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Terms Of Use | Truecaller

   1. Functions

Truecaller is a search and connect service that allows you to identify names and numbers to persons, companies and organizations around the world, if available for Truecaller search via external databases. The identity of a caller may also be displayed if the number has been made available to us via Enhanced Search (see below). Where the identity of the holder of a caller number is linked to a publicly available photo, e.g. via Facebook, the name may be presented together with the picture of the caller. Among other additional features, the service allows you to report certain numbers as spam and share that information with others and also to post notifications about your call status on your Twitter [] account. To use the service, some information will have to be collected from your device, in order to verify your acceptance of these Terms of Use and be able to provide you with the described functions.

   2. Fees and Right to Use the Application

Truecaller requires data/internet connectivity from the user device. The data transfer is usually done through your operator, for the exact cost of this transfer please turn to your operator. Truecaller is optimized for small transfers and therefore each transfer is usually sized at 1-2 Kb. The application may for certain users and periods of time be offered free of charge. However, True Software Scandinavia AB reserves the right to change the price for new users of Truecaller at any given time. Users in the following countries using Truecaller Lite for iPhone are limited to make 10 searches per month free of charge, whereas the full version entitles you to make unlimited searches for only 0.99 USD (one-time fee):

Users in other countries and other platforms will until further notice be able to use the application 100% FREE OF CHARGE (except for any data traffic costs from your operator). A user license to Truecaller entitles the holder a non-transferable, non-exclusive and unlimited term right to use the application on the devices connected to a relevant platform user account or the device downloaded to, without any further subscription fee, or any other purchases needed. Any up-grades or new version releases are free of charge.

   3. Our Rights and Undertakings

We will collect the necessary information from your device in order to verify that the user device is registered. We will not use this information to identify you personally, nor will we transfer this information to third parties. However, we reserve the right to use this data for statistics and for user support. Further data may also be collected if you activate the Enhanced Search service as described under Section 5 below. Every intrusion attempt against our service will be reported to the police. If we suspect abuse of the application or otherwise use of the application in a way it is not intended for, or otherwise contrary to these Terms of Use, we may disable your account and suspend you from using the service. Our intention is of course to provide you with the best possible application for the intended purposes and we also offer you adequate support via the website. We do not, however, take responsibility for any damages or other problems that directly or indirectly may be caused by using the application. We do not guarantee that the search results will be correct or otherwise that the application will perform on a certain level or be fit for a certain purpose, neither do we guarantee that there will be a result. Under all circumstances shall our total liability in damages be limited to direct losses in an amount corresponding to the fees paid by the user for the application. We reserve the right to automatically update the application at our own discretion. We may also send messages to users based on their registered credentials via the Truecaller notification system.

   4. User Undertakings

The user agrees not to abuse the application or to connect and use the Truecaller servers from any other applications then those provided by us. The application is not to be used in any illegal activities or in assistance thereof. Information gained from Truecaller may not be used for spamming or for commercial purposes. You may not save/store (or in any other way gather) information for long time use gained from the application or our servers in any way not intended by us. The user may only install this application on his or her own devices. The user further undertakes to respect that title to, and ownership of, the application and all material on the website and the Truecaller database shall be and at all times remain in True Software Scandinavia AB. The user undertakes not to modify or reproduce the application or any material on the web site or any portion thereof, except where expressly permitted in writing by us. Except for your right to use the application in accordance with these Terms of Use or after our written consent, you may not rent, sell, lease, distribute or otherwise transfer or make available the application or any part thereof or use it for the benefit of a third party. You may not reverse assemble, reverse compile or reverse engineer the application, or otherwise attempt to discover the application source code.

   5. Integrity

You guarantee that the device that is using the application is your device. You also agree to let us know your country position, the unique device number, information about the phone numbers you are identifying, your operating system, operator and the version of the application in use. When you submit such info, you also consent to the data being stored and automatically processed by us in accordance with applicable integrity legislation in force from time to time. You will in such case always be entitled to know exactly what information has been registered and have any data changed or removed at your choice. In addition you may provide us with your user information, e.g. contact lists regarding third party services, e.g. to Facebook and LinkedIn, necessary for the application to interoperate with such third party services. In that case you agree that we store and process also that information within the limits outlined above and we undertake not use the information for any other purpose than required in order to obtain functionality in such third party services.

*Enhanced search functionality and database*
To improve the content of the service, we have created a new searchable database where the users generate the content and via the Enhanced Search function are offered access to this database aggregation of names and phone numbers from those users who permit such aggregation. In return these users are allowed to access the names in that database by querying it. Queries against the database are only applicable and allowed through the Truecaller application and by the users who have explicitly approved of the service's functionality or by registered users on the website and by the users who have explicitly approved of the service's functionality. Users on the Android platform downloaded from Google Play will until further notice not be able to contribute to this database, but will nevertheless experience the same level of service as if they had. The queries against the Truecaller Enhanced Search database are processed only if a numeric phone number is attributed to the query and only if no results are published by an associated or partnering database of Truecaller. The response given to the queried number will be the associated name to that number, if any name is available. If a user at any time chooses to disable the Enhanced Search functionality, the contacts made available by that user are immediately disabled and will thereafter not be accessible for queries. If any persons do not wish to have their names and phone numbers made available through the Enhanced Search functionality, they can exclude themselves from the database and any future queries by notifying us via the website. If you enable the Enhanced Search function, you agree that we aggregate, store and process the data made available by you via the Enhanced Search service within the limits outlined above and we undertake not to use such information for any other purpose, than required in order to obtain mentioned functionality.

   6. Changed Terms of Use

We reserve the right to modify the application and these Terms of Use at any time by providing revised Terms to the user or by publishing the revised Terms on the website. In case of material changes, the user shall always be notified thereof and provided the option to immediately terminate the service. The revised Terms shall become effective upon such publishing or provision to the user. You will always find the latest version of these Terms of Use at .

   7. Applicable Law, Jurisdiction and Protected Published Content

Your use of Truecaller and its various functionalities and the ensuing relationship between you and True Software Scandinavia AB are governed by these Terms of Use, which shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of Sweden. All disputes relating to these Terms of Use shall be adjudicated in Sweden, with the District Court of Stockholm as the court of first instance. The Swedish Authority for Radio and Television (Sw: myndigheten för radio och tv) has issued a Publishing Certificate (Sw: utgivningsbevis) for the Truecaller database and the website in accordance with the Database Rule of the Swedish Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (Sw: 1 kap. 9 § andra stycket yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen). The content of the database and website is therefore subject to constitutional protection under the Swedish Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (Sw: 1 kap. 9 § andra stycket yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen). Responsible Publisher is Mr Alan Mamedi.

 * Truecaller

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