---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prashant Ranjan Verma <pr_ve...@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 13:28:54 +0530
Subject: FW: drafting of the new act: I wish there was unity in the
disability community
To: Ajay Minocha <ajayminoc...@gmail.com>

From: Prashant Ranjan Verma [mailto:pr_ve...@hotmail.com]
Sent: 30 September 2012 17:56
To: accessindia@accessindia. org. in (accessindia@accessindia.org.in)
Subject: drafting of the new act: I wish there was unity in the disability

See this forwarded mail in the context of drafting of new act  for persons
with disabilities. Content of attachment copied below.

----- Original Message -----

From: J P Gadkari <mailto:jpgadk...@gmail.com>

To: Javed Abidi <mailto:abid...@gmail.com>  ; Javed Abidi

Cc: Mukul Wasnik <mailto:m_was...@hotmail.com>  ; sudha kaul
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; Jayshree Raveendran <mailto:j.raveend...@abilityfoundation.org>  ; Uma
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Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 6:26 PM

Subject: Open Letter to Mr. Javed Abidi

Dear All,

Please see the attached document.


J P Gadkari

Ex-member, New Disability Law Drafting Committee

Director, Projects and Development


= = =

September 29, 2012


Dear Mr. Javed Abidi,

At the very outset, I must appreciate the sense of timing with which you
make your calculated moves to create as much confusion and discord as
possible among the ranks of persons with disabilities and try to project
yourself as the only Champion of the cause of PwDs in our country.

I also admire you for your tenacity and determination with which you pursue
your one-point agenda of 'One Comprehensive Law to cover ALL rights of ALL
persons with disabilities' when majority of PwDs and their organizations
have distanced themselves who supposedly considered you as a messiah at one
time or the other.

I can understand and sympathize with you for the sense of isolation and
frustration you are suffering from and making desperate efforts to
re-establish your lost position.

But who is responsible for all this? Let us leave this question for a while
and go to your current move of floating an 'alternate' draft on Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Bill 2012 at a time when the Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment has put on its website a draft with a similar title
which is currently being discussed in the entire disability sector.

As I said earlier that you have a perfect sense of timing to fulfill your
ego-centric ulterior motives, you have not only floated this socalled draft
bill with an intention of sowing confusion and discord in the minds of the
ranks of PwDs and their organizations, but you have simultaneously started a
media campaign of misleading them by spreading disinformation and distortion
of facts.

It is not surprising that confirming to your usual style, you have started
targeting organizations representing the interests of persons with
intellectual and developmental disabilities [PwIDDs] and others for speaking
against your  single point agenda of "One Comprehensive Law for covering ALL
rights of ALL people with disabilities" and defending their right to have a
separate law for fulfilling and serving their specific needs by calling them
all kinds of names.

But that's not the point of relevance as those whom you are targeting have
proved time and again that they can successfully defend their rights
unmindful of your attacks.

Let us once again focus on your socalled 'alternate' draft.  I hope you have
not forgotten your press statement made on the eve of the New year (on 31st
Dec. 2010) when the new disability law drafting committee had come out with
a draft of the bill and placed it in the public domain for comments and
suggestions from the civil society.  Without caring to go through its
contents you had trashed it and had remarked that it (draft) should be
relegated to the wastepaper basket.  Ofcourse you had the right to express
your views and opinion.

Should we now exercise our right to express our views, opinion and trash
your socalled 'alternate' draft in a similar way?  I think we should not
adopt the same methods and means to lower ourselves to your level.  The best
way would have been to ignore the 'document' on which you have invited
comments in a hurry with a deadline of 2nd October - the auspicious day when
we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti !

But having said this in our view it is necessary to caution the people whom
you are targeting and save them from being misled and taken for a ride.  We,
therefore, are forced to comment on some of the contents of your 'alternate'


: 2 :

v  First of all there is nothing original in it; there is no in-depth study
or analysis of the issues, problems concerning the PwDs and no feasible,
practical or concrete proposals for ensuring, protecting and safeguarding
their rights.

v  One glaring omission in your draft is that it has scrupulously avoided
the word 'RIGHTS' but frequently used the word 'ACCESS' instead.

v  Many of the formulations are just picked either from the new law drafting
committee's draft or the MSJE draft but cleverly using different
nomenclatures such as 'Total Support' instead of 'High Support' and
'Disability Equality Commission' instead of 'National Commission for Persons
with Disabilities.'

v  We can go on quoting many such examples but those who have read and
studied the Committee's draft or the Ministry's draft can easily notice it.

v  The climax ofcourse comes at the end --- on the last page of the draft in
Chapter 61 (a) Repeal and Savings which lays bare your main intention to
push forward your  single point agenda of ONE COMPREHENSIVE LAW for ALL
persons with ALL disabilities.  This article of the draft demands the repeal
of all other disability related Acts, namely: the PwD Act 1995, the RCI Act
1992, the N.T. Act 1999 and the Mental Health Act 1987.

I do not know whom you are trying to fool as you are surely aware that PwDs
including those with IDDs and their organizations today have acquired enough
maturity and understanding about their rights and entitlements and the
ground realities that exist in the disability sector of our country.

You have brought yourself to a situation of isolation, frustration and
desperation only because you are ignoring these realities, the real problems
and needs of PwDs and the ground realities in our country.  It is not my
intention to advise you but it will be a better day for you if you realize

It pains me to say that you are riding a high horse.  I am certainly aware
that you are today holding important positions in many international forums
and representing the disability sector of India.  I, therefore sincerely
feel that it will be better for you if you understand the ground realities
and the true aspirations of ALL persons with disabilities in our country.

Description: scan0005


Ex-member, New Disability Law Drafting Committee

Director, Projects and Development


Ajay Minocha
Mob : +91-7827188455
E mail : ajayminoc...@gmail.com
Skype : ajayminocha2

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