Dear all
I sometimes think how a blind person like me will interact with
someone who is deaf and dum? Can blind people do research on deaf and
dum people by interviewing them?
Any suggestion, please.
The word ‘deaf’ in sign language. The charity Signature says that
there is a national shortage of British Sign Language interpreters.
Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian
Monday 13 May 2013
By Sarah Ditum
When I was a kid, I used to play at being deaf by covering my ears.
Obviously, this was not a very satisfactory approximation of the deaf
experience, and I didn't really have an inkling of what it meant to be
deaf until I shared a car with a hearing friend who works as a British
Sign Language interpreter and three other BSL speakers.

Everyone made concessions to my limitations and we talked in a mixture
of English and BSL. But as the conversation got more animated, whole
digressions and throwaway jokes went on, and I could barely have known
what I was missing out on. I was tongueless in that car, and I found
it stressful and alienating. I realised as I'd never realised before
that I'm not entirely sure who I am if I can't be heard (probably an
especially acute complaint for columnists).

Now imagine that you have that same experience of tonguelessness, but
instead of sitting in a car with people you know, you're seriously ill
in a hospital bed – and nobody can explain to you what's happening. As
reported in this newspaper, profoundly deaf Elaine Duncan spent 12
days in Ninewells hospital, Dundee. Despite her repeated requests, she
was at no time provided with an interpreter: her appendix was removed
without anyone discussing her treatment in her first language.

This is nightmarish stuff, and an everyday reality for many deaf
people. The charity Signature says there is a national shortage of BSL
interpreters, with only 800 registered interpreters serving a
population of 25,000 BSL speakers.

Some less sympathetic commenters have suggested that the solution to
this is pencil and paper. But BSL isn't just a hand-wavy rendering of
the English that the commenters know: it's a language in its own
right, with its own history and subtleties. If I had, say, a ruptured
organ and a raging infection, I would not care to negotiate my
treatment in a second language. More sign language interpreters are
essential if deaf people are to have full use of the services and
society that are rightfully theirs.

The Centre for Deaf Studies (CDS) at Bristol University is currently
studying the health of deaf people as part of a national project.
While the full results won't be available until later this year, the
preliminary findings make it clear that restricted access to
healthcare is leaving deaf people to suffer serious sickness and harm.

But the opportunity to train interpreters is being taken away. Since
1978, the CDS has advanced the study of deafhood – that is, the
culture of deaf people, as described in the work of Dr Paddy Ladd,
reader in deaf studies at the CDS. Its undergraduate course has
provided a vocational foundation for those who wish to become BSL
interpreters. In 2010, the university decided to close that course –
because, it claimed at the time, of the "current economic climate".
This academic year will be the last cohort to graduate from the CDS.
The educational base for many of the UK's BSL interpreters has been
closed off.

That cutback in teaching has been accompanied by an inevitable cutback
in staff. Before the closure of the undergraduate programme, the CDS
employed 13 deaf academics; now there are only four. In a statement,
the university said: "We continue to explore other activities with
staff within the centre." But a former employee of the CDS I spoke to
said that the mood within the centre is not positive at all. Most
staff have been given notice that their jobs will end by this summer;
few expect the CDS to exist as a meaningful site of research and
learning beyond this year.

The diminishment of the CDS is a tragedy. Over 35 years, the centre
has helped to shift the perception of deaf people from one of lack and
pathology, to one that affirms their language and culture. Its work
has spread worldwide, as students have taken the knowledge they gained
at the CDS to other countries where they have founded further centres
for deaf studies. With its demise, there's a risk that a whole
linguistic culture is being allowed to disintegrate, and it's an
outrageous loss – in terms of deaf people being denied communication,
and in terms of hearing people shutting ourselves off from the world
of the deaf, as I experienced that day on my car journey.

Avinash Shahi
MPhil Research Scholar
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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