
I am unable to adjust vessel properly on gas after burning the gas.
After practising, it's also good then previous, but still everytime  I
have fear of falling vessel while cooking. Is there special tips or
tricks for this?
This is very practical subject, so will any blind female who knows
cooking share contact number with me?
Any guidelines will be highly appreciated in this regard.
Bijal Patel.

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Mukesh jain
Skype: mukeshjain211
Mob: 09977165123

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them
master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. "

Helen Keller

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